2018年7月11日 星期三

Tomorrow I will go to America

Today I want to tell everyone about that I will go to America tomorrow, and I am very excited, too.

I want to know will I eat lots of fast food, or America will have rice? I am not really sure, and I wish I can go to America happily and come back happily, but I am very sure that my brother will be angry in America, because he can be angry anywhere.

I am very excited to be on the airplane, because we will fly to Tokyo, then fly to America, when we come back, we will just fly to Taiwan, so we will sit on different airplanes when we are going to America and come back to Taiwan.

When we are flying to Tokyo, we will eat one meal, and when we are flying to America, we will eat four meals, when we are flying back to Taiwan, we will eat four meals, too, so we will be very full, and I think my Dad will eat all of the meal.

I think four meals are too much, because one day is 24 hours, and when we fly to America, it is only 12 hours, we eat four meals, and one day we just eat three meals, so I think 12 hours eat four meals are too much.

I will play the games that is on the plane, and I will watch the movie that is on the plane, and I will sleep on the plane, and I will eat on the plane, and I also watch Netflix that I downloaded.

I think I will play very fun at America, and I think I will learn some good and useful things at America, so I am as excited as I go to Japan, and I wish I can be fine and healthy when I come back.