2019年7月14日 星期日

The Special Blog / Pictures of different styles

Today I want to tell everyone about that my Dad wanted us to use different ways to draw animals, and my animal is a penguin.

This one is the Ancient Egyptian penguin, there is a Elaborate Eye on the penguin, and the flower beside the penguin is the Lotus Flower, and there is a Jeweled Collar on its neck.

This one is the Pop Art penguin, it is crying because he can't eat the delicious can over there, it is blocked by a glass.

This one is Art Deco penguin, the penguin on the poster is made by different shapes. A penguin thinks the penguin on the poster is like itself, and a penguin is selling the poster.

I think the penguins I drew were all good, but still not good enough for me, wish I could keep practice and get better.