2019年4月30日 星期二

天氣 100 問 1

今天我要和大家介紹一本書叫做天氣 100 問,我一次大約講 5 個題目,這樣就只要 20 天就能講完整本了。

在前面的比較簡單,但是越後面越難,所以大家聽不懂請見諒,我自己大約從第 35 題開始的也會不太懂,所以大家有補充可以在下面留言。


2019年4月28日 星期日

如何在 YouTube 和部落格留言

今天我要和大家介紹我今天有錄一個影片在說關於要如何在 YouTube 和部落格留言,希望今天的部落格對大家有幫助。

如果你有遇到有朋友或家人不知道如何在 YouTube 和部落格留言,歡迎把影片分享給他喔!希望大家喜歡我的影片。


2019年4月27日 星期六

月相/時間/方位/潮汐 學習單

月相、時間、方位、潮汐,是個很值得學習的主題。以下,請用 iPad 螢幕錄影講解的方式,說明以下四個主題,換你當小老師囉!

1. 以下是月相、時間與方位之間的關係表格,看來相當複雜,但其實只要會畫出太陽、地球、月亮、人的相對關係,就能正確的預測。請用 iPad 螢幕錄影講解的方式,解釋以下 12 格的狀況。

2. 月亮每天會比前一天,晚起約50分鐘,同樣的,只要能畫出太陽、地球、月亮的相對關係,就能準確算出為什麼每天月亮會更晚起,而且又是晚起 50 分鐘。請用 iPad 螢幕錄影講解的方式,說明這個現象。

3. 一天會漲潮兩次、退潮兩次,請一樣用太陽、地球、月亮的相對關係圖,解釋「大潮」跟「小潮」分別發生在農曆每個月的哪些日子。(提示:Google 搜尋 tide moon,看圖片。)

4. 雖然我們說一天漲潮兩次,但實際上是一點多次,差一點點才兩次。這個跟「月亮每天晚起 50 分鐘」的原理一樣,請一樣用 iPad 畫圖解說之。

最後,請從你所有影片中,抓一張你覺得看起來最有學問的畫面,處理成 16:9 後,貼到這篇文章的最上方吧!

2019年4月24日 星期三





2019年4月23日 星期二






2019年4月22日 星期一

Minecraft / The New Update

Today I am going to tell everyone about that Minecraft has a new update, and I wanted to show everyone, I wish everyone likes it.

There are some loom and some good things, there are even a lectern, and it can put a book on it, there are even crossbow, too.

I think today is a very special day, I wish everyone like the new update, and you can try to play the new update, too.

2019年4月21日 星期日

Minecraft / The Tree Bed

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a tree bed a long time ago, and today I am going to introduce it.

The tree bed that I made is kind of like a square, and inside the bed is water, because it is cool to sleep in water.

I wish if I was in creative mode, and I have some blocks, so I can make the tree bed easily, and I can sleep, and even live in there.

2019年4月20日 星期六

My LEGO Project / Four Transportations

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made four kinds of transportations, the transportations are boat, motorcycle, car, and helicopter.

I am very happy that I made a lot of transportations, and the transportations are all very good, I think the motorcycle is the best.

I think the transportations are very cool, I think I can make some more transportations, but I think I need to broke the old transportations.

2019年4月19日 星期五

Line Rangers

Today I want to tell everyone about that I played Line Rangers before, and I deleted it, but I download it again, and I found out that my old account is still there.

My old account is very good, so I decided to tell everyone, but when I am recording the video, I felt that I am really weak, so I am sad.

I think today's video is not very good, because I found out I lose a lot of times, so I wish I was stronger before.

2019年4月18日 星期四

GarageBand Song

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made some songs by GarageBand, and I wanted to tell everyone.

If anyone is interested in it, please watch the video, and I wish everyone like it, wish you can subscribe me.

I think the song that I made is very good, wish everyone can subscribe me and share my video, and even give me a like.

2019年4月17日 星期三

科學實驗王 8 / 基因與遺傳

今天我要和大家介紹我有錄影介紹一本書叫做科學實驗王 8 / 基因與遺傳,我覺得我有補充一些不錯的知識,所以大家可以去看看。



2019年4月16日 星期二

科學實驗王 7 / 人體的奧秘

今天我要和大家介紹一本書叫做科學實驗王 7 / 人體的奧秘,我覺得是蠻好看的,希望大家也喜歡這本書。



2019年4月14日 星期日

網路時代之個人品牌工作坊 / 實習總結


我覺得有一些人問的問題我自己也不是很清楚,像是他的 Dropbox 無法下載課程資源,我因為沒有使用過 Dropbox,所以我也不知道要如何回答,聽了姿文阿姨解釋之後有比較了解,就是要在 Google 上搜尋之後再登入。



我在這一次的實習學到的就是要仔細聽他們問的問題,我還有學到要如何加上漸層,我也學到了在 Mac 筆電上面要如何另存新檔了,就是要點選檔案,並且按匯出,而且要選 JPEG 檔,我真的學到了很多。

我如果下一次還要實習的話,我可能需要去加強我的 Dropbox 的部分,因為我沒有很常用 Dropbox,所以我不知道要如何下載,我要改進的就是去真的登入 Dropbox,然後試試看,希望我下一次遇到這個問題可以解決。

還有一點可以進步的,就是我要去試試看所有的 PowerPoint 的功能,因為有時候大家問的問題是像要如何去除背景之類的,所以這樣的話就要練習 PowerPoint 的功能。



2019年4月13日 星期六

My mom's birthday and Mother's Day

Today I want to tell everyone about that Mother's Day will be on May 12th, and my mom's birthday is on May 8th, so I am going to pack a package with her Mother's Day gift and birthday gift.

