2020年1月30日 星期四

Italki introduction and after-using thoughts

Today I want to tell everyone that I used italki this app to learn English, and I think using this app can make you speak more, and learn happily.

When I first used it, I was really nervous, and I don't know what we will do when we are having a class, but after I used it, I felt really happy with my teacher and happy with learning English at home, so we don't have to go outside.

Almost every teacher has a class trial, but it is only 30 minutes, but also cheaper, this helps you know if the teacher is good for yourself.

In italki, there is an event now, it is about having classes, you have a goal to reach, like 20-hour goal, so you have to reach 20 lessons to get prizes, and I am having classes with my teacher, and see if I can get the goal.

I wish I could get to the goal, because I want the prizes they give, and I also want to reach the goal while learning English.

I completed a class today, but there is a problem, I didn't see the goal increasing, it wrote I have 0 classes done, and I am really nervous about not getting the goal.

Sometimes the teacher's connection isn't good, but it often happens, because you and your teacher is in different countries, so the connection will be different.

I only have one teacher now, because if you have different teachers, you can't continue the lesson, so only if you study different things with different teachers, for example, a teacher studying article discussion, a teacher studying general English class.

I book the class time myself, and I think the ability to change the class time is better than going to an English class, I had three hours of classes now, and I am looking forward to have more classes learning English.

Learning on italki can train your speaking, but not about writing, so I recommend you to take note, so you can practice writing, too, you can even learn words while talking with your teacher.

I think learning English on an app or website is cool, because you can decide when to have classes, and you will also use a cheap price to learn lots of experience and vocabulary learning.

2020年1月27日 星期一



2020年1月22日 星期三





2020年1月20日 星期一





我覺得這一家壽喜燒很好吃,但是我覺得在肉和配菜上面,我還是覺得 Momo Paradise 比較好吃,所以這一家之後可能不會太常來吃。

2020年1月19日 星期日





之後就有點覺得不開心,因為有 64 個機會抽到任何一個獎,而且我們有 6 張摸彩卷,加上當時很少人,所以沒有抽到就覺得很傷心。


2020年1月18日 星期六

Playing with a tank is better than solo.

Today I want to tell everyone that I think playing with a tank or support is better than solo, because you can level up easily.

If you are someone that isn't good at solo like me, ask a tank or a support to help you farm and grow up, you can grow easier and kill easier, so I highly recommend you to play with a tank.

Not just farming will be faster playing with a tank, you can also easily gank some heroes that are solo laning, so duo a lane is better than solo.

I think solo lane is hard, but someone can still solo really well, I want to learn from them, so even when I solo lane, I can still surprise others.

2020年1月17日 星期五

How to solo top!

Today I want to tell everyone I played VS AI, and I played Esmeralda and solo top, when I play VS AI, I usually play with some starters, so I think I kind of carried the team.

In this video, I am going to tell you how to solo top, I might not write it all down in the video, but check how I farm and make decisions.

I may not be as good as the top players like Betosky, or Gosu General, but this is how I play Esmeralda, and wish you like the video.

I think solo top or bot is fun, because you can make your decision by yourself, and I think I will make a video about Granger, too.

2020年1月15日 星期三




我後來自己想,發生的事情可能很誇張,但還是要自己面對,而且我身邊沒辦法和爸爸媽媽說我的手機滑出公車外了,所以我就決定要先跟平常一樣去 seven 買早餐,再去上課,因為知道時間不多,就買個麵包而已。








2020年1月14日 星期二

Free fire gameplay, First Place!

Today I want to tell everyone I played Free Fire, and our team got the first place, I am surprised that I can win with three strangers.

I think Free Fire is a fun game, but Mobile Legends is better, because playing Free Fire is hard to control, and it most depends on where you land.

Mobile Legends is a free game, you know where the jungle monsters will be, but in Free Fire, you don't know if there is any weapons in the house.

Even Mobile Legends is better, sometimes I will still play Free Fire, because it feels good to aim your gun, and get a kill.

I think Free Fire is a hard game, because I think it depends on your luck, it depends on how many weapons are there at the place you land, with more weapon, you win.

2020年1月11日 星期六

The fastest Mirror Mode I have ever played

Today I want to tell everyone about the fastest mirror mode game I have ever played, so enjoy my video, and press the like button if you like it.

We used Zilong, and the enemies chose diggie, the important thing in mirror mode is to split push and quickly win the game, so I went to top lane, and my brother went to bottom lane, we are both split pushing.

The diggies are gathering at the mid lane, so there are three Zilong at mid lane defending, but when I think I can’t push easily, I went to mid lane and started to defend, this time, my brother and someone is pushing bottom lane.

After a while, they successfully pushed the bottom lane inhibitor turret, so they went pushing base, and we didn’t let them attack the base, so I think we all did a good job.

I think the most important thing in mirror mode is to split push, so when you are playing, just leave defending for your teammates, and start split pushing.

2020年1月9日 星期四







我之所以會想要看是因為我在 How How 的影片裡有看到十大熱搜動漫,其中就看到了七大罪,我就很想要看看到底是在演什麼,於是就決定要看這部動漫,其中讓我最想看的原因是因為我想知道七大罪的能力。


2020年1月7日 星期二

2019 超越盃全國數學競賽得到傑出獎!

