2019年7月12日 星期五

London Trip 16 / Going to Tate Modern

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to a museum called Tate Modern, and there are a lot of paintings and artworks.

When we went there, there is a slope at the entrance, and my brother likes to play and run there, so Mom and Dad said they will let us play later.

We saw a lot of paintings and drawings, some I knew, but some I don't, and some seems ridiculous, and I can't understand why are they drawing like that.

There are some painters that can draw like the computer, so I think they are really drawing nicely, and the color won't mix together.

The gallery I like the most is the shooting topic gallery, one of the painters hide some paint bags behind the painting, then used a gun to shoot them.

One of the painters shot paints out of the gun to a white paper, the last artist doesn't draw.

She created a telephone booth with Chinese words on it, because she is China people, when the gallery was created, she took a gun inside the gallery and shot a hole on the glass.

Then the gallery is soon closed by the Chinese Communist Party, but after Tiananmen Square Protest, people think her work is an icon of anti-government protest. Because it means China people went protest, and they shot a hole, and the telephone booth is the government, and I think I agree.

After that, we went to play on the big slope at the entrance, and I think it will be more fun if our shoes got wheels.

If we bring our skateboard here, we could sit on it and slide down, if our shoes got wheels, it would be very exciting.

We ate the cafe for lunch, and me and my brother both got a kid meal box, and there are fruits and sandwiches and also a chocolate brownie.

I think today is very good, because we ate our delicious lunch today, and we play the slide, but if our shoes got wheels, it would be better.