2019年3月31日 星期日

Journal Writing / Dinosaur in the Backyard

Today I saw a dinosaur in the backyard, and it is very strange, the dinosaur looks like my doll Jigglypuff, I wanted to be friend with it, and I think it agreed, so that is why it came to my home.

I have a blanket in my house, so I let the dinosaur play with it, and I call the dinosaur Jigglypuff, I let Jigglypuff sleep with me, and I let Jigglypuff play with me, I really like the dinosaur.

I knew that Jigglypuff will be old soon, so I need to protect it, I wish she can be with me until I am in university.

I will wash Jigglypuff, because I want it to be clean, but I realized that it cannot always be clean, because the washing machine can't wash it very clean, I wish Jigglypuff can be with me all the time.

Of course there are sometimes that Jigglypuff can't be with me, like when I am taking a shower, or going to the swimming pool, because if she touches water, she cannot be dry again so fast, so I am protecting Jigglypuff from water.

There is another things that I don't often let Jigglypuff do is I won't often take Jigglypuff when we are traveling, because I am afraid that Jigglypuff will be lost, so I often keep it at home.

There is another thing that I won't let Jigglypuff do, the thing is to take it to my school, I am not shy to take it to school, the reason is I don't want it to be dirty, because our school's floor has a lot of dirt.

Another reason I don't take Jigglypuff to school, is when I bring my doll to school, my classmates will throw my doll, so I am afraid that Jigglypuff will be thrown at the floor.

I think Jigglypuff is an important dinosaur, because I think it changed my life, I wish I can have Jigglypuff all the time.

2019年3月30日 星期六

Science Test / Limewater plus CO2

Today I want to tell everyone that I made a science test, the test is to mix limewater and CO2, inside desiccant, there are some limestone, and limestone can make limewater.

We blow the air we breathe out, because in the air we breathe out, there are 4 % CO2, so we use a straw to blow the air in.

When the limewater and CO2 mix, the original limewater ( Ca(OH)2 ) will mix with CO2, so it will become CaCO3, and the limewater will be muddy.

This is our science test, and if you have a bag of dried seaweed, there are desiccant, so you can use it to complete this test.

I think this test is useful, because it let me understand a lot about limewater and lime, I wish I can find more materials to make tests.

2019年3月29日 星期五





2019年3月28日 星期四

Journal Writing / My Chores

One day, I was born, when I grew up to about 7 years old, I got some chores to do, the first chore is to wash the dishes, I don't really want to wash the dishes, but because of money, I think I am fine to do that.

When the first time we went to another house, I got some chores, and the chores are dumping the garbage and washing the clothes.

My brother got twice the money I get, because his job is to fold the clothes, and my job is to wash the clothes, at first, I get the same money as him, when it is November, my Dad said that he can get twice the money I get, because his job is harder.

I felt sad, because if everyday we washes and folds the clothes, he will get the twice money I get, and plus he gets some money just because he gets high score in the math tests, and I am very sad.

I wish I have other chores to do, and I wish my Math can improve, so I can get more money than he get.

I always wanted to have a job just now, because I realized money is important, if you don't have money, you almost have nothing, so I want to help my mom and my dad to get money.

I wish I have some money, too, because if my parents don't want to buy the thing for me, I can just use the money I get to pay for it, so I think money is really important to me, I want to be rich.

I wish I can have a lot of money, and I can buy anything I want, but if I want money, I want a chore, and I can get money.

I want a chore that is easy, and I can get money, and I don't know what can I do, I just wish I can get a perfect chore for me.

I think one day, if I am dreaming or thinking, I wish I can suddenly come up with a chore that I can do, and I will tell my parents, if they agree, I am glad to have a chore, and help my family.

2019年3月27日 星期三

Journal Writing / A Secret Door

One day, a door appeared in front of my bed, when I woke up, I am interested in the door, so I decided to go in the door. Inside the door, I know I am at a Minecraft world, because the things are all made of blocks.

I played Minecraft before, so I knew what is happening, I suddenly realized I was in Minecraft Nether, there are a lot of ghasts. The only way to get rid of these ghasts is to hit the fireball they shoot back.

I saw a minecart, I got on the minecart, and it started to move, the ghasts were chasing me, and they started to shoot fireballs, but I didn't have a sword, so I crafted a crafting table, then I quickly made a sword.

I shot their fireballs back, and they started to get hurt, then I successfully destroyed them, when my sight was back to the front of the minecart, I saw the same door I saw in front of my bed.

I went into the door, and I thought that I will go back to my bedroom, but I didn't, so I am getting worried. Suddenly, there is a very strong light, I closed my eyes, then the light just disappeared.

