2019年8月30日 星期五


Today I want to tell everyone about I made a Scratch project about a Gotcha machine, and I think it is good.

Gotcha! @ Scratch

You can collect 6 kinds of characters, but you won't always get different ones, sometimes you will get the same one.

I made this gotcha machine for a day, and drawing the characters took me a lot of times, I wish you enjoy the gotcha machine.

Please collect all of the characters, because they are all really cute, and cute, and it took a lot of my time to draw them.

I think this gotcha machine is very good because I think it will make people relax, so I took my time to make it.

2019年8月29日 星期四

The shooting machine

Today I want to tell everyone about I made a shooting machine, and it can shoot a lot of bullets if you put a lot, and if you press the button on the machine, it will shoot one bullet out.

If there is someone in front of the machine, and someone pressed the button, the person will get shot.

The first one I made is bad because it can't shoot a lot of bullets, but after the improvement, I made a machine that can shoot out a lot of bullets.

I am happy that I can make a good machine, because I started making with no ideas, and I made one at last.

I think making machines are hard, but if you do your best, you can make something even better and even something you didn't think of making first.

2019年8月28日 星期三

Airplane Launcher 2

Today I want to tell everyone that I dismantled the last airplane launcher because I wanted to make a new one, and I wanted to improve my skills.

When I am making the new one, I knew that I have to make with the big wheels because I made with the small wheels at first the last time, and the machine failed.

I finished the machine very fast because I made three times failed last time, so I knew where can I improve.

When I finished the machine, I am very happy, because I finally knew how to make some machines like this.

I think making machines aren't hard, you just have to practice all the things the teacher taught you, and you will become perfect.

2019年8月27日 星期二

The Turtle Translate Machine

Today I want to tell everyone that I made a turtle translate machine, and the turtle will bounce from edge to edge.

You can select a language to translate to, but there are only four choices, French, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish.

I think this translator is a good project that I made because I think this project can help a lot of people.

If you don't want to open google translate, you just want to open Scratch, and you wanted to translate a word, you can use mine.

I think making and writing codes are fun, and everyone is welcomed to translate some words, wish you like it.

2019年8月26日 星期一

The Battle! ( Jin's project )

Today I want to tell everyone about I made a project yesterday, called The Battle, it is not very famous but you can search it on Scratch.

I made it for a long time, and I used over 300 blocks, but the story is very short, I think it is because I used a lot of blocks making the background music.

I wish the next time I can make a better one, but I don't think I am going to make the same one again.

If I have time, I want to make a Slot Machine on scratch, and I think I can make it, and I can make it fun.

I think making scratch is a very good thing because I can practice using codes to write different games.

2019年8月25日 星期日

Airplane Launcher

Today I want to tell everyone that I made an airplane launcher, and it can shoot out paper airplanes.

The machine I made can be in the height you want, so you can control the direction that the paper airplane goes.

I made the launcher for a long time because one of my airplane launchers failed before, so I made a new one.

I tried to fit in the small tires, but the small tires don't have enough speed to push the airplane, so I made a new one.

I think making robots is hard because if you failed to make this one, you will have to make another one.

2019年8月22日 星期四

【學習單】《程式特攻隊》5. 參數懸浮龜 6. 模組化英雄


1. (入門)閱讀完程式特攻隊 5 6 之後,請在 Scratch 上,寫出一個程式,能夠自動畫出次元入口的圖形,也就是邊長一樣的三角形到二十邊形。做好之後,讓每一個圖形都用不同顏色畫出,讓你的次元入口變成彩色版的。在下頭,放上你的程式連結,以及錄影介紹。

2. (稍難)電腦是以二進位(binary)為基礎的,你們之前已經學過,如何將十進位(decimal)的數字,改成二進位,如:9 就是 1001。你有辦法寫一個程式,輸入十進位數字,而能轉換成二進位嗎?先試著想一想,然後上 Scratch 搜尋 Binary/Decimal Converter (by cakemaster),看懂他「十進位轉二進位」部分的程式,然後自己寫一個。因為你們都已經有基礎了,這次寫程式,不只要有功能,介面跟說明都要很清楚,讓新來的人一看就知道怎麼用喔。在下頭,放上你的程式連結,以及錄影介紹。

