2017年10月30日 星期一


Tomorrow we have the final test, I am very afraid, because if my score is bad, I will be sad, and I will not in the top three.


Tomorrow we will have a test about Chinese, science, and English, so today I am practicing my science and Chinese.


I wish tomorrow I can get a high score, because I want to go in top three, but I think is very hard, because my test score is not really high.


I think tomorrow my score will be low, but I wish I can get a high score.


2017年10月29日 星期日


Today I want to tell everyone about my test score, today I have a test at my home, and I get a good score.


My score is 100 ++, I am very happy, because this score is higher than 100, it is 100++! I am very surprised

(我的成績是 100++,我非常開心,因為我的成績竟然高於 100,是 100++!我非常驚訝😯!)

There are some questions that you need to draw, those questions are difficult, if you don't know how to draw, your 25 points will be gone.

(有一些題目是要用畫的,那些題目都非常的難,如果你全部都畫錯或不會畫,就會扣 25 分。)

I think this test is very fun, because you can draw on the test paper, but it is hard.


2017年10月28日 星期六


Today I want to tell everyone about Easter island, this island is very small, on this island, there are a lot of rock statues, they are called Moai.


Now, on this island, there are 887 statues on there.

(現在在復活節島上,已經有 887 個摩艾石像了。)

They thought, if the chief of the village is dead, there will be a statue on the chief's body. The statues will help the chief get enough energy.


Easter island is made by volcano, on this island, there are only seven statues facing the ocean.


I think Easter island is very cool, because there are statues everywhere.


2017年10月27日 星期五

Happy Halloween

Today is Halloween, everyone wore costumes to scare people, we had some games to play, and also we went to trick or treat.


The games that we played were very fun, there were four games, and our team won four times, we are very happy.


When we went to trick or treat, it is very fun, we walked through a lot of shops and restaurants, and everyone got a lot of candies.


I think today is very fun, because our team won four times, and when we won the last one, our captain gave us one fries each.


2017年10月26日 星期四

Trick or treat

Today I want to tell everyone about trick or treat, this is Pokémon GO's activity, this is about Halloween Pokémon.


In this activity, when you caught a Pokémon, you will get double candies, and you can find scary Pokémon on the street.


This activity ends at November 2, if you want to catch those scary Pokemon, you must play now, because the activity will end soon.

( 11 月 2 日就是這個活動結束的那一天,如果你想要抓很多隻寶可夢,你現在就必須馬上開始抓,不然會來不及。)

I think this activity is very good, because you can catch a lot of scary Pokemon, and you can have double candy.


2017年10月25日 星期三


今天我要跟大家介紹達拉崩吧這首歌,這首歌是在今年的 3 月發行的,剛開學,我們班就很流行這首歌,於是我回家查了查,發現其實很好笑。





2017年10月24日 星期二

I had a good score

Today I want to tell everyone about that I had an oral test today, and I got a good score, I am very happy.


Today my throat is better than yesterday, so I can talk well now, when I drink water, my throut will not be hurt.


When I knew the next one is me, I took out my book and open it to review, I read for a long time, when I am testing, I am not afraid.


I think oral test is a little bit easy, because this test didn't take a long time, we just need to read some paragraphs, and answer questions.


2017年10月23日 星期一

Oral test

Tomorrow I will have an oral test, I am afraid, because my throat is still hurt, I don't know if I can talk or not.


Today's test I am fine, because it is writing, and you don't need to talk, if we need to talk, the time we talk is just a little time.


When I am talking to the teacher, and I feel hurt, I will be very worried about my score, so I need to endure my pain.


I think tomorrow will be fine, I wish when I am talking to my oral test teacher, there is no bother by my throat.


2017年10月22日 星期日

Afraid of going to school

Today I want to tell anyone about that I am afraid of going to school tomorrow because I am afraid of if I cannot talk well.


Even that I think that is fine, I am still afraid, when I am laughed by my classmates, I will be sad,  I don't want to go to school anymore.


Now I am very afraid of eating, too, because when I eat something, it is painful, because there's food go through my throat.


I think I will not be laughed, but I am still afraid, so I am afraid of tomorrow, I wish tomorrow will be fine.


2017年10月21日 星期六

My throat hurt

I want to tell everyone about that my throat hurts, when I woke up at 9 o'clock, I felt my throat is very very painful.


If food went through my throat, I will feel very painful, it's even hard to talk, so now I can't talk very well.


This is very painful, it is just like a fish bone that stuck in your throat, you can't even imagine the pain I have.