I thought I went back to my bedroom, but I was at the Minecraft End, because there was a very big dragon, and it was the Ender Dragon, and I was afraid that I can not defeat it, so I quickly gave myself a helmet, an armor, a legging, and a boot, and the things were all made from diamonds, I made myself a diamond sword, too.

I climbed up to slay the dragon, and when it is almost dead, I slayed it, and I got a lot of EXP, I saw I leveled up, but I didn't know that Minecraft could level up, and I realized I lost any thing in that second.

I didn't know what exactly was happening, suddenly, I heard a sound,"Ha, Ha, Ha,"said someone,"What is HAPPENING?" I said.

Then I found the same door again, when I went in, I saw a bunch of red things, and I felt itchy, there were some blue things, too, the blue things was my stuff like my armor!!


2019年3月26日 星期二

Minecraft / Parkour 4

Today I want to tell everyone about that my brother came to the parkour area that I made, and I think the parkour I made is a great parkour.

He is trying to find out the way that is easier to get to the exit, and I am not very happy, because the reason I made this many things to climb is because I want the people that come to the parkour can enjoy a lot.

He put pressure plate on the barrier I put, and he put redstone on the barrier, so he can see where is the barrier, I am not very happy, I wish he was survival mode.

If he is in survival mode, he cannot put redstone on the barrier, and he cannot put pressure plates, so I wish he was in survival mode.

I think this video is normal, not very good, and not very bad, I wish the people playing my parkour is in survival mode, if I used a command block to set the mode, it will be better.

2019年3月25日 星期一

科學實驗王 1 / 酸鹼中和








2019年3月24日 星期日

Minecraft / Parkour 3

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to the parkour place that my brother made, and it is very very hard.

It has fire on the ground, so when I fall down from a high place, I will be on fire, and I am in survival mode, so it hurts a lot.

He made a pool beside the start place, and it is difficult to jump with just a block, so it is very hard to finish the parkour.

When I am playing parkour, I often fall down, and I will tell my brother to teleport me to the place that I fall down.

I think my brother's parkour is very hard, and very fun, but I think it is a little bit too hard, I wish he can make an easier one next time.

2019年3月23日 星期六

Minecraft / Parkour 2

Today I want to tell everyone about that my brother and I made a parkour for each other, and the parkour I made is very cool.

We made a parkour competition, and we are going to make a parkour for each other, and we will see which is better.

When I am making the parkour, I think about I can make this parkour be a running parkour, you need to run a lot, when I am doing the parkour, I think my brother maybe will like it.

I used some barrier, to let you not able to go other place, I wish the barrier work. In the video, I suggested to film another two videos about each other's parkour.

I think my parkour will be great, I wish his parkour is good, but I think his parkour is just a little part, because he said he doesn't have a lot of things.

2019年3月22日 星期五

Minecraft / Parkour 1

Today I want to tell everyone about that my brother made a parkour, and we play the parkour together, and the parkour that he made is very good.

When he is making the parkour, I suggested a little, but I am still not very good at parkour, so I ran a lot of times, and I am sad.

He used some barrier to fill up, so we can only walk a way, and it is very good to run at some parts, but there is some very hard to run parts.

The part that I like the most is when you just need to run fast and jump, and you can go through, the hardest part is to jump to another place with just a block.

I think this parkour is very good, and I really like it, I wish we can play parkour again, because parkour is very fun.

2019年3月21日 星期四

ISMC Test / Primary 6

Today I want to tell everyone about that I finished a test called ISMC, it is called International Singapore Math Competition.

When I first saw it, I think that it is so hard, because it is all in English, even my English isn't so bad, I think it is hard, too, because it has a lot of math names inside.

The first one math name that I am confused is 'sum', it means all the numbers plus together, and I am confused about that, so I wrote an answer wrong just because of 'sum'.

The second math name that makes me confused is the word 'fraction', fraction means 「幾分之幾」,because I don't know how to explain, so I can just describe it in Chinese.

The third word that I am confused of is the word 'multiply', I always thought that multiply means to divide things, but it is wrong, multiply means to times something.

Those words just let me lose a lot of score, and I wish I can know the words earlier, then I will answer some questions right.

There is a questions that I am wrong at is the word 'sum', I thought the 'sum' word means 'some', so I am wrong.

When I am writing the test, I count 60 minutes, which is an hour, and I feel very nervous, because I am afraid that my time isn't enough.

When I finished the test, I checked the test paper by myself, and when I saw that I am wrong, I feel very sad, because I think that I can get it right.

Writing the test has skills to practice, like you need to write the highest point section, if you don't know how to write, you can keep it to the last.

If you get the highest score section, then if you get the other score section wrong, you can still get a good score.

I think writing this test is a very good thing to do, because it can help you practice math, and you can know the math names, so if there is a question about the math names, you will be right.

