2017年8月4日 星期五


today I want to tell you about my instagram, this is our class's instagram, because we have a class about computer, and we want to have a exercise, so we have to post something everyday.

今天我想告訴你關於我的 instagram,這是我們班級的 instagram,因為我們有一個關於電腦的課,因為要練習,所以我們每天都要發佈一張貼文。

because my teacher said " if you got the most like, you can have an ice-cream " because I want to eat ice-cream, so I post a lot of thing.


I post a lot of things that I do, because I like pokemon, so some of my picture have a pokemon's doll beside.


When this class is finish, I will keep post things on, because I want to tell you about my life.
