2017年10月19日 星期四

I made a sword

Today I want to tell everyone about I made a sword for Halloween, because we cannot make sharp things, so it is made by paper and cannot open.

(今天我要和大家介紹 我做了劍,這把劍是萬聖節裝扮用的,我們因為不能做尖銳或危險的物品,所以我的劍是用紙箱做的,而且不能打開。)

When you made this, you will have to make a long time, because I need to cut and tape, then I need to make other things of Halloween.


I  still don't know what to cosplay, but I think I just need to put something on my face, or wearing some costumes, that is fine.


I think thinking what to cosplay in Halloween is easy, because you just need to do some things on your face, or cut your clothes.
