2018年5月7日 星期一

Water safety

Today I want to tell everyone about the water safety, because I saw a comic book and it is about safety, so I want to tell everyone.

Today I am telling everyone about water safety, and maybe tomorrow I will tell everyone about another safety.

When it is summer if you are going to the beach, you can't go by yourself, because maybe you don't know how to save yourself.

If you saw someone doesn't know how to save themselves, you can call 119, or use something that can float on the water to save.

If you want to use some sticks to let him/her catch, you cannot do it by yourself, you need to let another person to hold your legs.

If you are at the swimming pool, you cannot run, because maybe you will fall, and no one catches you, and you will fall in the water.

You cannot jump, because maybe the water isn't deep enough to let you jump into the water, so maybe that is dangerous.

If you are not good at swimming, don't think you are very good and just go down and swim, maybe no one knows that you are in danger.

I think water safety is very important, because maybe you don't know how to do when you saw someone in danger.