2018年12月27日 星期四

2018 卓越盃 數學與閱讀競賽 結果

今天我查了 2018 卓越盃數學與閱讀競賽的成績,我和爸爸討論過後,發現其實有一些事情是我要學習的,也有一些是有進步的。

我有學習到三點,第一點是其實我有進步,但是我只有進步 4 分,然後第二點是要再細心一些,第三點是別的同學們也在變強。

第一點,關於進步,我的數學成績是基礎 64/104,進階 48/96,加起來,比上次高 4 分,算是差不多。不過這次我的進階題拿到 48/96 分,比均標 34 高蠻多,也快接近高標的 55 分;去年我的進階題才 24 分,進步很多。反倒是基礎題沒把握好,等一下我會再提到。而閱讀競賽,比之前高了 16 分,這一年我讀的東西更多了,覺得閱讀能力應該有變好,我覺得這一點是一件非常好的事情。

第二點,關於細心,這一點很明顯就能看的出來,因為我考完試有從網路下載考題,再寫一次基礎題,結果考出來的成績是 96/104 分,但是在現場考的是 64/104 分,所以我們有提出了複查,但是後來還是一樣 64 分,表示我可能因為緊張等因素,掉了 32 分,很可惜。但進階題的部分,重新寫就還是 48/96 分,剩下的是真的不會。我有算過,其實我現在是優選 60% 的最前面,但如果基礎部分不粗心,真的拿到 96/104,我的分數是可以進入銀質獎 10% 的,我希望自己可以有這樣的成績。

第三點,別人也在變強,因為從一個點可以看出來,就是我考得比上次高,但是我的排名卻落後,所以我發現 5、6 年級已經有人開始因為要考私校而去補習,所以相對他們有補習就有成果,也更多人開始變強。



這次我有發現我的分數是前 60%,我覺得是不錯,因為稍微算一下成績發現是前 60% 的最高的地方,所以我大約是前 30% 的最低處,是滿不錯的啦!我上次也是在 30% 附近。


2018年12月25日 星期二

《希臘羅馬神話漫畫 3 新神的誕生》學習單 / Jin

1. 就如你們所說,這一集的故事常常在打架。請問,以打架來說,宙斯、赫拉、波賽頓、黑帝斯、雅典娜、阿波羅、阿蒂蜜斯,你認為他們的「武力」排序應該是怎樣的?請從最厲害的排到你覺得最弱的,並說明你的原因與根據。(如:A > B, C > D, E, F。先排序後,用至少 5 行解釋你的排序。)







2. 赫拉常常很氣宙斯,也經常發火,論打架的話也不見得會打輸。但為什麼他沒有推翻宙斯,直接自己管理世界?或者乾脆就離開宙斯,過自己的生活?卻選擇一直在宙斯身邊幫忙,也一直在生氣。如果你是赫拉,你為什麼會做這樣的決定。(至少 5 行)




3. 請用一張畫,畫出阿波羅與荷米斯,並簡介他們的故事。除了個性之外,請特別描述他們身上的武器或樂器,並說明其來源。因為這些手上拿的、身上戴的,往往是欣賞古代名畫時,很重要的辨認線索。(附一張畫,阿波羅荷米斯各三行,或合起來寫至少 5 行。)





4. 這本書出現的角色中,你最喜歡誰?原因是?什麼原因都可以,可能是作者畫得最好看,你最喜歡他的個性,或者你覺得他的故事最特別,都可以。請畫出一個「場景」,表現這個角色讓你喜歡的原因。(例如:喜歡荷米斯的聰明才智,就畫他用笛子跟阿波羅換到商神仗,而赫拉在旁邊讚賞荷米斯的機智的情景。)



2018年12月23日 星期日

My Hand Made Gingerbread House

Today I want to tell everyone that I made a gingerbread house, and it's absolutely cool, but I failed a lot.

I am very happy that I can make a gingerbread house that is very very cool, because I think I can't make it very good at the first.

At the first time, I need to stick a board, and the board just cracked, but I didn't say anything, because I think it still works, and I just keep building the gingerbread house.

Then I don't know how to do a really good gingerbread house, and I even don't know how to glue the icing cream on, and I am very bad at this.

Then I keep improving, and I know how to glue the icing cream on it, then my project looked better than before.

When I stick on the candies, I think my gingerbread house can be very cool, because with candy on the building is absolutely different from no candy.

