2020年1月11日 星期六

The fastest Mirror Mode I have ever played

Today I want to tell everyone about the fastest mirror mode game I have ever played, so enjoy my video, and press the like button if you like it.

We used Zilong, and the enemies chose diggie, the important thing in mirror mode is to split push and quickly win the game, so I went to top lane, and my brother went to bottom lane, we are both split pushing.

The diggies are gathering at the mid lane, so there are three Zilong at mid lane defending, but when I think I can’t push easily, I went to mid lane and started to defend, this time, my brother and someone is pushing bottom lane.

After a while, they successfully pushed the bottom lane inhibitor turret, so they went pushing base, and we didn’t let them attack the base, so I think we all did a good job.

I think the most important thing in mirror mode is to split push, so when you are playing, just leave defending for your teammates, and start split pushing.