2018年5月31日 星期四

I want to learn ukulele

Today I want to tell everyone about that I wanted to learn ukulele, because I played before, and I think it is fun.

Today my classmate brought an ukulele to school, because if someone has an instrument, they need to bring it.

Our nature teacher says that we will listen to the songs that instruments made, I think ukulele is the best.

Today is the second time that I touched ukulele, but the first time I touched ukulele, I don't know how to make music with it.

When I touched ukulele the second time, I try to make some music, and I try the sound that every actions make, then I will start to try and finish a song.

In school, my classmates will ask if they can play one time? I don't have anytime to play, and some classmates won't lend me.

I think they won't lend me because they wanted to play, but I want to play, too, so I want to have my own ukulele.

If I have my own ukulele, I can learn it by myself, and I don't need to worry about someone will bother me.

I think if I could learn ukulele by myself, and don't tell my friend, maybe my classmates will think I am better.

I think if I could have my own ukulele, I can learn well by myself, but I need to practice hard.