2018年12月14日 星期五

Merry Christmas party

Today I want to tell everyone about that I heard about the rules of our English class's Christmas party.

I think this Christmas party is the best ever, because we don't need to go to school so early, so we can rest.

Let me tell you about the rules, and what we are going to do on Christmas party, I promise that you will be excited.

First, you need to prepare a 350 dollar gift, and you need to wrap it, I am very excited about what I will get.

Second, you just come to school at the time you come often, and you can still play the party, you will be happy.

When the party starts, we will sing a song called Christmas is a Time to Love, and we will sing to everyone in town.

Then we will have a secret event, we won't know about it, just the English teachers know.

After the secret event, we will make a gingerbread house, and they will choose 6 houses that are the best, then we can put our gingerbread house picture on Facebook, and the one that has the most likes will get 500 points. And everybody can film a short video, and give it to the English class to watch, and if it is very good, you can get a Lego.

I wanted to have the gift, because I wanted to play the Lego, but if I didn't get it, I won't be sad, too, because I still have my Christmas gift.

I wish I can get some very big thing, because I wanted to open the present, and I will feel very happy.

I think this time, the Christmas party is very good, because I will get a very secret gift from the other students, but I won't hope too much, because maybe the thing isn't very good.