2019年7月3日 星期三

London Trip 7 / Going to the Royal Mews

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to the Royal Mews, and we went to Leonardo da Vinci: A life in drawing.

When we woke up, I ate the mushrooms I bought yesterday, because I thought it is going to be good, but it isn't, and the bowl is very big, so I took a long time to finish it.

Then we went to the Royal Mews, there are a lot of carriages, and some are comfortable but not fashion, and some are fashion but not comfortable.

There is a golden carriage, but the Queen said it isn't comfortable. The golden carriage is also too big for the room, so there is a secret door in the room.

I tried a carriage in a room, and everyone can sit on the carriage, too, and there are some clothes to wear, and be like a prince or princess.

After the Royal Mews, we went to the Leonardo da Vinci: A life in drawing event, there are a lot of drawings that Leonardo da Vinci drew.

In this exhibition, he uses pencils to draw lines and practice how to draw a thing, even the thing he drew isn't right, it is still beautiful.

I think he is brave at drawing things, even he know it's hard, he will still keep drawing until it is good enough for himself.

Then we went to Jewel Tower, and it is very small, there are two small floors, and there are different kinds of bowls and spoons.

There are even some tools telling you which one is heavier, the cool thing about the Jewel Tower is there are toy bows and crossbows in the shop.

I think today is a good day, because we went to the Royal Mews, and I saw a lot of da Vinci's drawings.