2018年9月19日 星期三

Curriculum Vitae (Yun-Jing Tsai)

Yun-Jing Tsai (Jin)

Jul 9, 2008 / Email / Blog / Facebook Page (Jin's Daily) / Scratch / YouTube

Current position

Team Leader (11 members), Tai-Botics, First Lego League Challenge
Driver, Builder and Programmer, 6699B Unicorn Puncher, VEX IQ Challenge
Team Leader (5 members), Builder and Programmer, 66994W Advanced Placement, VEX V5 challenge
9th-grade student / homeschooling since 6th grade

Favorite subjects

Robotics / Computer / Drawing / English / Japanese / Math / Blogging / Socializing 

Favorite Animes

Himouto! Umaru-Chan / Ajin / Pokemon / Demon Slayer / Inuyasha / Akame ga Kill! / Food War / Attack on Titans / One Punch Man

2022.4 Robot Design Award, First Lego League World Championship.
2022.4 Robot Performance Second Place, First Lego League World Championship.
2022.4 Robot Encore Performance First Place, First Lego League World Championship.
2022.5 Division Teamwork Champion, VEX IQ 2021-2022 Pitching In World Championship, Middle School Group.
2022.5 Think Award, VEX IQ 2021-2022 Pitching In World Championship, Middle School Group.

2023.2 Qualified for VEX Worlds, VEX IQ 2022-2023 Slapshot World Championship, Middle School Group.

English certificate and awards

2014.1 / 2014.6 / 2015.1 Excellence, Spelling bee contest, Natural Learning Preschool.

2017.5 Flyers, Cambridge English Language Assessment.
2017.12 First place, 2017 spelling bee contest, American Eagle Institute.

2018.12 Second place, 2018 spelling bee contest, American Eagle Institute.

2019.9 GEPT Elementary all 4 subjects passed (CEFR A2 & A2+)
2019.12 First place, 2019 spelling bee contest, American Eagle Institute.

Japanese certificate and awards

Athletic Achievements

2023.4 Overall 5th Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.5 Overall 2nd Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.6 Overall 2nd Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.6 Overall 3rd Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.6 Overall 11th Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.7 Overall 5th Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
2023.7 SSP NV Division 1st Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
2023.7 Lady Division 1st Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
2023.8 Overall 12th Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.9 Overall 3rd Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.9 Overall 2nd Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 1(Local) Competition.
2023.10 Overall 10th Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
2023.10 SSP MM Division 1st Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
2023.10 SSP Overall 2nd Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.
2023.10 Lady Division 1st Place, IDPA Airsoft Tier 2(Regional) Competition.

Art Achievements

2020.10 Honorable Mention, Middle School, National Changhua Living Art Center Sketching Competition.(2020 國立彰化生活美學館寫生比賽佳作)

2021.1 High Distinction Award, Middle School, The 51st World Children's Art Exhibition.(2020 日本第五十一回世界兒童畫展)

2024.3-2025.3 "The Path of Improvement", Individual Art Exhibition.

Nation- and City-wide awards

2017.11 Certificate of Merit, Superb Mathematics Challenge.(卓越盃五年級組全國優等)

2018.3 First prize in Chemistry, 2018 Taichung city elementary school science fair.(台中市科展 國小組 化學 第一名)

2019.4 Second prize in Chemistry, 2019 Taichung city elementary school science fair.(台中市科展 國小組 化學 第二名)
2019.6 Mayor's Award of Taichung City.(台中市國小畢業生 最高榮譽 市長獎)
2019.11 Certificate of Merit, Superb Mathematics Challenge.(卓越盃七年級組全國優等)
2019.11 Excellence Award, Grade 7 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)

2020.8 First Prize, Elementary School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad 2020.(WRO2020 國際奧林匹亞 智能機器人 聯盟賽 臺灣中南區 國小組 冠軍 / 雖可晉級,但因疫情,無全國賽與世界賽。)
2020.12 Second Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Preliminaries, Group B. 

2021.1 Excellence Award, 2020 TAI-VEX IQ Rise Above, Elementary Group.
2021.1 Design Award / Teamwork 2nd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Elementary.
2021.3 Excellence Award, Robot Skills Second Place, West Virginia Robotics Alliance VIQC Qualifier.
2021.4 Robot Design Award, First Lego League Challenge Taiwan Championship.(FLL 2021 RePLAY 機器人設計獎)
2021.4 5th Place, The 51st World Skill Junior Robotics Challenge, Central Taiwan.(第 51 屆全國技能競賽青少年機器人組中區賽)
2021.8 First Prize, Middle School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad 2020.(WRO2021 國際奧林匹亞 智能機器人 聯盟賽 臺灣中南區 國中組 冠軍)

2022.2 Excellence Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship (LRT), Middle School Group
2022.2 Teamwork Champion, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship (LRT), Middle School Group
2022.3 Robot Skills Champion, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Skills Only Competition, Midddle School Group
2022.3 Core Value Award, First Lego League Challenge Taiwan Championship.(FLL 2021 Cargo Connect 核心價值獎)
2022.8 3rd Place, World Robot Olympiad, Central and Southern Taiwan, Middle School Group.
2022.8 8th Place, World Robot Olympiad National Competition, Middle School Group.
2022.12 Teamwork Challenge 5th Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Preliminaries.

