2018年4月2日 星期一

Go to play air cushion

Today we went to play the air cushion on the last class of today, because tomorrow we will have a kids' day party.

There are three air cushions, and two inside, one outside, the two inside need to line up, and the outside one don't need.

Because the one outside doesn't need to line up, so that one will be very many people inside, and I can't even go in.

When I want to go in I will fall down, because there are too many people need to go out, there is just one door, and the door is very small.

When it is the time that we need to leave that air cushion, I can't go out, because the one that have stair can go out has too many people.

Then I need to climb the one that don't have stairs, because I always slipped and can't go out, then my classmate told me to take off my socks then you can go out.

When I take off my socks, I grab a web, then I easily climb up the slide, but I need to climb down, and there are two people sitting in front of me.

There are two people sitting in front of me, so I couldn't climb down the stairs, so I quickly told them to jump down the stairs.

Finally, they jump down the stairs, then I need to climb over a lot of sticks, then I fell down because of the stick is too weak.

Then I cannot even stand up, because I don't have anything to grab, and I used my muscles to stand up, then I run to the door.

When I climb out from the door, then I fell again, because the thing that we need to climb down is too weak, when you step on it, it cannot that you to jump or do anything, it will just crash, and you cannot stand very straight.

I think today is not very good, because when I am playing air cushion, I cannot go very deep and slide the slide, and tomorrow I need to go again, so I am sad.