今天我要和大家介紹我在超越盃數學競賽裡面拿到了傑出獎,也就是前 45% 的人,有比上一次只得到參加證書還好了。

不過跟上一次的比,我發現他們有改一些事情,就是上一次我考六年級的傑出獎是前 25%,但是這一次國一的傑出獎卻是前 45%,所以就代表這一年,他們的得獎標準有改變,而且看弟弟去年跟今年的成績單,真的有改變。

我覺得這次的改變,是想要讓考試考得不怎麼樣的人也可以有一個獎拿,像是我去年拿到 51 分,拿到參賽證明而已,今年我拿到 52 分,就拿到了傑出獎,但是像我這樣發現拿到傑出獎的門檻降低了,我的成績也只有進步一分,我就還是覺得我還要更努力才能拿到更好的獎,所以我決定要努力學數學。

這次我的第一階段滿分 46 分我考 32 分,區域 PR 值 82,全國 PR 值 79。去年滿分 30 分,我拿到 23 分,區域 PR 值 80,但全國 PR 值 82,經過計算之後,去年第一階段有 30 題,我答對 23 題,今年有 23 題,我答對了 16 題。

這次我第二階段填充題滿分的 39 分,拿到 20 分,計算題的話滿分 15 分,拿到 0 分,總計滿分 54 分,拿到 20 分。去年的填充題是選擇題,滿分 45 分,拿到 24 分,計算題滿分 25 分,得分 4 分,總計滿分 70 分,拿到 28 分。

經過計算,今年填充題有 15 題,我答對了 8 題,有 4 題是 2 分,4 題是 3 分,去年的選擇題有 15 題,我答對了 8 題,只是去年的每一題選擇題都是 3 分。



2020年1月5日 星期日

《天地方程式 1:誤闖隱身所》心得:超級好看的啦!

今天我要和大家介紹我看《天地方程式 1:誤闖隱身所》這本書的心得,這本書是日本的翻譯書,因為裡面的人名都是日本名字,而且裡面也會有日文諧音的玩笑。」


然而,七個人之中,有一個是一隻會傳令的猴子,所以猴子就在這六個人的夢裡面說來栗栖之丘(一所學校),在這所學校裡只有 71 個人,學校有 1 到 9 年級的學生,越高年級越少人。

主角是一位有超強記憶的人,主角是三位八年級生的其中一位,他的八年級朋友 Q 是有超強數學能力的人,還有一個朋友是超大力氣,另一位八年級朋友是超強音樂能力,但是他的能力可能要在天地方程式 2 才會完全展現。


隱身所會隨著黃泉神的增加而擴張,所以任務也會越來越難,我覺得這個故事有趣的地方就是你在看的時候會真的為他們感到緊張,因為在隱身所裡面也會有怪物,你不用戴 VR 就可以身歷其境了。




WTF Moments #1

Today I want to tell everyone about I made a short Mobile Legends WTF moment, but it is only 4 minutes, because the clips inside are only our own experience.

If you want to watch more videos, please subscribe my channel, and like the video, also share your clip below the comment section.

Some WTF moments are Wanwan killing a hero that is chasing Wanwan, some are Pharsa using Flamshot to kill a hero that is almost dead.

I think making WTF moments series will be hard, because some will repeat, so I won't put it in a video, I will try to find different moments.

2020年1月2日 星期四


今天我要和大家介紹我去考卓越盃數學全國競賽拿到優等獎,也就是前百分之三十一到前百分之六十的人,我覺得很開心,因為我從總分 112 進步到總分 138。

我的第一試題,也就是個人基礎挑戰題,拿到 110 分,而滿分是 130 分,我覺得已經很高了,因為高標也就只有 115 分,所以我覺得我自己考得很高分,很開心。希望我下一次可以更高,拿到 120 左右。

我的第二試題,也就是個人進階挑戰題,拿到 28 分而已,而滿分是 50 分,我覺得自己考得不太好,因為我只有在均標跟低標中間而已,高標的是 44 分,幾乎快要滿分,所以我覺得自己可以再進步,我一定會在數學的部分加油的。

說到我的優等獎,我自己很不開心,因為我是前百分之三十一,所以差一點可以拿到銅質獎,而且我的總分是 138,而最後的銅質獎得主的總分是 139,所以很明顯我沒有機會到銅質獎。

我覺得如果我的進階挑戰題分數高一點的話,我就可以很輕鬆地得到銅質獎或甚至得到銀質獎,而且我覺得我的分數就是因為進階題被拉得很低。如果以總分來算的話,高標是 158 分,均標是 115 分,我就是在高標和均標之間。



Wanwan Mobile Legends Gameplay!

Today I want to tell everyone how I play Wanwan, I will teach how I play her, and which lane will I go, also what weapon will I buy during the fight.

Wanwan is a good Marksmen, but her skill control is hard, so I will teach you how to use flicker perfectly when you are breaking the shards in the video.

If you want to watch a good Wanwan gameplay, I recommend you to watch Betosky Gaming's video about Wanwan, or Mobazane's live, sometimes he will play Wanwan, too.

Sometimes even you know what to do when what happened, and may still forget sometimes, so I recommend you to play more classic mode, then go and see replay again, you might see some mistakes you made during the battle.

I think Wanwan is really a good Marksman, because her third skill is very strong against tank and Marksman, so I really recommend you to train her.