2019年3月20日 星期三

Netflix 《愛x死x機器人:魚夜》學習單 / Jin

1. 魚夜 Fish Night,是部很不錯的 Netflix 原創動畫,只有 10 分鐘,很適合反覆觀看,並仔細推敲每句話,跟其他對話或情節,所呼應出的意義。例如:兒子覺得「有態度就什麼都賣得出去」,反應了他的天真,也呼應了之後不顧危險游上去而被吃掉。請你根據我們看電影時所做的討論,以及你自己的思考,再舉出兩個前後呼應的例子,證明這部卡通的對白跟情節,真的設計的不錯。




2. 這部動畫,運用了不同的畫風,去表達不同的情境,也暗示不同的真實度。所用的視覺語言,包括顏色的鮮豔程度、透明度、立體感等等。請用電腦版的 Netflix,抓兩張圖,並說明他們的畫風哪裡不同,又代表怎樣的意義?


3. 短短的 10 分鐘,這部動畫的兩個角色,個性刻畫非常清楚。請分別分析爸爸跟兒子的個性,並舉他們所說的話或做的事,作為支持。最後,分析爸爸跟兒子的關係。




4. 這部動畫,有點讓人搞不清楚真假,有真實的部分,但也有像是假的、夢幻的部分。但好的作品就是這樣,能夠有非常多的解釋角度。請介紹你看完這部戲之後的心得,越詳細、越有趣、越有創意越好!能有證據支持你獨特的觀點,甚至配上圖,或你最喜歡的一幕的介紹,就更棒了!



2019年3月19日 星期二

Minecraft / The Going Down Twice Machine

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a machine that can go down twice, and I finally made the target that I set at the last blog.

This machine is invent by my brother, and my brother has one 2 times 2 door, and a 3 times 3 door, but I just know how to make 2 times 2 door.

In the video, I am just trying to make the 3 times 3 door, but I failed in the video, so I am very sad, I wish I could figure it out soon.

I know that it is hard to make 3 times 3 door, but I still want to make it, so I try really hard, but I knew it will take time, so I didn’t success in the video.

I think this invention is cool, but this is my brother’s invention, and I can use it at a rooms door, and I wish I can make the room that puts all the machines together.

2019年3月18日 星期一

Minecraft / The Opposite Strange Stone Machine

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made an opposite machine for the last Strange Stone Machine, and last time, the machine is pushing down, but this is pushing the rocks up.

The machine is very cool, because it can push things up, but it cannot pull the things down every time, so I think it is a little not useful.

I wish I can make the machine that can go down twice, so it would be easier to make door, and the door of every room will be cool.

I am trying to discover a door that can go down twice, and even three times, so I am trying to make a room with all of my doors or something cool.

I think the room I make will be great, and I wish I can discover different kinds of door, and I wish I could succeed.

2019年3月17日 星期日

Minecraft / The Strange Stone Machine

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a very strange stone machine, if you press a button, the piston will push the stone.

At first, I am going to make a two time piston machine, but I don't know how to do, so this machine is the failed machine.

I am very sad at first, but I think that I can make it into an art machine, and the machine can be in different shape, but we can not choose what shape.

It is kind of like a chance machine, the shape is all because of the chance, so it is a mystery machine, I wish it can be useful.

I think this machine isn't very good, because it is just an art machine, and I didn't finish the original plan, so I am sad.

2019年3月15日 星期五

Minecraft / The Basketball Surprise Machine

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a basketball score machine, I think everyone don’t know what it means, so I am going to tell you.

First if you let something go through the line, you can see two snow ball hit the wall, but I make it different in the video.

The second version of the basketball score machine is when you score, it will shoot pigs or sheep out, and if you get both sheep, you win.

It is hard to get both sheep, because there are 8 pigs and 1 sheep in a dispenser, so the chance to get pigs are more than sheeps.

I think this machine is a great machine, because it is good to play, but you might don’t want to play when you realizes that it is hard.

2019年3月14日 星期四

Minecraft / The TNT Sound Maker

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a machine that can make TNT fly very far, but it won't cause any damage of the ground.

The reason why that there is no damage is because the TNT just exploded in the sky, so if you chase the TNT you will see it explodes in the sky.

It is a easy machine to make, you just need water, dispensers, ladder, redstone, redstone repeater, and some TNT, and if you build the machine just like the machine in the video, you will succeed.

You can try to chase the TNT, and you can see the explosion in the sky, and you will know what am I talking about.

I think this machine is a very good machine, because it can shoot TNT, but it won't hurt my Redstone Land, so I am very happy about that.

2019年3月12日 星期二

Minecraft / The TNT Attack Machine

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a TNT exploding machine, and in a area, there is the place that the TNT will fall on.

When you press the button on the machine, the machine will tell the dispenser to dispense a TNT out, and slime block will push the TNT out, so it will land on the ground and explode.

