2019年7月26日 星期五
Japan Trip 3 / A Very Hot Day
Today I want tot ell everyone about today was a very hot day, and we sweat a lot, so I think I am lucky that I bought a towel yesterday.
We woke up very early today, and we went to the deepest lake in Japan, called Lake Tazawa, and there was a statue, and it is a woman.
The woman is very beautiful, and she wanted to always be beautiful, so she asked the god how, and the god said she could go and drink the lake water, but when she drank it, she became more thirsty, she drank a lot, and she became a dragon and swim into the sea.
We went there and we fed the fish, and we threw some stones in the lake, and see if we can make the stone bounce on the water.
When we were feeding the fish, we got a bag of fish food, when we threw one down, a lot of fish will come and get it, it is very cool.
Then we went to some samurai's house, but when we went off the bus, it is very hot outside, and there were ants everywhere, so I don't really like it.
In every free visit house, there are a lot of ants on the ground, and I don't feel comfortable when visiting those houses, so we went back very quickly.
Then we went to take a train to another place, but I felt asleep while sitting on the train, then we were there, the bus was already at the stop, so we went on.
We arrived at a place for making cookies, and we went to buy some Mochi, and we played some wooden stick and a wooden horse.
Then we went to our new hotel, there are four beds on tatami, and I think I will have a good night sleeping on the bed.