2019年8月18日 星期日

Robot Walking on the White Line

Today I want to tell everyone that my brother, my dad and I made a robot that can walk on the white line.

Actually, we wrote code for it to walk on the line, so it can't detect the line itself, we wrote the code and tell it to walk.

The first robot we made isn't this one, because the first robot we made can't walk smoothly, so we designed the second robot.

The second robot is the robot in the video, and it can walk smoother than the first one, so when we finished the code, it walked smoothly.

We failed a lot of time, but we changed some code every time, we get better, but some times the robot will go wrong, too.

I think we can use a computer to code next time because a computer got a lot of different codes inside, so you can make the robot do more things with your computer.