3. (進階)想想看,你要怎麼寫出一個「二進位轉十進位」的程式。提示,一樣是 Binary/Decimal Converter (by cakemaster) 這個程式,請試著閱讀其「二進位轉十進位」的程式部分,其中只有一行你們目前應該比較不容易懂,就是 log of 2 的那邊,那行的意思,簡單說就是利用那樣的寫法,讓 result 的數值,加上 2 j 次方。一樣的,試著寫一個一樣的程式吧。加上你自己的介面跟說明。在下頭,放上你的程式連結,以及錄影介紹。

4. (容易)接著,你有了「二進位轉十進位」與「十進位轉二進位」兩個「子程式了」,綜合起來,就變成跟 Binary/Decimal Converter (by cakemaster) 一樣,按 b 呼叫「二進位轉十進位」,按 d 則呼叫「十進位轉二進位」囉!



2019年8月20日 星期二

The first allergy I ever got

Today I want to tell everyone about I have an allergy yesterday, and getting allergies isn't good because you will feel uncomfortable.

After I ate my dinner, my neck became red, and there are shapes of a mosquito bite, first, I thought that is really a mosquito bite, but there are more and more, so I told Mom and Dad, and Dad said I had an allergy.

I was very nervous, because this is the first time I ever had an allergy, and I don't know what will happen next, so I went to Dad's bedroom and rest.

I felt itchy when I am resting, and I found out that there are a lot of things like mosquito bites on my skin.

Then Dad said getting the thing like mosquito bites are better then not getting it because if you didn't get the thing, it is more dangerous.

When my dad said the allergy will be over in about an hour, I felt really happy, because I thought this allergy will never end.

I felt sleepy, so I decided to sleep, but my body is itchy, so I can't really fall asleep, and I decided to watch videos.

When you don't have an allergy, you will think resting is good, but if you really got an allergy, you want to sleep, even you won't want to do the thing you like to do the most.

After an hour, I am very happy, because the allergy is almost gone, and I learned a lot from Dad yesterday about the allergy.

I think getting allergy is very bad because you will feel uncomfortable, but having an experience like this isn't bad, because the next time you got an allergy, you will know what to do.

I think the reason I get an allergy is because of the thing I ate for dinner, but maybe the reason is something else, so I will try to avoid eating the thing I ate yesterday and eat something more healthy.

I think I will try to avoid the same allergen again, and I will try to eat something healthy to avoid getting allergy again.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Today I want to tell everyone that I read a book called 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone', and I think it is very good.

The author is J.K. Rowling, and she wrote 7 books of Harry Potter, and I read two of them already.

The first book is about a person called Harry Potter who survived from a bad guy called Voldemort, and Voldemort tried to kill Harry Potter.

After the attack, Voldemort disappeared, some said he is hiding, but some said he is dead, and the story starts.

Harry Potter's parents were killed by Voldemort's dark spell, so he lived at his mother's sister's house.

In the story, there are two kinds of people, one is the people who knew how to use magic, and one is the people who are normal like us called Muggles.

Harry Potter lives with three people, Vernon Dursley, Petunia Dursley, and their son, Dudley Dursley.

One day, Harry got a letter, but Uncle Vernon ripped it. When it is Harry's Eleventh Birthday at midnight, someone broke into their house, and he was Hogwarts's gamekeeper, Hagrid.

Hogwarts is a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and you can study there for seven years, and you can learn a lot of things.

The new Hogwarts students have to get on platform 9 3/4, which is between platforms 9 and 10 at the King Cross station.

The first-year students will be sorted into four houses, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw.

Harry Potter is in Gryffindor, and he met his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, they work and do things together.

They found a dog called Fluffy guarding something, and they think the Dark Arts teacher, Snape is trying to steal the thing.