When I finished my gingerbread house, it's time to vote for the best gingerbread house, and the other class also voted, and we needed to vote for the six best gingerbread house, and I just got two votes, and it's very bad.

I think the gingerbread house that I made today is very good, but I also get a Christmas gift and I think it is very good, too. I really like it.

2018年12月21日 星期五

Minecraft / Scary Lava Not Trap

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a very secret lava trap, that is kind of scary, because you will see a lot of lava.

When you walk on the stairs, and you press the pressure plate, you will see a lot of stones coming, because if you press the pressure plate, the stone will fill the road and you can go over it.

When you haven't press the pressure plate yet, you will see a long long road that is filled by lava, and when you pressure plate, you could go over.

If some animals or monsters go on it, they probably won't know there's a trap, so when I am stepping on the pressure plate, I put them on the rock, and when I get off the pressure plate, they will fall into lava.

Christmas is about to come, and I am very excited for it, because tomorrow our English class will have a Christmas party, and we will make a gingerbread house.

Tomorrow we still need to go to school, because if we go to school to tomorrow, one week's Monday we don't need to go to school.

Tomorrow I am excited for our event called Secret Santa, and I don't know what's the secret about it, and I'm excited for exchanging gifts.

I think tomorrow will be the best day ever, and I think I'm going to make something cool tomorrow, I wish I can get a lot of things tomorrow.

2018年12月20日 星期四

Minecraft / TNT Flying Machine and Flushing Toilet

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a TNT flying machine, because I read a book and it had a chapter about making this machine.

The only one reason that I want to make it, is because on the book it says if you step on the pressure plate, you can fly into the sky.

When I saw 'fly in the sky' this word, I think about I can use my wings, and I can fly in the sky, so I try to make it, and I succeed.

You will need 16 dispensers, and 4 quartz, and 19 red stone dusts, and you need a lot of TNTs, and you need a pressure plate.

If you have those materials, you can watch my video to see how to build a TNT flying machine, I didn't record the part that I'm making, because I think everyone can just see what you need to make.

I also made a toilet, but you can't really sit on it, because it's too big, and if you press the button, the water will flow and stop, like flushing the toilet.

I think TNT flying machine is much better than the toilet, because TNT flying machine can let you fly in the sky.

2018年12月19日 星期三

Minecraft / Lava Trap

Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a lava trap, and when you step on the pressure plate, you will fall into Lava.

I just tested some animals or something that I don't like, like some monsters or creepers, I will always test them, and I succeed.

Original one is if you step on the pressure plate and run, you will just fall into the lava, but I failed, so I changed a little bit.

I changed a lot, because I made it into cooking place, when you put an animal or a monster on a place, then you press the pressure plate, and the animal will fall down, and you can eat the food that they drop.

If you want any kind of animals or monsters' drop-things, you can put them in this trap, and you can have the things.

I think the thing I made today is really really cool, because if you run and slipped, you will press the pressure plate, and you may be dead.

2018年12月18日 星期二

Minecraft / Secret stair?

Today I want to make a secret stair in Minecraft, and I made this because this is in a book, and I think it's very cool so I want to tell everyone.

I thought it is very easy to build, but when I started to build, I still need to take 20 minutes to build, and of course including introducing my finished project.

When you walk inside, you will see a lever and two big chests, and you need to take the first chest, and then pull the lever, you'll see a stair appeared, and you can go up to take a second chest.

If you want to take the first chest, you will see a pressure plate, and if you step on it, you can't open the chest, so you must take the first chest far away from the pleasure plate.

I think the thing that I made is very cool, because this is the first time that I ever see a secret stair appear.

2018年12月16日 星期日

Minecraft / 紅石樂園


我一開始是先拿出我爸爸最近才幫我買的紅石 Minecraft 的書,然後我好開心,所以今天就決定要來做。




2018年12月15日 星期六

Bought our exchange gift

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to a stationary shop to buy the Christmas party's 350 dollar gift.

I think the gift I bought is all very good, so I think the guy that gets my gift will be super happy.

First, we went to the shop and bought some gifts, and I chose a bag of things that we don't know, and it has Santa on it. It is called 'lucky bag'. Then we went to a place that has more lucky bag, and we chose a lot, and we all bought one for ourselves.

I bought a bag that has a dinosaur on it, and one has a bear on it, and the lucky bags we chose are all very full, so if someone gets my gift will think it has a lot of things inside.

Because of the bags are all very full, so I decided to buy one, too, and my brother also bought one. Then we went upstairs to buy our wrapping paper, and we bought three, because our bags are all very big, and we need to put then in boxes.

