2018年9月30日 星期日
Minecraft: The End and the underwater tunnel
Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a door that you can go to The End, but that is just a name, so if you go there, you won't die. I also finished my underwater tunnel, so I will tell everyone that what fun things happened to me.
I finished the underwater tunnel today, but it is very hard to build, and I took a lot of times. There are a lot of fish, and I don't know where did they come from, because I didn't see any hole of my tunnel, so I think it is very strange.
I made a track in my tunnel, because if I want to go through the tunnel, walking is very slow, so I want to go there quicker, so I don't need to walk by myself.
In the tunnel, there are a lot of water, so I can't walk quickly in the tunnel, so I decided to use the bucket to collect the water, so it will be less water inside, but I can't do it, and I don't know why, but I just can't.
I also created a door that can go to The End, but if you go there, you must defeat a dragon, then you can come out, but in the create mode, you can just build a door, and go back to the world, and you are alive.
There is a bad thing for going to The End, the thing is that if you go to The End and go back, the thing you built will be all gone, so you must create a door in the world that you don't need, then you won't be sad when you can back to world.
I made a The End door on a The End door, but it doesn't change anything, when you go in, you will still be in The End.
The thing that I want to do next is that I want to put a door near where animals live, so when they go in, I will go in and see if they are in The End, or I can just hatch it in the door, and they will just go in, and I will be very excited.
I would want to put animals inside because I tried to put larva inside, but it doesn't have any holes in The End, and there isn't any place that larva comes out, so I don't know what will happen if I put animals in a The End door.
Now in The End, I pour a lot of larva there, and it is hard to clean it, so I decided to leave the larva there, so I don't need to use my bucket to clean the larva, and I can always visit The Larva End, and it would be fun.
I think The End is very fun, and it isn't our world, so you can destroy The End, you also can do anything that you want in The End, so I want to keep discovering The End, and I heard of there is other places that isn't the world.
2018年9月29日 星期六
Minecraft: house, swimming pool, hot spring and volcano
Today I want to tell everyone about that I made somethings these days, and I took a long time, but I still finished it, but I still didn't finish my last building yet, so I guess I will take some more time to finish it.
A two-room house
This is a house that only has two rooms inside, and the first room has a table and four chairs, and the other room is my bedroom, when it is night, I will go to the room and sleep, when it is morning, I will keep building my house.
I think a house is very important on any island, because when it is night, it will be very dark, and you won't be able to see most of the things, so you need a house to sleep, but you can still put a bed outside, but I don't want to.
A swimming pool
This is a swimming pool, and there is a stair, too, so you can climb inside. The wall and the roof of the swimming pool is all glass, when you are swimming, you can see the sky.
I think this swimming pool I created is very cool, because you can see the sky, and there are two roads to swim in this swimming pool, but I don't go there to swim very often, and I just can float, I can't really swim.
A hot spring
This hot spring has a roof, and this hot spring has smoke on it, some animals in my world will come here to rest, and I will come here to rest, too, so when I saw there are some animals, I won't go to the hot spring.
I think the roof is very difficult, because the roof is sharp, so I think the roof is very hard to build, so I took a long time to build the roof, but it was finished, when I finished, I will feel like I did a lot of things.
A big volcano
This volcano is very hard to build, because you need to pour larva inside, because it is a volcano, and you can not control the way the larva go, so I think the volcano I made is very bad.
I think this volcano is very hard to made, especially the shape of the volcano, because when I am building I can't build from the sky, so the volcano I build isn't circle at all, it is just a weird shape.
An underwater tunnel
I haven't finish this under water tunnel yet, because it is very long, and I can't build it very quickly, because it is hard to move in the water, and you can't float high in the water, you will sink.
I think it will take a long time until I finished the underwater tunnel, when I finish building it, I want to build a train track, and I want to go to the other island by a train in a tunnel, and I think that will be very cool.
I think Minecraft is a good game, because in this world, you can build anything you want, and there are a lot of tools that you can use in Minecraft, so I suggest you all to play this game.
