2019年12月4日 星期三

2019 Spelling Bee Contest : I am the first place!

Today I want to tell everyone that I got the first place, in the spelling bee contest, and I will tell you what happened.

We planned to start at 6:15p but the classes before us competed against each other for so long, so we started at 7:45, which was when our class ended.

Everyone thought that we will have to do the contest tomorrow, but we started the contest, and we were all very nervous about who would win, because we were all very tired and hungry.

Before the contest began, we were at the classroom upstairs and preparing for the spelling bee, when we finished preparing, it's still not our turn to do the contest, so we began to chat, and I began to draw a picture.

I had a new friend, because we both liked art history and art, so we could talk about art, and also we watched the same anime, so we could talk about that anime, too.

We were very happy while talking, and I was drawing, she also told me about that she went to Italy and France before.

When it was 7:30 we all went down to the first floor for waiting, then the other class started to compete against each other for the second place and the third place, so we sat there and watched.

Then it was our turn, we walked up and lined up and we started the competition, first there was a mistake, because our teacher heard the person spelling the word wrong, so he didn't let him pass but we all heard that he said the right spelling word.

A few minutes later, there was only me and my friend standing on the stage and we started to laugh and smile at each other, when she spelled the word wrong, I am sad because she is my friend.

When she spelled the word wrong, our classmate made a strange face, because he knew that she spelled the word wrong, but my friend said that she really doesn't know how to spell the word, so she just gave up, then I won.

I didn't really care about winning the first place, because I was happy about that I made a new friend and we both like art and one anime.

I think the spelling bee competition was the best, because I got the first prize and I made a new friend, so I am really really happy.