2018年5月1日 星期二

Play tug-of-war

Today I want to tell everyone about that we played tug of war with 509 and they lost, because we have enough power.

We watched a lot of classes playing tug of war, because today is the day that some classes need to play tug-of-war with another class.

However, there are classes that don't need to play tug of war today, because today who won the tug of war will play with the classes that will play tug-of-war tomorrow.

Because today we won 509, so tomorrow we will play tug-of-war with 510, if we won, we need to play with 501 or 502.

We wanted to won the first place, but I think this is hard, because there are still a lot of classes that are strong, so we can't think they are weak, we need to think they are strong, then maybe we could win.

Tomorrow I think everyone is excited because if we win, we will be happy and everyone will think we are strong.

But if we are strong, we still cannot think we are very strong, because maybe there are some classes are stronger than us, so maybe we will lose.

We need to fight for tomorrow, because if we win tug of war tomorrow, we can be closer to the first place.

I think our class is strong, but we need to do our best, and defeat other classes, then we will be first place.