2018年9月28日 星期五
亞森羅蘋 + 福爾摩斯(十本)
- 科學實驗王 1 / 酸鹼中和
- 《科學實驗王:1. 酸鹼中和》學習單 / Jin
- 科學實驗王 2 / 牛頓運動定律
- 《科學實驗王:2. 牛頓運動定律》學習單
- 科學實驗王 3 / 光的折射與反射
- 《科學實驗王:3. 光的折射與反射》學習單 / Jin
- 科學實驗王 4 / 光合作用與呼吸作用
- 《科學實驗王:4. 光合作用與呼吸作用》學習單 / Jin
- 科學實驗王 5 / 電流與磁力
- 科學實驗王 6 / 環保與污染
- 科學實驗王 7 / 人體的奧秘
- 科學實驗王 8 / 基因與遺傳
- 《希臘羅馬神話漫畫:1. 諸神大戰》學習單 / Jin
- 《希臘羅馬神話漫畫:2. 諸神之王宙斯》學習單 / Jin
- 《希臘羅馬神話漫畫 3 新神的誕生》學習單 / Jin
- 《希臘羅馬神話 5:普羅米修斯》學習單
- 《希臘羅馬神話漫畫:6. 宙斯的審判》:學習單
- 《希臘羅馬神話漫畫:7. 新人類的時代》學習單
- 《世界是怎麼改變的?地理來解答》:北極地區
- 《超級工程MIT①:穿越雪山隧道》
- 《天地方程式 1:誤闖隱身所》心得:超級好看的啦!
- 《好想去月球》:故事介紹和心得分享
- 《你的獨特,我看見》:心得分享
- 《未來是這樣嗎?不一定喔!》:故事介紹與心得
- 《法布爾老師的昆蟲教室》第一篇:糞金龜
- 《法布爾老師的昆蟲教室》第二篇:蟬
- 《哲學,可以吃嗎?》第一篇:理由與原因
- 《哲學,可以吃嗎?》第二篇:實際的顏色
- 《貓巧可救了小紅帽》心得分享
- 《去投票吧!做出選擇 創造改變》學習單
- 漫畫大英百科 / 北極與南極
- 《漫畫大英百科:人類文化》學習單 / Jin
- 《漫畫大英百科:神話與傳說》學習單 / Jin
- 鄭荷之戰 歷史素養 學習單 / Jin
- 《給中小學生的藝術史:雕塑篇》電子學習單 / Jin
- 《給中小學生的藝術史:建築篇》電子學習單 / Jin
- 《給中小學生的藝術史:繪畫篇》電子學習單 / Jin
- 機器人格鬥賽
《怪盜亞森羅蘋》第五集:813 之謎
今天我要和大家介紹《怪盜亞森羅蘋》第五集:813 之謎,這一集跟《名偵探福爾摩斯》第五集一樣,只有一個故事,所以我也覺得很好看,這一集也是這十本的最後一集了,所以這本寫完就沒了。
813 之謎
我有推薦媽媽幾本書,是我這十本裡面最喜歡的,第一本是《怪盜亞森羅蘋》第五集:813 之謎,第二本是《名偵探福爾摩斯》第四集:跳舞人行案號,最後是《名偵探福爾摩斯》第三集:最後一案,我覺得這三本最好看。
2018年9月27日 星期四
2018年9月26日 星期三
2018年9月25日 星期二
2018年9月24日 星期一
Creating the buildings I want in Minecraft
Today I want to tell everyone about that I played Minecraft today, and I made a lot of things, I think the buildings I made are very good.
Yesterday, I downloaded Minecraft, and I tried to make a building, and I made a rectangle house, so I finished it today, I also made some new facilities, and I like the things I made, so I wanted to share to everyone.
There are two floors in the house, and I made a table in the front of the door, and I also put on a picture, but I don't know what the picture is, and I also made some chairs, and a sink.
In the second floor, there is only a bed, because the second floor is smaller than the first floor, and there are two places that you can watch outside, so that is why the second floor is smaller.
I also made a farm in this island, too, and I put a lot of animals inside, like cow, pig, sheep, wolf, rabbit and chickens, and in the front of the farm, there is a park, and there is a pond and a lot of trees.
In the pond, I put some fish inside, like puffer fish, salmon, and I put an turtle egg near the beach, but I don't know when will it hatch, I wish I can hatch a turtle.
There is a fountain in the front of the garden, and I made that because I bought a book yesterday, and that book is about how to make something special in Minecraft, and there is a chapter about fountain, so I made it, but it is different.
I also made a house that is on the ocean, but it has a support under it, so it can stand, in the house, there are only three beds. When we are lost, and we can sleep there.