Quidditch is a magic game, you have to fly with a broom and score points, there are seven players on each team, three scorings, two blocking the attacking balls, one catching a 150 points ball, and one blocking the other team scoring.

On the Quidditch game, Harry first played, he is losing control of his broom, and Hermione saw Snape doing eye contact, and he is speaking some spell, so she set fire on Snape's cloth, and Harry gets on his broom again.

They found out the dog is guarding something called the Philosopher's Stone, they thought Snape wants to kill Harry, and he wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone, so they tried to stop him.

They sneak to the door, and they opened, there is a dog, but it is asleep, because there is an instrument playing, so they went in the trapdoor under the dog.

There are the traps different teacher made, and they finished them all, but only Harry went in the last door because Hermione went back and get Ron out of the door, so they can call the teachers.

Harry saw a mirror and a person, but it wasn't Snape, it was the Defence Against Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell.

Harry figured out that Snape was protecting him, and Professor Quirrell is the person who is really making eye contact, and Snape was helping Harry.

Harry had a fight with Professor Quirrell, and Harry saw Voldemort behind Quirrell's head, then Harry defeated Quirrell, but he fainted, too.

Then the stone was destroyed, and the story ends, I think the story is excellent, if you want to read the books, too, you can buy it.

2019年8月18日 星期日

Robot Walking on the White Line

Today I want to tell everyone that my brother, my dad and I made a robot that can walk on the white line.

Actually, we wrote code for it to walk on the line, so it can't detect the line itself, we wrote the code and tell it to walk.

The first robot we made isn't this one, because the first robot we made can't walk smoothly, so we designed the second robot.

The second robot is the robot in the video, and it can walk smoother than the first one, so when we finished the code, it walked smoothly.

We failed a lot of time, but we changed some code every time, we get better, but some times the robot will go wrong, too.

I think we can use a computer to code next time because a computer got a lot of different codes inside, so you can make the robot do more things with your computer.

2019年8月13日 星期二

Minecraft / Death Run is Hard

Today I want to tell everyone that I played a game called Death Run in a server called The Hive, and I think Death Run is the only good game in The Hive.

Today I decided to go to The Hive, because I didn't go in for a long time, and I decided to play Death Run.

I always wanted to be the Death, because we can activate traps to make the runners run again, but I am the runner.

When I played Death Run today, I suddenly realized everything needs practice, and I didn't practice parkouring, and that is why I always lose.

Then I thought to learn Japanese, Math, Robots, Drawing, and English and also reading books, are all better than learning parkour, so I think I will quit Minecraft someday.

2019年8月12日 星期一

Minecraft / My Enemy is too Strong

Today I want to tell everyone about I played Speed Builders again, but I can't get the first place, and I think a lot of people know how to place the monsters in the correct spot, so they can get a high score.

I wanted to know how to put the animals or the monsters facing where I want them to face, so if anyone knows that, please comment below.

I can't always remember the thing I am going to build, so sometimes, I won't have a good score.

I don't know why someone can build so fast, and I can't get the first place, I wish I can know how to place the animals in the correct position.

I think if I knew some Minecraft things, I could be the first place of the Speed Builders because winning is happy.

2019年8月10日 星期六

Minecraft Education Edition / Playing Survival Mode With a Computer

Today I want to tell everyone that I played Minecraft Education Edition, and I played with a computer, and this is the first time I played with a computer.

I think playing a survival game with a computer is better than an iPad, but playing a server with the iPad is better.

I think some control is hard, but you just have to learn, when you press 'C', you can write some code, and control things.

I want to practice to write code with the computer, and I want to try and make some cool things.

I think using a computer to play Minecraft is a very good idea because you can feel that you are really pressing a button.

2019年8月9日 星期五

Minecraft / Mineplex is the Best

Today I want to tell everyone that I played a server called Mineplex, and there are a lot of games to play.

The games I liked the most is Speed Builders and Master Builders, I also like Dragon, too, and also survival games.

I think the games in Mineplex aren't all very good, but if you don't like this one, you still got other choices.

