2018年3月19日 星期一

Scratch 2

Today I want to tell everyone about I try to use an app called "Scratch 2", I would like to try because that I saw a video that is teaching Scratch.

I learn how to write a program, and when I finished a program, I will be very happy, and I will think I am very good at doing program.

Today I learned about how to use a cat to draw a square, triangle and other shape, when the cat is finishing the shape, I will be glad.

I learned about how to make a dog and a cat racing, and if the cat won, it will say 'I am the fastest', but if the dog won, it will not say anything.

I have a problem, when the dog won, I don't know how to let the dog say 'I am the fastest'? My Dad said you can keep learning and in the future you will know how to solve it.

The next lesson is learning how to order a person to give a ball to another people, and I am interested with that.

I think today I have learned a lot of things, like coding a program, and how to use a cat to draw a shape, I think if you want to do a program, your math needs to be good.