In the biggest house, there is a road that can send you to the space, because when I dig in there, I found a lot of stars, so I think it is the space, so if you want to go to the space, you can go in the hole.
I often saw a black person, and it can teleport from here to there, so I can't shoot it, so I just let it keep playing in this island.
I don't have a lot of space in this island, so I will go travel to the other island soon, and I will make more things, and I still will share the thing I made to everyone, and I think I will do a lighthouse, maybe.
I think the things I made today and yesterday are very cool, and when I went to the other island, I think I will make a lighthouse or a volcano, and I will share to everyone, too.
2018年9月23日 星期日
今天我要和大家介紹我今天有做一款遊戲,而你就是噴火龍的訓練家,而敵人是沙奈朵,兩個寶可夢在這個遊戲裡都可以 Mega 進化,Mega 進化指的是讓原本的超進化寶可夢再進化,但是只有一些寶可夢可以。
首先,你可以按 A 鍵來攻擊,我之所以會設定成要按 A 鍵是因為攻擊的英文是 Attack,所以我就取第一個英文單字來當作按鈕。
噴火龍攻擊完就換沙奈朵攻擊了,而沙奈朵選擇的是要 Mega 進化,但是因為 Mega 進化用完還可以使出招式,所以沙奈朵就用了影子球,影子球相當的強,所以噴火龍的命有損傷一點點。
接著因為沙奈朵已經攻擊完了,所以換你發動攻擊,現在因為沙奈朵是 Mega 沙奈朵,而你如果以原本的型態去打的話,你一定輸,所以現在我們就建議你按 M 鍵,讓你的噴火龍 Mega 進化。
我之所以會想要命名為 M 鍵的原因是因為 Mega 進化的 Mega 的第一個字是 M,所以我就設定成 M 鍵。
Mega 進化時,你可以選擇要進化成 Mega 進化 Y 的噴火龍或者是 Mega 進化 X 的噴火龍,選擇這兩個的差別在於他們的火焰顏色不一樣,Mega 進化 X 的噴火龍的火焰顏色是藍色, Mega 進化 Y 的噴火龍的火焰顏色是紅色。
我一開始要做這個遊戲的靈感來自於弟弟先做的耿鬼對上妙蛙花,所以我就想到了可以做 Mega 進化的對決,然而我一樣是一直上網找圖片,然後一直看看符不符合大小,如果太大或太小就要一直換圖片。
2018年9月21日 星期五
2018年9月20日 星期四
從前有一個傳說,在 1600 年代中期,有一位屋主喜歡一個農場的女孩,於是他就把他抓到自己的家,但是女孩逃了出來,所以他就去追小女孩,但是那個人後來就被一隻魔犬咬死了,魔犬到底是不是真的呢?
2018年9月19日 星期三
Curriculum Vitae (Yun-Jing Tsai)
Yun-Jing Tsai (Jin)
Jul 9, 2008 / Email /
Blog /
Facebook Page (Jin's Daily) /
Scratch /
Team Leader (11 members), Tai-Botics, First Lego League Challenge
Driver, Builder and Programmer, 6699B Unicorn Puncher, VEX IQ Challenge
Current position
Driver, Builder and Programmer, 6699B Unicorn Puncher, VEX IQ Challenge
Team Leader (5 members), Builder and Programmer, 66994W Advanced Placement, VEX V5 challenge
9th-grade student / homeschooling since 6th grade
9th-grade student / homeschooling since 6th grade
- Homeschooling Review 2018-2019
- Homeschooling Review 2019-2020 (Review 1 / Review 2 / Video)
- Homeschooling Review 2020-2021
- Homeschooling Review 2021-2022
- Homeschooling Review 2022-2023
Favorite subjects
Robotics / Computer / Drawing / English / Japanese / Math / Blogging / Socializing
Favorite Animes
Himouto! Umaru-Chan
/ Ajin / Pokemon / Demon Slayer / Inuyasha / Akame ga Kill! / Food War / Attack on Titans / One Punch Man
2021.5 World Champion! VEX IQ 2020-2021 Rise Above World Championship LRS Elementary Division: Design Award
2022.4 Robot Design Award, First Lego League World Championship.
2022.4 Robot Performance Second Place, First Lego League World Championship.
2022.4 Robot Encore Performance First Place, First Lego League World Championship.
2022.5 Division Teamwork Champion, VEX IQ 2021-2022 Pitching In World Championship, Middle School Group.
2022.5 Think Award, VEX IQ 2021-2022 Pitching In World Championship, Middle School Group.
2023.2 Qualified for VEX Worlds, VEX IQ 2022-2023 Slapshot World Championship, Middle School Group.
English certificate and awards
2014.1 / 2014.6 / 2015.1 Excellence, Spelling bee contest, Natural Learning
2017.5 Flyers, Cambridge English Language Assessment.
First place, 2017 spelling bee contest, American Eagle Institute.