I made a lot of things for my mom, and when I packed it, I am sure that the package will be very full, and my mom will be surprised.

I searched on the internet, and I found out that there are a lot of things that I can make, so I decided to learn how to make those things.

I found a lot kind of things, but I am thinking about what to give my mom next year, because if I make all of those things, and next year I make the same thing, isn't that weird?

I asked my mom about this and she said that I will figure it out next year, so I wanted to wait until next year, and see what idea did I think of.

Now, I am thinking of making some inventions, and give it to my mom, like a towel that can fold into a bag.

Soon will be Mother's Day, so we needed to give some gifts to our grandmas, and we are going to paint a A4 paper, and write a card.

I wish my mom and my grandmas will like my good cards and gift, and I wish I can come up with a good idea next year.

When I finished packing my stuff, I will give it to my mom when it is her birthday, I wish I can succeed.

I think the things I made are really good, because the things I made are all very nice, and very beautiful.

2019年4月12日 星期五

胖丁水彩畫 2 / 夕陽




2019年4月11日 星期四

科學實驗王 6 / 環保與污染




2019年4月10日 星期三

Why Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed?

Hi everyone, my name is Jin, and today I am going to introduce why Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed. A few weeks ago, I saw a news from the internet version of The New York Times, and the topic was The Dangerous Flaws in Boeing's Automated System.

Last October, Lion Air's Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed. And in May, Ethiopian Air's Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed, too. This became the topic that everyone talks about, but still not everyone knows why exactly Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed?

A normal airplane will raise about two to three degrees, Boeing 737 Max 8's engine is a bit higher than the original 737, and its aerodynamics would cause it to raise to even 10 degrees. There is a system called MCAS, and MCAS will push the plane back to normal angle.

There are two attack angle sensors on the 737 Max 8, but they only used one, which is considered a bad design. After the investigation, Boeing said the attack angle sensor gave the wrong information, which is about 20 degrees larger than the actual number. Therefore, MCAS pushed the plane down.

The pilot noticed the unusual sink, so they raised the plane again, which again is counteracted by MCAS. Even though the pilot wanted to disengage MCAS, it just can't be turned off. It became a tug of war.

At last, MCAS pushed the plane down to over 40 degrees, so the plane began to fall down, and it crashed.

The reason why Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed is because the attack angle sensor sent the wrong data, and MCAS can't be disengaged, so this is why Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed.

I wish you like my news report. Thank you very much.

2019年4月8日 星期一

Mothers' Day Decoration

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a ball for mothers' day, and I am teaching everyone how to make a ball.

I filmed a lot of times, so there are some parts that I didn't film, because I thought I took too much time, and I just skipped it.

I think everyone can understand what I am doing, so I wish everyone can make one for your mom, too, I wish you can succeed.

2019年4月7日 星期日

Why 737 Max 8 crashed?

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made an introduction about why 737 Max 8 crashed, and if anyone is interested in it, please watch the video.

I think a lot of people are interested in it, so I wish you can watch my video, I introduced it in Mandarin, and if you just know English, you can look at the words.

I think the introduction I made is a very good thing, because it helps me to improve talking, and say out the thing I knew.

胖丁水彩畫 1 / 竹林和康乃馨




2019年4月6日 星期六

科學實驗王 5 / 電流與磁力




2019年4月4日 星期四

科學實驗王 4 / 光合作用與呼吸作用

今天我要和大家介紹科學實驗王 4 / 光合作用與呼吸作用,我覺得非常的好看,而且又可以學到很多知識,希望大家可以去看。



2019年4月3日 星期三

科學實驗王 3 / 光的折射與反射

今天我要和大家介紹一本書叫做「科學實驗王 3 光的折射與反射」,我覺得這本書很好,因為他有說明光的折射與反射。



2019年4月2日 星期二

科學實驗王 2 / 牛頓運動定律




2019年4月1日 星期一

Journal Writing / A Scary Story

One day, I am playing the keyboard in my house, then suddenly someone knocked on the door, and my parents opened it, and it was three scary wolves, and they told us to go to bed, we were afraid so we did the things they want.

I don't really believe it, but then they forced us to go to sleep, and we all slept on a same bed, so that means there were seven people sleeping on a small bed, I am very scared, because I am afraid what will happen to my parents.

When I really want to know what happened, I opened my eyes, and I saw we were all very safe, the wolves were sleeping very well, what a relief.

I slept for some hours, and when I woke up, the wolves were all gone, and I was afraid that is real, and maybe my family were the wolves or something, I was thinking about this thing all the time, and I couldn't relax.

When I went home, I want to ask my mom about is this real or not, but I was afraid that she would laugh at me or she would say I am crazy, so I decided to not ask her questions, and I am still confused about this thing.

I maybe will think it is a dream, but I remember it is really like a real wolf, so I still think that is a true story, and I wish I can find out.

I think having this experience is very good, because it will make me think if it is true or not, and I still don't know, maybe everyone have thoughts like me, too, I wish there is anyone that has the same experience.