2019年8月20日 星期二

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Today I want to tell everyone that I read a book called 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone', and I think it is very good.

The author is J.K. Rowling, and she wrote 7 books of Harry Potter, and I read two of them already.

The first book is about a person called Harry Potter who survived from a bad guy called Voldemort, and Voldemort tried to kill Harry Potter.

After the attack, Voldemort disappeared, some said he is hiding, but some said he is dead, and the story starts.

Harry Potter's parents were killed by Voldemort's dark spell, so he lived at his mother's sister's house.

In the story, there are two kinds of people, one is the people who knew how to use magic, and one is the people who are normal like us called Muggles.

Harry Potter lives with three people, Vernon Dursley, Petunia Dursley, and their son, Dudley Dursley.

One day, Harry got a letter, but Uncle Vernon ripped it. When it is Harry's Eleventh Birthday at midnight, someone broke into their house, and he was Hogwarts's gamekeeper, Hagrid.

Hogwarts is a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and you can study there for seven years, and you can learn a lot of things.

The new Hogwarts students have to get on platform 9 3/4, which is between platforms 9 and 10 at the King Cross station.

The first-year students will be sorted into four houses, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw.

Harry Potter is in Gryffindor, and he met his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, they work and do things together.

They found a dog called Fluffy guarding something, and they think the Dark Arts teacher, Snape is trying to steal the thing.

Quidditch is a magic game, you have to fly with a broom and score points, there are seven players on each team, three scorings, two blocking the attacking balls, one catching a 150 points ball, and one blocking the other team scoring.

On the Quidditch game, Harry first played, he is losing control of his broom, and Hermione saw Snape doing eye contact, and he is speaking some spell, so she set fire on Snape's cloth, and Harry gets on his broom again.

They found out the dog is guarding something called the Philosopher's Stone, they thought Snape wants to kill Harry, and he wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone, so they tried to stop him.

They sneak to the door, and they opened, there is a dog, but it is asleep, because there is an instrument playing, so they went in the trapdoor under the dog.

There are the traps different teacher made, and they finished them all, but only Harry went in the last door because Hermione went back and get Ron out of the door, so they can call the teachers.

Harry saw a mirror and a person, but it wasn't Snape, it was the Defence Against Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell.

Harry figured out that Snape was protecting him, and Professor Quirrell is the person who is really making eye contact, and Snape was helping Harry.

Harry had a fight with Professor Quirrell, and Harry saw Voldemort behind Quirrell's head, then Harry defeated Quirrell, but he fainted, too.

Then the stone was destroyed, and the story ends, I think the story is excellent, if you want to read the books, too, you can buy it.