2018.12 Second place, 2018 spelling bee contest, American Eagle Institute.
GEPT Elementary all 4 subjects passed
(CEFR A2 & A2+)
2019.12 First place, 2019 spelling bee contest, American Eagle Institute.
2019.12 First place, 2019 spelling bee contest, American Eagle Institute.
Japanese certificate and awards
2023.5 Overall 2nd Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.6 Overall 2nd Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.6 Overall 3rd Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.6 Overall 11th Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.7 Overall 5th Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
2023.7 SSP NV Division 1st Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
2023.7 Lady Division 1st Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
2023.8 Overall 12th Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.9 Overall 3rd Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.9 Overall 2nd Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.10 Overall 10th Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
2023.10 SSP MM Division 1st Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
2023.10 SSP Overall 2nd Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
2023.10 Lady Division 1st Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
Art Achievements
2020.10 Honorable Mention, Middle School, National Changhua Living Art Center Sketching Competition.(2020 國立彰化生活美學館寫生比賽佳作)
2021.1 High Distinction Award, Middle School, The 51st World Children's Art Exhibition.(2020 日本第五十一回世界兒童畫展)
2024.3-2025.3 "The Path of Improvement", Individual Art Exhibition.
Nation- and City-wide awards
Certificate of Merit, Superb Mathematics Challenge.(卓越盃五年級組全國優等)
First prize in Chemistry, 2018 Taichung city elementary school science fair.(台中市科展 國小組
化學 第一名)
2019.4 Second prize in Chemistry, 2019 Taichung city elementary school science fair.(台中市科展 國小組 化學 第二名)
2019.4 Second prize in Chemistry, 2019 Taichung city elementary school science fair.(台中市科展 國小組 化學 第二名)
Mayor's Award of Taichung City.(台中市國小畢業生 最高榮譽 市長獎)
2019.11 Certificate of Merit, Superb Mathematics Challenge.(卓越盃七年級組全國優等)
2019.11 Certificate of Merit, Superb Mathematics Challenge.(卓越盃七年級組全國優等)
Excellence Award, Grade 7 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2020.8 First Prize, Elementary School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad
2020.(WRO2020 國際奧林匹亞 智能機器人 聯盟賽 臺灣中南區 國小組 冠軍 /
Second Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Preliminaries, Group B.
Excellence Award, 2020 TAI-VEX IQ Rise Above, Elementary Group.
Design Award / Teamwork 2nd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Elementary.
2021.3 Excellence Award, Robot Skills Second Place, West Virginia Robotics Alliance VIQC Qualifier.
2021.4 Robot Design Award, First Lego League Challenge Taiwan Championship.(FLL 2021 RePLAY 機器人設計獎)
2021.4 5th Place, The 51st World Skill Junior Robotics Challenge, Central Taiwan.(第 51 屆全國技能競賽青少年機器人組中區賽)
2021.8 First Prize, Middle School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad 2020.(WRO2021 國際奧林匹亞 智能機器人 聯盟賽 臺灣中南區 國中組 冠軍)
2022.2 Excellence Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship (LRT), Middle School Group
2022.2 Teamwork Champion, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship (LRT), Middle School Group
2022.3 Robot Skills Champion, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Skills Only Competition, Midddle School Group
2022.3 Core Value Award, First Lego League Challenge Taiwan Championship.(FLL 2021 Cargo Connect 核心價值獎)
2022.8 3rd Place, World Robot Olympiad, Central and Southern Taiwan, Middle School Group.
2022.8 8th Place, World Robot Olympiad National Competition, Middle School Group.
2022.12 Teamwork Challenge 5th Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Preliminaries.
2023.1 Create Award, TAI-VEX IQ Slapshot.
2023.2 Think Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Middle School Group.
2023.2 Skills Challenges Second Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Middle School Group.
2023.5 8th Place, World Robot Olympiad, National Online Competition, Middle School Group.