There is also a server called The Hive, but you don't have a lot of choices, the best game in The Hive is the survival game.

I think Mineplex is always the best server because you can play some easy and good games there, such as Speed Builder.

EV3 / The Pick Up Competition

Today I want to tell everyone that I made an EV3 robot with Lego, and we had to pick up tires at the competition.

When we finished the original one, we started the missions, and we have to make some different things for different missions.

This time we made a picking up machine, and you have to control it and press the right button to pick up things.

The challenge for the competition is to change tires from a color to another color, for example, the tire on the blue circle has to be carried to the yellow color circle, of course, the tire on the yellow circle has to be moved to the blue.

I think this challenge is not easy, because you have to put the tire on a certain color, and sometimes the robot will touch the tire, and you have to move it back.

I think today is a very good day because I made a robot today, and it can really move, so it is a big success.

2019年8月7日 星期三

Minecraft / Speed Builders & Finding Trophies

Today I want to tell everyone that I filmed a video about playing Speed Builders in Minecraft, and there is also a finding trophy activity.

When we were playing speed builders, I think I can win easily, but sometimes there are some very hard ones, and I will lose.

There is a finding trophy activity, and you need to find 30 trophies, so you can get a present, so I am finding the trophies.

I think the Speed Builders game is a game that can train your brain from remembering things, and I think the finding trophy activity is a game that can train your finding skills and solving skills.

The mango shaved ice painting

Today I want to tell everyone about I drew a picture of a mango shaved ice, and I think the shaved ice I drew is delicious.

First, I wanted to draw curry rice with broccoli, but when I first drew an oval, I kind of drew a rectangle, so I kind of give up.

Then I thought I should finish it because even it is a rectangle I can still draw curry rice, so I thought of adding different things.

There are some things in the bowl, bacon, fried egg, broccoli, rice, and tofu, suddenly, I thought that I could draw mango shaved ice.

Then I finished the painting, and I started to paint the mango shaved ice, I learned that drawing the shaved ice with pencil lines is better, because when you are using watercolor, you can draw it easier.

I drew the shaved ice, and the mango ice cream on top, and also a spoon, then I started to paint the bowl.

After the bowl is the mango shaved ice, when the watercolor on the shaved ice was dry, I drew some toppings like blueberries.

When I finished the coloring of the mango shaved ice, I started to paint the table and the background, I drew a window, behind the shaved ice.

I drew a river, trees, and grasses for the view from the window, the reason I wanted to draw the window is that if I don't draw the window, I can' think of anything else to draw there.

I think drawing is cool, but you need to think of a good topic, and you have to draw the thing with a pencil first, so it will be easier to draw the rest.

2019年8月5日 星期一

Using ways to learn Japanese

Today I want to tell everyone that I went to the Japanese class, and I also learned how to sing the song, 静寂のアポストル, it is hard.

We woke up and ate breakfast, then we sent my brother to a Minecraft Class, and I and my Dad went to the Japanese Class.

I learned Katakana today in the class, I wrote Katakana before, so I can understand the class quickly.

The words were easy because the Katakana words are similar to English, so if I saw Katakana words, I think I can know what it is.

I am happy today because we will learn some sentences tomorrow, and those sentences are the sentences I don't know.

When we went home, I started to print out the lyrics of the song from the anime, One Punch Man, 静寂のアポストル and tried to sing.

I realized the song isn't easy, because I can't sing with just looking at the Japanese words, so I still need to practice.

I think I can sing well now, but only by looking at the English words that show how to sing it.

If you are learning a thing, and you wanted to learn more, you can use your free time to practice, and learn it.

I think the things I am interested in now is learning Japanese and drawing, and also reading English books like Harry Potter.

I think I can use the time I got on weekends, I can draw and review the things I learned, and I can also read Harry Potter.

I think controlling the time is important, too, because if you wanted to learn something, you have to have time.

I think learning anything are all very hard, because you need to preview, and review, so you really need to have time.

