Today my Mom, my Dad, my brother, and me went to a park, and we took two bicycles to the park, and my brother and I rode the bicycles.
My brother's bicycle has four wheels, my bicycle has two wheels, and I don't know how to ride the two-wheel bicycle.
I went to the park and ride up bike, because I need to learn how to ride a bicycle, and I still didn't know how to ride a bicycle.
My brother started riding the bicycle, then I wanted to ride, but I don't know how to control it, and I am afraid of falling down.
First I tried to use my legs to move forward, but I still don't know how to feel the bicycle, when I am almost fell, I was scared.
Because my brother just rode two rounds of the park, so my father went to take care of my brother, and my mother taught me how to ride a bicycle.
My mother told me to step two steps, then don't put your feet down, and then you will know how to ride very quick and very good.
After my Mom teaching me, I feel I catch feelings, because I ride the bicycle for one minutes, and I need to thank for my Mom.
When we need to go home, my brother let me ride his bicycle for one round, and he is going to run with the bicycle.
I think riding a bicycle is fun, but I hurt my feet two times, and it is very hurt, but now I feel normal and happy.
After my Mom teaching me, I feel I catch feelings, because I ride the bicycle for one minutes, and I need to thank for my Mom.
When we need to go home, my brother let me ride his bicycle for one round, and he is going to run with the bicycle.
I think riding a bicycle is fun, but I hurt my feet two times, and it is very hurt, but now I feel normal and happy.