I think throat hurt is a bad thing, because you can't eat well, and you can't talk well, and also can't sleep well.


2017年10月20日 星期五

I hurt my feet

Yesterday I hurt my feet, when I am finish sport class, I hurt my feet, that time it is very very hurt, but I still can walk.


I don‘t know when I hurt my feet, maybe is when I am running,  when I am walking up the stairs, I just can jump.


When I went home, Dad spray something on my feet, Dad say this spray can that your feet be well, but this spray will that me feel cold.


 I think when you hurt your feet, that is very very hurt, but if you spray that thing, your feet will be well.


2017年10月19日 星期四

I made a sword

Today I want to tell everyone about I made a sword for Halloween, because we cannot make sharp things, so it is made by paper and cannot open.

(今天我要和大家介紹 我做了劍,這把劍是萬聖節裝扮用的,我們因為不能做尖銳或危險的物品,所以我的劍是用紙箱做的,而且不能打開。)

When you made this, you will have to make a long time, because I need to cut and tape, then I need to make other things of Halloween.


I  still don't know what to cosplay, but I think I just need to put something on my face, or wearing some costumes, that is fine.


I think thinking what to cosplay in Halloween is easy, because you just need to do some things on your face, or cut your clothes.


2017年10月18日 星期三





龍戰於野是趙雲的第二招,只要用了這一招,畫面裡就會出現紫色的圓圈,然後會打下去,用完這一招後,他會提升自己是 40 % 的攻擊力,持續四秒。





2017年10月17日 星期二

Halloween is coming soon

Halloween is coming soon, but I don't know what to cosplay, and I don't want to spend much money on buying costumes.


In my home, I can't think of anything that can use to cosplay something in the Halloween, but I will keep thinking.


On Saturday, I made Halloween Ball, this ball is very cute, and I want to attach it on my clothes, because in Halloween, it will be very helpful.


I think I can cosplay a hero that is in Arena of Valor, because we have a lot of handmade things in our home.


2017年10月16日 星期一


Today I want to tell you about our loo is having a big flood, in the morning, when we went to clean the loo, there is a flood.


When there is a flood, we used a dustpan to scoop the water in a bucket, then we pour the water in the toilet, because if we pour the water in the sink, the water will come out again.


In the morning, we pour the water in the toilet, but it still comes out, so we cannot finish pouring the water, when the flood stopped, my feet were all wet.


I think today is fun, because when we scoop the water on the dustpan it is very fun, and sometimes I will pour the water in the toilet.


2017年10月15日 星期日


Today I want to tell you about my brother's parents' day that I went on Saturday, it was fun, and I am very happy, I want to go again.


First my brother's teacher told us about what he was teaching at his classroom, and my brother's Taiwanese teacher told us about his homework.


When my brother's English teacher finished talking about my brother's classroom, we wrote worksheet. It was about word search.


I think yesterday's parents day is very fun, especially the worksheets that I wrote on Saturday, it was really really fun.











2017年10月14日 星期六






其次是「團隊合作」。我想舉的例子是團體跳繩。團體跳繩需要兩個甩繩手和五個人在裡面跳,總共是七個人的合作,一開始大家連跳一下都會卡住,可能是甩繩甩不好,可能是同學沒跳好,於是我們開始用口令,讓大家的動作一致,逐漸進步到四下或五下左右,但還是會有同學卡住,於是我們就開始找原因,看是哪位同學跳得不好,或是甩繩子不協調,一起協助改善。經過幾次討論與改進,再多加練習,整個團隊的表現與默契都更好了,逐漸能跳到 100 下。




2017年10月12日 星期四


Today I want to tell everyone about Toro, because I didn't use any money to buy this hero, it is free, you just need to fight three times of qualifying mode.


You can buy Toro by diamond or gold coin, but when I know I can get Toro if I fight qualifying mode for three times, I quickly accomplished the task, but all lost.


I lost three times, but I still got Toro, because you just fight three times and don't have to win.


I think Toro is hard to control, so I didn't use Toro a lots of times. I like to use Yorn.


2017年10月11日 星期三


今天我要和大家介紹阿萊斯特這個英雄,它是免費的,因為只要打排位賽打到 E 新秀 1,就可以得到阿萊斯特。

我一開始是用限免的阿萊斯特試玩,覺得很好用,所以就想要他,於是我發現打排位賽只要打到 E 新秀 1,就可以有阿萊斯特。







2017年10月10日 星期二

Today I want to tell everyone about Yorn, he is a hero in Arena of Valor, I like to use him to fight, because his attack is very strong.


