2018年1月28日 星期日

Happy new year

Today we went to grandmother's house, and we all had fun there, because it's Chinese New Year, so we will give everyone a red envelope of money.

Because the money is very secret, so everyone will not know how much money will you get, I don't know either.

When we got our money, we put it in our bag and we went to play, we played a lot and that is all about throwing the ball.

We have a lot of box and ball. We set the small one as 100 points, and the middle one as 50 points, and the very big one as 10 points.

Because I think the small one is too small, and my ball can't go in, so I chose the middle one, but it was also hard, so I threw seven balls to the middle one, but there isn't any ball go in, so I got zero point, I am very sad.

I think today is very good to play, because we played some games with balls, and also we got a lot of money, but I don't know how much money actually.