2023.11 Tournament Champion, Judges Award, TAI-VEX HS League.
2023.12 Think Award, PAS Signature Event.
2024.1 Tournament Champion, Think Award, VRC Taiwan Open Championship, High school Group.
Special prizes
2018.2 Best presentation design special award, Great Scientific Presentations and e-Posters Workshop, InnovaRad.
2018.5 Best figure award, KIDS2018 symposium, InnovaRad.
2021.2 Future Diplomat Award, 2021 Junior Diplomat Winter Camp Tainan Downtown Junior High Batch.
2022.8 Future Diplomat Award, 2022 Junior Diplomat Summer Camp Hsinchu Windy City High School Level.
Awards in School
2014.1 Academic excellence award, 1st semester, 1st grade.
2014.3 Best works of winter vacation.
2014.6 Academic excellence award, 1st semester, 1st grade.
2014.9 Best works of summer vacation.
2015.1 Academic excellence award, 1st semester, 2nd grade.
2015.3 Best works of winter vacation. Environment friendly special prize.
2015.6 Academic excellence award, 2nd semester, 2nd grade.
2015.9 Best works of summer vacation. Creativity special prize.
2016.1 Academic excellence award, 1st semester, 3rd grade.
2016.6 Academic excellence award, 2nd semester, 3rd grade.
2016.10 Best works of summer vacation.
2016.12 Excellence, 4th grade English Poetry Recitation Contest.
2017.1 Academic excellence award, 1st semester, 4th grade.
2017.2 Best works of winter vacation.
Best Taichung Student Award, Taichung city government.
2017.6 Academic excellence award, 2nd semester, 4th grade.
2017.9 Best works of summer vacation.
Excellence, Pronunciation and Wording, National Language Contest.
2018.1 Academic excellence award, 1st semester, 5th grade.
2018.3 Best works of winter vacation.
Best Taichung Student Award, Taichung city government.
2018.6 Academic excellence award, 2nd semester, 5th grade.
2019.6 Best Leadership Award, Yung An Elementary School.
2022.6 Language Award, Focus Junior High School.
2022.6 Outstanding Performance Award, Focus Junior High School.
Volunteer / Community Service
2018.11 Receptionist, 6 hours, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.
2019.10 Receptionist, 3 hours, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.
2020.1 Receptionist, 16 hours, Chang-Bing Show Chwan Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan.
2020.9 Receptionist, 6 hours, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.
2021.9 Receptionist, 3 hours, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.
2022.5 Field Resetter, 8 hours, 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship, Dallas, United States.
2022.5 Skill Challenge Score Keeper, 8 hours, 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship, Dallas, United States.
2022.6 Experience Sharing and Speaker, 8 hours, VEX Taiwan, CACET.
2022.10 Field Resetter, 8 hours, 2022 VTO Practice Competition, CACET.
2022.11 Field Resetter, 16 hours, 2022-2023 VEX IQ Taiwan Open Interscholastic Cup, CACET.
2024.1 Field Resetter, 16 hours, 2023-2024 VRC VTO Middle School National Competition, CACET.
2024.2 Scorekeeper referee, 16 hours, 2023-2024 VIQC Taiwan Open Elementary Group, CACET.
2024.9 Scorekeeper referee, 6 hours, 2024-2025 TAIVEX High Stakes Scrimmage.
2024.10 Scorekeeper referee, 14 hours, 2024-2025 TAIVEX High Stakes League.
2024.12 Head Referee Certification Course, 4 hours, 2024-2025 Rapid Relay.
2024.12 Head Referee, 12 hours, 2024-2025 TAIVEX IQ Rapid Relay.
2018年9月18日 星期二
2018年9月17日 星期一
2018年9月16日 星期日
2018年9月15日 星期六
I played a lot today
Today I want to tell everyone that I played a lot today, but I still read a book, and I made something with Lego, too, so I didn't play all day.
Uncharted 4
This game is about that you need to escape from a place, or find something, or even climb something, and I think this game is very fun, and I am at the level 4 now, and sometimes the level is very hard.
I saw Dad played this game before, and I kind of remember a little bit, so I still know how to control the panel.
I think this game is the best game that I played today, because it is very cool, and the game made me feel excited, and afraid.
This game is in Japanese, and it is the history from China, but I don't know if the history is true, the hero that I like the most is called Zao Zao(曹操), because he won at last, and in the game the hero can use ice.