His attack is very strong, but he cannot survive for a long time, he can easily been defeated, so I need to buy a lot of potions to increase his life.


He has one skill that can shoot very far, that skill is very strong, if one enemy is far from you, Yorn can use that skill to shoot.


I think Yorn is good to use in fighting, because the strongest skill can shoot very far and anywhere you want.


2017年10月9日 星期一



( Today I want to tell you about the second episode of Minions. This afternoon we saw this movie, it is very good, so I want to tell everyone.)


( In this movie, minions were turned into purple monsters, so Gru needs to save them, he joined a team, and worked with a girl.)


( Then the doctor brought some medicine to treatment minions. And after all, the bad guy is been defeated, and it's hard to defeat, because he is a monster.)


(I think this movie is very good, because bad guy is strong, and that guy pretended to be Gru's best friend, wanted the character to be bad.)

2017年10月8日 星期日

Catch Pokémon

Today afternoon, we wanted to catch Pokémon, then I went to eat dinner, but when we finish eating dinner, it is the time to go home.


I am sad, because catching Pokémon is very fun, but it is very late to catch Pokémon.

If it is not too late to catch Pokémon, we will fight the gym, or catch a lot of Pokémon.

We went to a very good restaurant to eat dinner, there are a lot of yummy vegetables and meat to eat.

I like the vegetables and chicken, because it is very yummy, and if you eat the vegetable and chicken with rice, it will be very very good.


I think today is fun, because our dinner is very yummy, but we didn't go to catch Pokémon.


2017年10月7日 星期六

Kicking soccer

Today I played soccer with dad at the park, it was fun, I played a lot, and I'm happy, but it is hard to win.


This game is to kick soccer in the hula hoop, and dad will move hula hoop, and I need to kick in.


The first time I didn't kick inside, and it is hard, I kicked a lot of time, but I only kicked in two times, it is bad.


When I kicked the first time, it was when the hula hoop jump, then my soccer went under it, so the ball didn't hit the hula hoop.


I think today is fun because I played a lot.


2017年10月6日 星期五

I get 100 points at math test

In the morning, our teacher gave us the test that yesterday tested and I got 100 points on that test, I am very happy.


Teacher told me to check everyone's test mistakes, because I got 100, and in our class, there is only one 100 points, it's me!


I am glad, but in the afternoon, we need to test another test, but I think that test, I will not get 100 this time.


I think getting 100 points is hard, because we need to check again and again, and we cannot have any mistake.


2017年10月5日 星期四



(Today, when I was going to my tutorial class, my teacher told me to take my brother's meal bag, because he forgot to bring it, I can help him because I have school all day.)


(My brother forgot to take his meal bag at noon, but because I went to my tutorial class in the afternoon, even he forgot to took his meal bag, I still can go back to his classroom to help him get it.)


(When I went to my tutorial class, I thought my brother is very afraid of that he didn't bring his meal bag home, so I told him, I brought your meal bag.)


(I think this is funny, because this is the first time my brother didn't bring his meal bag.)

2017年10月4日 星期三









2017年10月3日 星期二

We cannot wash the loo

Today afternoon, when we were cleaning the floor, I saw a man coming here and told us, we can not use the sink, because it will make a flood.


That time I went to tell our teacher that thing, and our teacher said, we don't need to clean the loo, so I am happy.


When I went to our classroom, I told  everyone, Thursday we don't need to clean the loo, and everybody is happy.


I think the man who comes and tells us don't use the sink is good, because we don't need to clean the loo.


2017年10月2日 星期一

In the ocean

Today I want to tell you about the animals in the ocean, because in the book, we need to walk the maze, and find a picture.


The animals that are in the ocean are a lot, like dolphins, craps, sharks, and other kind of ocean animals.


 In that page, we need to find harwhals, red turtles, big squids.

(在那一夜裡面我們必須找到獨角鯨,赤蠵龜和大王魷 。)

 And there is a puzzle, that you need to solve or find, the puzzle always hard, so it is hard to find or answer.


2017年10月1日 星期日

Play with my friend

In the afternoon, I played with my friend. First we played Pokémon GO, then we went to the playground to play baseball.


In the Pokémon GO game we fight the boss, Raikou. It is hard to defeat, and we fight three times, but I just caught one.


When we were in the park, and playing baseball, we played a long time, and we are happy.


When we were playing, we have four adults, and five children, and are nine people totally.


I think today is fun, because we played a lot, like fighting boss, playing baseball, we spent a lot of time, and we are all happy.
