2018年4月29日 星期日

Today I went to a math exam

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to a math exam, and there are two parts of the math exam.

The first part is easy one, and another one is the hard part. In the easy one, some of the questions I have to guess, but I don't know if I am right.

In the hard part, there are 15 questions, and I just know five questions' answers, and I'm not sure if I am right or wrong.

Maybe my math exam score is low, because I just know five questions, but if I got it all wrong, then I got zero point.

Maybe I will get some of them right, then I will be about 35 points in the hard part, and I will be very happy, but I think that is impossible.

Today I also had a science exam, and it is all about ice or plants, but our school didn't teach us that, so I don't know about that.

There is one question it asked when you put the fire on the candle, it will be normal shape, but when you put the fire on the candle in space, what shape will it be? I am not sure about that, but my Dad said it will be a ball-shape.

About that question, I write it will be a ball, when I heard my Dad said it will be a ball, I am very happy because maybe I am right.

I think I will get some good score, but it will not be very good, and if I get a good score, I will be very happy.