2023.1 Create Award, TAI-VEX IQ Slapshot.
2023.2 Think Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Middle School Group.
2023.2 Skills Challenges Second Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Middle School Group.
2023.5 8th Place, World Robot Olympiad, National Online Competition, Middle School Group.
2023.11 Tournament Champion, Judges Award, TAI-VEX HS League.
2023.12 Think Award, PAS Signature Event.

2024.1 Tournament Champion, Think Award, VRC Taiwan Open Championship, High school Group.

Special prizes

2018.2 Best presentation design special award, Great Scientific Presentations and e-Posters Workshop, InnovaRad.
2018.5 Best figure award, KIDS2018 symposium, InnovaRad.

2021.2 Future Diplomat Award, 2021 Junior Diplomat Winter Camp Tainan Downtown Junior High Batch.

2022.8 Future Diplomat Award, 2022 Junior Diplomat Summer Camp Hsinchu Windy City High School Level.

2023.2 Hackathon Second Place, 2023 AI Sports Innovation Project Camp.

Awards in School

2014.1 Academic excellence award, 1st semester, 1st grade.
2014.3 Best works of winter vacation.
2014.6 Academic excellence award, 1st semester, 1st grade.
2014.9 Best works of summer vacation.

2015.1 Academic excellence award, 1st semester, 2nd grade.
2015.3 Best works of winter vacation. Environment friendly special prize.
2015.6 Academic excellence award, 2nd semester, 2nd grade.
2015.9 Best works of summer vacation. Creativity special prize.

2016.1 Academic excellence award, 1st semester, 3rd grade.
2016.6 Academic excellence award, 2nd semester, 3rd grade.
2016.10 Best works of summer vacation.
2016.12 Excellence, 4th grade English Poetry Recitation Contest.

2017.1 Academic excellence award, 1st semester, 4th grade.
2017.2 Best works of winter vacation.
2017.4. Best Taichung Student Award, Taichung city government.
2017.6 Academic excellence award, 2nd semester, 4th grade.
2017.9 Best works of summer vacation.
2017.12 Excellence, Pronunciation and Wording, National Language Contest. 

2018.1 Academic excellence award, 1st semester, 5th grade.
2018.3 Best works of winter vacation.
2018.4. Best Taichung Student Award, Taichung city government.
2018.6 Academic excellence award, 2nd semester, 5th grade.

2019.6 Best Leadership Award, Yung An Elementary School.

2022.6 Language Award, Focus Junior High School.
2022.6 Outstanding Performance Award, Focus Junior High School.
2022.6 Science and Art Award, Focus Junior High School.

Volunteer / Community Service

2018.11 Receptionist, 6 hours, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.

2019.10 Receptionist, 3 hours, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.

2020.1 Receptionist, 16 hours, Chang-Bing Show Chwan Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan.
2020.9 Receptionist, 6 hours, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.

2021.9 Receptionist, 3 hours, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan.

2022.5 Field Resetter, 8 hours, 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship, Dallas, United States. 
2022.5 Skill Challenge Score Keeper, 8 hours, 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship, Dallas, United States. 
2022.6 Experience Sharing and Speaker, 8 hours, VEX Taiwan, CACET.
2022.10 Field Resetter, 8 hours, 2022 VTO Practice Competition, CACET.
2022.11 Field Resetter, 16 hours, 2022-2023 VEX IQ Taiwan Open Interscholastic Cup, CACET.

2024.1 Field Resetter, 16 hours, 2023-2024 VRC VTO Middle School National Competition, CACET.
2024.2 Scorekeeper referee, 16 hours, 2023-2024 VIQC Taiwan Open Elementary Group, CACET.
2024.9 Scorekeeper referee, 6 hours, 2024-2025 TAIVEX High Stakes Scrimmage.
2024.10 Scorekeeper referee, 14 hours, 2024-2025 TAIVEX High Stakes League.
2024.12 Head Referee Certification Course, 4 hours, 2024-2025 Rapid Relay.
2024.12 Head Referee, 12 hours, 2024-2025 TAIVEX IQ Rapid Relay.