2019年6月4日 星期二

Jigglypuff Riddles 1

  1. There is a red house, blue house and a white house, the red house is at the right of the left house, where is the white house? A: At America!
  2. What seven letter word can be spelled forward and backward, and the words are the same? A: Racecar!
  3. When does April come before January? A: In the dictionary!
  4. What belongs to you, but other people used more than you? A: Your name.
  5. You have a candle, and a fireplace, but you only have a match, what thing should you light first? A: The match.
  6. You give me food and I live, you give me drink and I die, what am I? A: Fire!
  7. What is more useful when it's broken? A: An egg!
  8. Jim went out when it was raining, his shirt got wet, but not a single hair get wet, how is this possible? A: He's bald!
  9. What has six faces, and twenty-one eyes, but cannot see? A: A dice!
  10. Two fathers and two sons went fishing, and they only caught three fish, but one of the father said it is enough for all of us, why? A: There is a grandfather, a father, and a son!
  11. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain? A: Mount Everest!
  12. There was a dead orange butterfly on the spider web, its leg was caught on the spider web, should it wiggle its leg or shake its wing? A: Neither, the butterfly is already dead.
  13. How can you spell candy in 2 letters? A: C and D!
  14. Poor people have it, if you eat it you will die, what is it? A: Nothing!
  15. What goes up but never comes down? A: Age.
  16. What is black and white and red all over it? A: Newspaper.
  17. I am full of holes but I can still hold water, what am I? A: A sponge!
  18. A man wants to enter a club, but he doesn't know the password, he waited by the door and listened, the boss said twelve and the first man said six, he passed, the boss said six, and the second man said three. The man thought he was well prepared, the boss said ten, what will he say? A: Three, because three letters in ten!

I wish everyone likes my riddles, and wish everyone likes my story, too. If you like my riddles, please share your thoughts!