2018年3月12日 星期一

Write a card to the Angle

Tomorrow I need to go to a competition, and I am very afraid of losing, but our teacher told us to think we will win, and the point that we will get will be more.

Our teacher told us to write a letter to Angle, and who you think it will help you to be lucky, and I wrote what I want to do tomorrow on it.

When it is sleep-time, you need to read this words 100 times and it will come true, but everyone must read and if there is any people that didn't read 100 times, your dream will not be true.

The letter I wrote has a lot of words, and when I am going to sleep, I will put this letter under my pillow and read 100 times.

There is a leaf that has four leaflets, and this will help you to be lucky, and there are a frog having a hat and leaf like that.

And another lucky thing is my Jigglypuff, because I always hug Jigglypuff during sleeping time, so I think Jigglypuff is a lucky thing.

I think this letter can take me to a good score and win, so I hope tomorrow can be the best or do one to four place.