2019年8月4日 星期日

Cooking is good

Today I want to tell everyone that I think knowing how to cook isn't a bad thing because everyone will go out and eat on weekends.

When we were going to eat dinner today, we drove out and look around the city and find something to eat.

We saw a lot of restaurants full of people, and almost every restaurant needs lining up, so we went further.

Then we saw a parking lot, and we parked in, and we walked to a curry rice restaurant, but we still needed to wait.

When we were waiting, we were thinking about where can we eat dinner when it is weekends, and we thought cooking dinner by ourselves is a good idea.

Dad said he can get the material for me to cook, Dad also said I can probably make curry, too, so we don't need to go out and eat curry.

I think Mom will be very tired because she still got a lot of things to teach me about cooking, so I will do my best to learn.

The things I wish to cook in the future are curry, omelets, and even desserts like cakes, puddings, and ice creams.

I wish I can make a wonderful breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, so we don't need to worry about the meals.

I wish I can cook healthy and delicious food every day, the things I need to have in every meal are meat, vegetables, eggs, and fruits.

I think cooking is important, but you can still live without cooking, but sometimes you need it for saving your time.

2019年8月3日 星期六

Cooking the dinner for my family

Today I want to tell everyone that I cooked dinner for my family, and they all thought the dishes I cooked were all very good.

When we woke up, we went to eat a restaurant with our grandparents, because we need to celebrate father's day.

Then I suddenly realized I haven't cooked dinner yet, the reason why I didn't cook it on Wednesday is that we don't have time.

Mom told me that we could cook on Saturday, because we have a lot of time on Saturday, and we can have more time to prepare.

When we finished the meal, we went to a supermarket, and we bought the things we needed to buy.

Then we went home and I started to wash the vegetables, we bought bean sprouts, and water spinach, so I have to get a lot of plates.

The bean sprouts are hard to wash, because you have to pick out the little things, and there are a lot.

We fried the egg first, but we didn't put a lot of oil, so there is some egg sticking on the pan, so we have to put more water. Then we added tomatoes, and we made the first dish.

Then I put the water spinach in the pan and added some salt, then we put the lid on the pan, so it can cook faster.

When we finished cooking the water spinach, we started to cook the bean sprouts, still, add salt and put on the lid.

Then we started to cook tofu, we added some soy sauce, and it tastes good, then we cook the meat, we didn't add anything because the meat is already cooked.

When we got all the dishes out, it smelled really good, and when we started to eat, everyone liked it.

I think today was a wonderful day, because I cooked a delicious meal for everyone, and I wish they really think it is good.

2019年8月2日 星期五

Going to the Japanese class

Today I want to tell everyone about I went to the Japanese class today, and today is the second day of the Japanese class.

Yesterday, me and my dad woke up very early, and we went to seven-eleven to buy our breakfast, and I ate a rice ball and a Oolong tea.

Then we went to the Japanese class, and we went to the counter and get my book, and I am excited for the class.

We went in the classroom, and I start to read my Harry Potter English book, my dad stayed at first, then he went back to work.

Then the teacher came in, and he started to teach us some words that will be used in class, so we could know what the teacher is talking about.

The first day we learned hiragana, and some words, but I can't remember it all in one day, so I have to practice.

Today we learned about dakuon, and a lot of words, I can't remember it all, because there are too much hard words.

I wish I have a good memory, so I could remember all of the words I learned, but I think it is impossible, so practice makes perfect.

It is a good thing that today is Friday, because I could have more time practicing, and I could have a lot of word memorized.

I think practicing is always hard, but it you could practice hard, you can be stronger than the others.

I think going to the Japanese class is a great opportunity, because I could have a chance of speaking well to a Japanese people when I go to Japan.

2019年8月1日 星期四

《希臘羅馬神話漫畫:6. 宙斯的審判》:學習單

今天我要和大家介紹我看完了《希臘羅馬神話漫畫:6. 宙斯的審判》,於是爸爸就出了一張學習單,我也寫完了,所以要和大家介紹。