I think this game is not better than Uncharted 4, because it is not very excited, and it didn't make me feel scared, so that is why I think Uncharted 4 is better than this Dynasty Warriors.
This machine can let Jigglypuff run on it, but Jigglypuff needs to run on the wheels, because there is nothing that is better than a wheel to run on in Lego, so I built this thing.
I wanted to make a car before, but I don't have any wheel left, so I decided to make a running machine, and it is for Jigglypuff.
I think this machine is very good, because it can let Jigglypuff be thinner, but the fatter Jigglypuff is cuter, so I didn't let Jigglypuff run the machine very often.
This charm is for Jigglypuff, because I found a special thing, and I wanted to make a car before, but I think making a charm is better.
I think this charm is very good, because it fits Jigglypuff's ear, so I like this product very much.
2018年9月14日 星期五
My Lego product
Today I want to tell everyone about my Lego product, and I make them with my imagination, and I hope you like them all.
My Kite
I made it because I found some pieces that can be a wing, so I connected them, and I thought that I can make it into a kite, so I collected some pieces that can move, so I created a kite.
I think that when you wanted to build something, you can imagine it in your mind, and try to make it, if you think this isn't good enough, you can keep changing the items that you used, so it will be better.
My Coin Machine
If you want to fly the kite one time, you need to put 5 dollars in the machine, and you can fly the kite, but one time is 20 minutes, so if you want to play more, you can keep paying 5 dollars.
I think this coin machine is very good, because I need to think very hard about how to make it stand, but I think it is too hard, so I made a coin machine that can't let the coin stand.
This wheel is very good, but it is only a wheel, and I didn't add anything, so if you throw it in a perfect way, it will always stands, and even if it hits something, it will just turn and keep rolling.
I think a wheel can be very good at rolling by itself, so I don't need to worry about it, because I know how to throw it in a perfect way, and I think throwing the wheel and watching it roll is fun.
I made a Jigglypuff's microphone, and it is very tight, because I pushed it together very tight, and when I pull it, it will be apart, and became a pen.
I think this product is very good, because I made a thing that Jigglypuff has in the cartoon, and it is unbreakable, so it is very good.
I think remember how to do the product is important, because if you break it or someone breaks it, you need to fix it, but if you don't know how to fix it, you can just break it to little pieces, and the product is gone.
I think the things that I made are all very good, I wish I can make something new, and I wish you like the things that I made, and if you do, I will be very happy, and I think I will make something special.
I think this product is very good, because I made a thing that Jigglypuff has in the cartoon, and it is unbreakable, so it is very good.
I think remember how to do the product is important, because if you break it or someone breaks it, you need to fix it, but if you don't know how to fix it, you can just break it to little pieces, and the product is gone.
I think the things that I made are all very good, I wish I can make something new, and I wish you like the things that I made, and if you do, I will be very happy, and I think I will make something special.
2018年9月12日 星期三
Himouto Umaru Chan Episode 2
Today I want to tell everyone about Himouto Umaru Chan Episode 2, and I just watched it today, and I am going to tell you the story, and how do I feel.
Umaru likes to play games and read the comic books, so when she saw a new game, she would like to ask her brother to buy it for her, but her brother just bought one game for her recently, so her brother refused it.
Then when they went to the shop, Umaru thought she can convince her brother to buy for her, so she went to the shop with her brother, but they met their neighbors, so they ate lunch with her, and Umaru couldn't buy the games.
Umaru was very angry, and she said she wanted to put ketchup on her brother's omelet, and she used ketchup to write "I wanna games", but her brother ignored her, but at last, she still got the games.
I think Umaru is a lazy and cute person, but she will think about something to deal with her brother, and almost won every time, so she still uses her brain, so I think it is good, it is not so bad.
When her neighbor came, Umaru will clean the house, so her brother would be very happy, and he would buy some snacks for her, but one day her brother realized that she just put everything in a case, so he got angry.
I think Umaru is very naughty, because when her neighbor came, she cleaned the house, but she just put everything in a place, and it was still messy in that place, and that was not cleaning.
Umaru and her brother went to a shop where you can win a doll by playing rock-paper-scissor, because Umaru wanted a doll, and it was a cat, so she brought her brother, because she knew that her brother had a bigger chance to win, and her brother gave the doll to their neighbor.