When you press the button, the redstone on the machine will go to the sticky piston, and the piston will push the slime block, but the slime block will still come back.

The redstone is simple, you just need a redstone repeater, a dispenser, some obsidian, a sticky piston, a slime block, some redstones, you can make the machine.

I think this is a very cool machine, but the TNT explode place makes me not able to put a redstone machine there, it is a lot of space.

2019年3月10日 星期日

Invention / The Boat Made With Milk Bottle

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a very good invention, but this invention is the type that doesn't make our life easier.

If you wanna make it, you can use a bottle after you finish a box of milk, and cut it, then you can take some straws, so you can make the bottom.

After all, you can stick it together, but make sure you block the hole of the straw, so the water won't go inside the straw.

Then you can put some plastic things around the straw, so if the boat hits the shore, nothing would happen, and the boat won't crash.

I think this invention is not very good, because it can't make our life better, but it can carry things on the water, so can make life a little easier.

2019年3月9日 星期六

Invention / The Fly Catching Machine

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a catching fly machine, and I will tell you how to make and how to catch fly.

First, you need a bottle, and cut the lid then you put the lid upside down, and you can try to catch fly, so then, I am going to tell you how.

Then you can put the washing bowl liquid inside, then put it outside, and be sure your window is closed, or the fly may come in.

When you decided to catch fly, you might get more flies, so be careful, remember to keep the window closed, or the flies can get in.

I think today is a very good day, because I made a very good Fly Catching Machine, and it may let your life be easier.

2019年3月8日 星期五

Invention / Eat Drink Bottle

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a bottle for eating and drinking, on the bottle, there are a bowl, and you can put food inside, and you can put drink in the bottle.

It is a very good invention, because it can help you be easier to grab fruit and drink drinks while you are watching movie or something.

This is an invention that combine bottle and a bowl together, so it helps you to make your life easier, and it can let you watch movie with just one hand holding things.

When I saw a video on YouTube about this tool, I wanted to make one, too, so I made one now, and I will try to make new things, so you guys can make it, too.

I think today is a very good day, because I made a useful tool, and it is made by my own hand, the next time I watch movie, I will use it.

2019年3月7日 星期四

Invention / The Incredible Bucket

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a bucket, and it is a cool bucket, and it even has a handle that can pull.

The handle can move, so if you want to get water, you can pull the handle back, and get water, then put the lid on.

When you are pouring water, you might pour out of the place that you want, so I made a lid that can make the water flow out in a direction.

I think this bucket is a great invention, and this is an invention that can make our life better, so I wish I can make something like this bucket.

I think today is very good, because this invention can make life easier, so it is better than the last one that I made.

2019年3月6日 星期三

Invention / New Instrument

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made an instrument, it can make good sounds, but I know that it sounds noisy.

It is made of bottles and chopstick, I made that for fun, but it doesn't make our life any better, so this is a bad invention.

My target is to make our life easier, like combine tools together, and let the tools can be easier to use, so I wish every of my invention can be like this.

I think the tool I made can only be used at the time that you are in danger, you can use this to ring, and someone might help you.

I think this tool isn't very good, because it won't let you have an easier life, so the next invention will might be better than this one.

2019年3月3日 星期日

Minecraft / My Secret Little House

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a little house, and it has a 3 times 3 door, but the door has a hole.

The reason why there is a hole, is that if there isn't a hole, when the door opens, there will be a block in the middle.

There is a good reason that there is a hole, when you looked inside the hole, you can see some boxes, so you want to go in.

When you go in, there is only one thing in the box, and it isn't very good, so you might want to get out, and you can get out easily.

I think the house that I made today is very good, because there are boxes inside, and you can go in and come out safely.

Minecraft / Building Competition 5

Today I want to tell everyone about that this is episode 5 of the building competition, and I am very happy that we made 5 episodes.

This building competition is about building a small castle, and I really like my castle, but my brother's castle is cool, too.

In my castle, there isn't anything, because it is just a hollow castle, so it is not interesting at all, it is just a beautiful castle.

My brother's castle is made by obsidian, lava, and some monsters, and I didn't feel good, but it is very cool.

I think this building competition is good, and both of ours castle are all very cool, so I really like this building competition.

2019年3月1日 星期五

Minecraft / Handmade Water Fall

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a waterfall, and it is very cool, if you pull the lever, you can see water falling down.

The fall is made by rocks, and it has some pistons, and some redstone dusts, so if you want to make it, you can go see my video, so you can learn how to make it.

If you follow the water, and you go down, you will be blocked by the surface, and it is very cool, I hope everyone likes it.

I will do more machines, and I will try to invent, if you have some idea, you can write a comment down the video or blog.

I think this machine is very cool, because you can play with the water, and I wish I can make something cool next time.