Then we went home, and we wrap our gift, my wrapping paper is red, and my brother's wrapping paper is blue.

When we finished wrapping our gift, we started to open the lucky bags that we bought, and I am very sad. I saw a very large pen inside, and I knew this bag isn't very good, then I saw a toy that is slime, and you can use some tools to suck it up.

The only good thing is the little decorating things, and there is nothing that is very useful, and my brother's is better.

My brother doesn't want some of it, so my brother gave me something, and I am very happy.

I think today is very good, because we bought a lot of things, and we got some things that are useful.

2018年12月14日 星期五

Merry Christmas party

Today I want to tell everyone about that I heard about the rules of our English class's Christmas party.

I think this Christmas party is the best ever, because we don't need to go to school so early, so we can rest.

Let me tell you about the rules, and what we are going to do on Christmas party, I promise that you will be excited.

First, you need to prepare a 350 dollar gift, and you need to wrap it, I am very excited about what I will get.

Second, you just come to school at the time you come often, and you can still play the party, you will be happy.

When the party starts, we will sing a song called Christmas is a Time to Love, and we will sing to everyone in town.

Then we will have a secret event, we won't know about it, just the English teachers know.

After the secret event, we will make a gingerbread house, and they will choose 6 houses that are the best, then we can put our gingerbread house picture on Facebook, and the one that has the most likes will get 500 points. And everybody can film a short video, and give it to the English class to watch, and if it is very good, you can get a Lego.

I wanted to have the gift, because I wanted to play the Lego, but if I didn't get it, I won't be sad, too, because I still have my Christmas gift.

I wish I can get some very big thing, because I wanted to open the present, and I will feel very happy.

I think this time, the Christmas party is very good, because I will get a very secret gift from the other students, but I won't hope too much, because maybe the thing isn't very good.

2018年12月13日 星期四

Jigglypuff Christmas

Today I want to tell everyone about that I just finished the Jigglypuff Christmas event, and everyone is very happy.

I finished my gift yesterday, because yesterday I had a lot of time to make it, and when I finished it, I want to give it to everyone.

Then I went to ask my Mom and Dad for suggestions, and I even asked my brother, too, the answers are all yes.

Everyone said that they are very excited, too, so I just wait for them, and we get started, I am very excited.

First, I explained about the rules:

  1. You cannot give the gift back to me
  2. You can exchange the gifts with everyone
  3. Don't cheat when you are picking gifts

I think I just said a little bit, then we started our 2018 Jigglypuff Christmas, everyone wanted to get the gold one.

After explaining the rules, they closed their eyes, and I started to mix the prizes, and they all chose one.

At last, my Dad got the blue prize, my brother got the gold prize, and my Mom got the pink prize.

They are all very happy, because their gifts are very good, and I think the gift I gave them are all very good.

Because I well prepared, so everybody is happy and I am so happy to see that. I had a very good dream yesterday.

Let me tell you what did I put in my gift box, I put in a Pokemon toy that can stand on a cup, and I put a Pokemon clip, and a stick to clean teeth, also I put a candy inside, I think the things I gave are all very good.

I think I will do a Jigglypuff New Year event when it is another year, I would give some money (maybe).

I think I will do a Halloween event called Jigglypuff Halloween, and I am sure that I will put some candy inside.

2018年12月12日 星期三

I went to my Dad's speech

Today I want to tell everyone that I went to my Dad's speech, and I really like it, so I am going to tell everyone.

My Dad's elementary school teacher is now the elementary school's principal, so he invited my Dad to give a talk. The principal helped my Dad to go to junior high school, and my Dad is very happy, so he accepted the invitation.

Today I went to the elementary school, too, and in my Dad's PowerPoint, there are the videos I made.

First, when I was there, my family and I went to the principal's office, and we had tea and some conversations.

Then we went to listen to my Dad's talk, and I think it is very interesting, and I really like it. In the presentation, there is my blog's picture, and my Dad talked about his history, and it is the first time that I listened to my Dad's school story.

My Dad is the only student in the elementary school that has passed a very hard exam, and everyone was surprised. Then my Dad went to junior high, and he passed the senior high exam in grade 2, so he didn't study in junior high grade 3.

When my Dad is in university, he studied Medicine. He chose Radiology as his career and he thinks he is good at it. He stayed at the hospital for 10 years, then he started his own company, and he teaches doctors how to present.

