2024年3月10日 星期日

2024-2025 個人創作展:畫展介紹

就在今年 2023 年的 3 月 5 號,專屬於我的個人創作展開展了!這次展覽的主軸是「成長」,我希望來觀看我的展覽的人,可以看見我在繪畫之路上的成長與成就。展出的作品當中包含不同的美彩,油畫、水彩、色鉛筆和素描都包含在其中。仔細觀察便可以看到,不管是在構圖或塗色方面,在近期作品中有許多的進展和更進階的表現。

我從小學六年級開始學習繪畫的課程,經過五年多的努力以及累積,這次展出了一共 15 幅創作作品。一開始學習繪畫的契機是日本動畫中,展現出的繽紛的畫面、構圖以及人物在畫面中互動的動作,吸引我並讓我踏上創作的道路。







2024年2月13日 星期二

2023-2024 VIQC Taiwan Open Elementary Group: Scorekeeper referee

I attended the VIQC Taiwan Open Elementary Group Competition as a scorekeeper referee. Unlike field reset, the scorekeeper referee has the job of counting the score of each match and confirming the score with the team members.

We have two scorekeeper referees and one head referee watching one field at a time. There are four fields in total, and two will run simultaneously. There are a total of four scorekeeper referees and two head referees on the tournament field.

There were a total of 30 practice matches, 240 qualification matches, and 30 final matches. The whole competition is split into two days. During the first day, teams get to run skills challenges in the morning. While practice matches and 100 qualification matches will be played in the afternoon.

The second day is a little more busy since there are a total of 170 matches that will be played. We barely have time to rest, and we spend most of the time standing and walking between fields. Despite the uneasy job of a scorekeeper referee, I still enjoy the experience a lot. 

I got to communicate and talk with the teams while confirming the score. I was also able to chat with other scorekeeper referees. I helped with robot inspection and scorekeeping, these were really a great experience and super fun to enjoy.

2024年2月12日 星期一

2023-2024 VTO VRC Middle School: Competition Volunteer 16 hours

I participated in volunteering for 16 hours at the VRC VTO middle school competition. I was a participant in the competition that was 1 day before this one, the high school group national championship. I decided to stay two more days in Hsinchu to participate in volunteering.

I was assigned the job as a field reset in the main tournament field. I found it interesting since I could watch the tournament from a very close angle, a view that only staff and referees can enjoy. Two other volunteers helped with resetting the field. Our job was to place the triballs in the correct position and count if any ball is missing.

Even though I got to enjoy the view of competitions, I still felt tired after working 8 hours a day. It was a very memorable experience. I got to talk and meet a lot of people and witness some amazing scores teams had accomplished.

2024年2月1日 星期四

VRC Taiwan Open High School: Tournament Champion, Think Award

Taiwan Open, the national competition that has world qualifying awards, is the one I will be introducing. This is the second to the last competition we will attend in Taiwan this season, and is especially important since there is three spots to qualify for worlds.

The excellence award, and two teams on the tournament champion alliance. These are what we are aiming for in this competition. Also, if one team got two of the world qualifying awards, the eligibility will be passed down to the skills ranking. That is why skills challenges are also very important.

We continued to improve the robot we used for the previous competition, PAS signature event. After analyzing and organizing our time after PAS, we think that we don't have enough time to reconstruct a robot and also fully practice using it.

The competition is separated into two days. First day morning is all about skills challenge and driver's meeting. While the qualification matches starts in the afternoon. On the second day, the qualification matches will end around noon, and the final matches will start. Most likely after day 1, teams will be able to know if we have a chance to get qualified for worlds.

In our first day of competition, we did good and won all qualification matches while obtaining the AWP points, placing us at rank 1 in qualification. We got a score of 168 in driver skills and 124 in autonomous at the end of the day. The judges also interviewed us for the judging process.

At that rate, what we have to do is to continue scoring high in qualification and get a higher score in autonomous skills. There is also a possibility that the judges will come again to interview us for the second time.

I spent some time at night improving our programming skills route and strategy. I also added some fool proof program to prevent the robot from getting stuck.

We ended up ranking 2nd in qualifications and 4th in skills. We weren't able to score high in autonomous mainly because me and another teammate didn't perform well in skills match loading. However, our driver skills score broke our own record with 184 points. The judges also came to ask some questions regarding our robot.

In finals, we selected 66994A as our alliance partner, and we got tournament champion. This means we are qualified for worlds!!!! I am surprised yet delighted that we are able to go to world championship in our first year of competition, and I will try to do my best to prepare for worlds.

2024年1月31日 星期三

JLPT N1 日本語能力測驗:合格心得分享

經過四年的學習,我終於在 2023 年 12 月的 JLPT 試驗中成功通過 N1,最高級的日本語能力試驗。回想起來,在這次合格的背後也有很多挫折和學習,一開始考 N3 和 N2 皆順利通過,但在 N1 試驗上就遇到了一些困難。連續考了三次的 N1 才成功拿下合格證書。

第一次挑戰 N1 時,成績並不是很理想,比合格標準低了 16 分,也就是 84 / 180。第一次挑戰過後,發現 N1 並不是一個單純靠練習會話和日常用語就能夠通過的考試,於是報名家教班,專心讀 N1 的文法和單字。當時因為學習到很多新的文法和單字,認為自己比上次準備的更完善,就去報考了第二次的測驗。

第二次的試驗當中,意外的沒有拿到理想的成績,比合格標準低了 12 分,在 180 分當中只拿下 88 分。和預想的結果落差非常大,這也對我造成了一些信心上的打擊,尤其在考試前其實對自己很有把握。研究和分析準備考試的方法是否有誤之後,有了新的體悟。


在準備這次第三次的 N1 考試中,我不急著學習新的單字,反而是去寫模擬試題做練習。我學習到與其忙於學習不知道會不會出現在考試上的單字,不如多寫模擬試題去抓到出題規律和解題策略。

在這次的 N1 考試中,我能夠明顯感受到在做閱讀測驗和聽力測驗時,可以清楚的抓到題目重點並有自信的回答。相較於前兩次考試,在考完試的時候,是比較輕鬆而且信心很高的。

原本以為應該能夠低空飛過 100 分的及格標準,沒想到不只達到及格標準,還意外的高分。這次的分數是 136 / 180,尤其這次在讀解的部分更是拿到 60 分的滿分。在看到成績的簡訊通知時,既震驚又愉悅,很開心自己能在第三次考試成功證明自己的日文實力。

這次的合格並不是我學習日文的終點,我還是會繼續使用和練習日文,讓我對日文的熱情能夠繼續下去。這四年來的日文學習歷程真的是難忘的經驗,很高興終於能夠通過 JLPT 最高指標。