I think Umaru is smart, because she knew that her brother has a bigger chance to win, but I think her brother is smart, too, because he knew that rock and paper has a higher chance to win.
I think this episode is good, because this is a story about Umaru and her neighbor, and the story about Umaru in the shop and her plans, and I think she is very smart and cute, so I think this episode is good.
Himouto Umaru Chan Episode 2
2018年9月11日 星期二
Jigglypuff comic 1
Today I want to tell everyone about that I drew a Jigglypuff comic, and I think it is good, so I want all of my readers to know.
I drew a comic about Jigglypuff falling in a trap, and it was a hole, but Jigglypuff easily went out, and let me tell you the details, and you will see who did this trap, and let Jigglypuff fell.
First, it was a sunny day, and jigglypuff was playing its yellow ball, but the ball just fell of from Jigglypuff's hand, and Jigglypuff chased the ball, but the ball was rolling down the mountain, so it was hard to chase.
Second, it is still sunny, but there was a trap, and the ball didn't fall, because it was light, and Jigglypuff was still chasing the ball.
Third, it is still sunny, but Jigglypuff just fell into the trap, and the ball was floating on the river, and Jigglypuff was hurt, so Jigglypuff cried, and here came a bird and a stone named Small Stone.
Fourth, Jigglypuff realized that it was floating, that is because it kept crying, and its tears just filled the hole, so it was floating, and the bird was surprised, and Small Stone was gone.
Fifth, Jigglypuff just came out and went into the river, and the bird was very happy, and Small Stone was gone, too.
Sixth, Jigglypuff got the ball, but the others were all gone, and Jigglypuff was very happy, and I am glad that it got the ball, but who do you think the bad guy is, and I won't tell you the answer.
I wish I can make new stories soon, and I think my folder will be full of drawings, but of course I need to study, too, and I need to focus on my math exam, so I could get a high score, and I will be happy.
I think drawing these things is fun, because you can create your story, and drawing isn't hard, I am just drawing the best I can, and I think I can still improve, but I need a lot of practice.
2018年9月10日 星期一
第二個我覺得設計很好的就是 AR 和 VR,因為這兩個遊戲是在一個地方,我們玩了很多種,我最喜歡的是開車,還有用泡泡抓魚,這兩個都不用手的,但是另外一個是要用手發射火球,所以我的手最後都很痠。
2018年9月8日 星期六
2018年9月7日 星期五
台北 101 的影片
我們今天一早起床就去台北 101,所以有做出一隻影片,而今天就是要和大家分享我到底為什麼會想做這隻影片,和其他故事。
做完影片後,我就很開心的上傳 YouTube 和 Facebook,這樣就個更能增加知名度,我覺得做影片非常的累,希望做久就能習慣這種感覺。
2018年9月6日 星期四
2018年9月5日 星期三
Himouto! Umaru Chan! Episode 1
Today I want to tell everyone about that I watched Himouto! Umaru Chan! Episode 1 today, and I will tell you about what I think, and I hope you like it, then I am going to start!
First, I think there are lots of contrast in this Episode, and the first one is that when she is outside, she will be pretty, but when she is at home, she is very lazy, and very cute, and that is the first contrast.
The second contrast is she and her brother, her brother is a well-behaved man, and he won't be shiny outside, but Umaru is a lazy person, and when she is outside, she is very shiny.
The third contrast is when she is at home and when she is at school, when she is at school, she got all the subject 100, but when she is at home, she is lazy, and she will play video games.
I knew why she will perform well in sports, because when she came home, she will swim and roll to the computer, and she reads some comics to know how to play sports, so I think she is very strong.
She usually eats a lot of junk food, and she will spend an hour to buy the junk food, and she will eat potato chips with chocolate, and squid with cheese, and some cola, I think she is strong at picking food, too.
When she finished eating junk food, she will fall asleep, because she is very happy, and her brother will wake her up to eat dinner, but she is full, so her brother needs to eat the dinner by himself.
She will make his brother angry a lot of times, because out in public, she will act angry, and she will pick a lot of junk food in the basket, and her brother will be very angry, and I think her brother wants to punch her.
She sometimes will think very far, like she will think that her video could get the most views, and she can get 1,000,000 yen, so she will focus on the thing, so she can win, and she really won the 1,000,000 yen.
I think the Episode is very good to watch, because there are a lot of funny things, and I really think Umaru is cute, and I think when I finish watching the video, I will watch something new.