Then he talked about what do we do during elementary school, and showed our video and projects, I laughed.

When we finished listening to my Dad's presentation, we went to my Dad's old classroom. It is already more than 30 years old.

Then we went back to Taichung and I went to my English class.

I think today is very fun, because I know the stories of my Dad now, so I can try to think what will I do next.

2018年12月11日 星期二

Merry Christmas everyone

Today I want to tell everyone about that Christmas is about to come, and I am very excited because I am going to make an event.

I have a imagination about Jigglypuff country, and I am the president of the country, I am going to create an event about Christmas.

The event's name is called "Jigglypuff Christmas", and I will give my family some gifts, and I will give my Jigglypuff doll a gift, too.

I think I will just put some candy and some cards inside, or I can put some things that I don't need, and it is still new inside. Because my family probably will see my blog, so I can't write the things I am going to make.

I am going to create an event about picking gifts, like you will need to chose a box, and you will know which gift you can get.

I think I will make three boxes, and one is gold, one is blue, and one is pink, so you can get the gift that is same color as yours.

In our English class, we started to decorate our classroom, and we made a Christmas tree today.

I am trying to find some materials for my box, because I remember I have a toy that you can make a box. If I can't find the toy, maybe I need to make the box by paper, and it will be easy to see through.

I wish I can go to make the gift quickly, because I want to see everyone happy with my gift, so I wish I can find something good.

I think making events are very very good, because you can see some happy faces, and you can write or make a lot of things.

2018年12月10日 星期一

六上社會 戰後台灣的經濟發展 學習單 / Jin

1. 對台灣很重要的兩個年份,1895 與 1945,請問個別發生什麼事?以及其前後的時間,台灣分別由哪些政權管理?請用你自己的話,介紹這三個政權,以及分隔這三個政權的兩個關鍵事件。

1895 年:日本和台灣簽訂了馬關條約,準備讓台灣割讓給日本人,包括台灣本土,澎湖以及東邊的島嶼。當時是結束清朝時期,剛開始日治時期。

1945 年:日本被美國打敗,所以日本放棄台灣,由中國國民黨代為管理。當時是剛結束了日治時期,剛開始了中國統治時期。




2. 發動大東亞戰爭時,日本已經實際管理的亞洲地區相當廣大,請自行到 Google 搜尋一張地圖,貼上來,並介紹日本當時實際管理的區域,分別是現在的哪些國家?

French Indo-China:越南
Dutch East Indies:印尼
New Guinea:新幾內亞

3. 台灣在日治時代已經發展得不錯,今天的總統府、臺灣大學的許多老建物、臺中車站,都是當年留下來的建築物。但因為太平洋戰爭戰敗的關係,經濟狀況變得很糟。下圖是日本自 1800 年以來的人均所得,有個特別明顯下滑的地方,你能指出來,並想想,那是什麼時候嗎?

當時是 1945 年左右,大約是美國向日本投原子彈的時刻,因為日本打仗打到資源都沒有了,所以也造成經濟下跌。

4. 上圖是從 Gapminder 網站做出來並抓圖的。換你試試看囉,請找到網站,把 X/Y 軸換成 Time 與 Income,然後選取三個國家:日本、中國、美國,看看他們 200 多年的曲線,是什麼樣子的,貼上圖片來吧。並找出經濟向下掉的年份,然後自行搜尋,或跟爸爸媽媽討論,為什麼這些國家,在這幾個時間點,經歷了經濟衰退?

美國 1930 年附近,明顯下跌的時候其實是美國他們所謂的經濟大恐慌,雖然沒有人很具體地知道發生了什麼事情,但是他們的經濟下跌。

日本 1945 年附近,經濟下跌的時候,是他們因為把食物和其他補給物都用完了,所以他們當時也沒有很多的錢,加上戰敗,所以經濟下跌。

中國 1930 開始下跌的時候,是因為他們中國國民黨和中國共產黨打架,所以經濟開始下跌,1960 年附近,則是大躍進和文化大革命,一直到鄧小平改革開放,才把經濟提升。

5. 戰後台灣的經濟發展,就如下圖所示,請指出蔣介石政權退出聯合國的年份、十大建設的年份,以及金融海嘯的年份。請把圖片下載後,加上箭頭或說明,再貼回來。

6. 有句話說,韓戰救了蔣介石,除了將臺灣海峽兩岸的軍事衝突壓力轉到朝鮮半島,美國的援助與保護,也讓台灣暫時免於中國共產黨的侵略。請問,美國為什麼要幫台灣?不管是經濟上,或軍事上。你的看法呢?



