2018年1月27日 星期六

TED ED: A trip through space to calculate distance

Today I want to tell everyone about a trip through space to calculate distance, this is a TED ED's video, I think it is very fun.

This video is about a monster called Mark and a monster called Bleebob are racing to the moon, and Mark is 150 mile away from the moon, and Bleebob is 240 mile away from the moon.

When the race started, Mark used two hours to land on the moon, and Bleebob use three hours to land on the moon, then we need to use D = RT to help us find out who is faster.

First, we need to know how many miles did Mark go for an hour, we need to write a sentence like: 150 = [ x ][ 2 ], this equation helps us to know how many miles did Mark go for an hour. Because 150 divided by 2 is 75,  so Mark went 75 miles per hour.

Then, we need to know how many miles did Bleebob go for an hour, we need to write a sentence like: 240 = [ x ][ 2 ], this sentence helped us to know how many miles did Bleebob go for an hour. Because 240 divided by 3 is 80, so Bleebob went 80 miles per hour.

Because 80 is bigger than 75, so Bleebob wins. I think this video is very good, because it tell you how to know who runs faster, even though the running miles is not the same.