2018年6月14日 星期四

Today is the last day of grade 6

Today I want to tell everyone about today is the last day of grade 6 in our school, I think they are all sad.

I saw some teachers cried, and a lot of grade 6 children cried, too, and some of grade 5 children cried.

I didn't cry, but I felt sad, I wish them have a bright future, and I wish they can be what they wanted to be.

Today's activity is better then before, because it has a show, this show is a song, they dance.

I think the teachers' dancing are very funny, because they are adult, they can't jump very high.

There is a video about each classes took a funny video, and made it into a video, the video is very good.

Today my hands are really hurt, and it is all white, but I didn't stop clapping, I finish clapping.

All of grade 5 students and teachers came out and clap hand to let grade 6 walk out of the school.

When they are walking, the most of them cried, and the teachers cried, too, I think they are really sad.

I think today this activity is very fun, because I can see my grade 6 friends, but they are leaving the school.