7. 台灣的經濟起飛,其實是世界多數後發國家(就是比較晚起步但努力追上變有錢的國家)的典型作法。分別是土地改革、發展農業、輕工業、重工業、高科技產業。請分別說明這些階段,社會跟政府分別作了些什麼?以及這些階段的特色。


發展農業:實行 375 減租,讓農民可以有足夠的食物可以吃,幫台灣打拼,這樣台灣才會進步。




2018年12月7日 星期五

Spelling Bee 第二名

今天我要和大家介紹我有去參加一個比賽叫做 Spelling Bee,今天我是拿第二名回來,因為拼錯的一個單字 musician,我拼成 muscician。

Spelling Bee 的規則就是你會要記住一整張的單字,然後老師會考你,然後你要先念那個字,拚完字再念一次那個單字。但是如果你念錯的的話,你就不能再講那個單字,你要重新拼字,再說一次,所以很多人都是錯在規則。






但是我有一次有拚 musician 的時候,我突然拼成 muscician,我自己也知道錯了,但是我不知道正確答案是什麼,所以就直接說出了最後的單字。





2018年12月6日 星期四

Minecraft / 有進無出的休息區 2






2018年12月4日 星期二

2018 胖丁數學杯



第二次考試成績是 50 分以上的同學將進入決賽。 
若要參加第一次考試,請到胖丁服務處繳費 100 塊錢,去報名者可以擁有胖丁國自己做的紀念品。 
通過第一次考試的人,第二次考試將要到胖丁服務處付 200 元,去報名者可以享有我們胖丁國的考試限定餅乾。 
通過第二次考試的人,第三次考試的報名費要到胖丁總統府繳 300 元,去報名者可以享有和總統拍照的權利,也會拿到一個紀念胖丁自動筆。 
胖丁還有很多項比賽,像是 Minecraft 胖丁杯、胖丁跑步杯、胖丁旅遊杯、胖丁模擬考、胖丁游泳杯等。 

我覺得我今天我做的胖丁數學杯會變成我自己在 Scratch 或 Tynker 上面做出來的,但是我真的會出題目。

2018年12月3日 星期一

Minecraft / 怪物產生器、鐵巨人攻擊!








我們是用愛奇藝來看的,因為在 Netflix 上面沒有,所以我們就只好這樣,而且我們是用電腦投影到電視上的,所以螢幕會比較大。

工作細胞總共會有 13 集,我覺得很多,但是實際去看完的話,就會覺得還想要再看更多,因為裡面的故事實在太好看了,而且人物都很可愛。




還有一個細胞是 T 細胞,他也是要除掉細菌的,但是白血球是先巡邏,然後他們是後面要支援的細胞,他們也都非常的強。

也有一個是 B 細胞,他是要去製作抗體,然後可以發射抗體來對抗那些病菌的,我覺得它就像是射手,因為他不是近身戰。

也有一個是 NK 細胞,他是要去殺掉癌細胞的,在動畫裡他很帥,但是他是一個女生,他也一眼就看的出來有一個癌細胞偽裝成一般細胞。





也有一個是輔助性 T 細胞,他是負責要指揮 T 細胞的,所以 T 細胞要去哪裡都是他控制的,雖然字面上是寫輔助,但是其實蠻強的。

也有一個是 mast 細胞,又稱肥大細胞,他是負責要控制組織胺的分泌,有時候會比較多,有時後會比較少。


也有一個是樹狀細胞,他是負責要讓所有的 T 細胞活性化,活性化指的意思就是讓他從小隻的變成大隻的。









2018年12月2日 星期日

2018 MAKER PARTY 小孩創造

今天我要和大家介紹我今天有去親子天下舉辦一年一度的 MAKER PARTY,今天就要和大家介紹今天到底玩了什麼。

這次的 MAKER PARTY 是 11/30、12/1 和 12/2,這三天而已,所以現在只剩下一天的機會,如果大家想要去的話,可以趕快訂票喔。





第三個玩的是特力屋的「製作汽車」和用「 3D 列印筆」來創作圖案,我有做一個雪花的圖形,但是因為他從高處摔下來斷掉了,所以我就把他丟掉了。









我覺得今天很開心,因為我覺得今天玩的東西很多,而且全部都非常的好玩,所以我希望我可以再來明年的 MAKER PARTY。