2018年4月16日 星期一

I finished another quiz

Today I want to tell everyone about that I finished an exam in my English class, but I have 11 questions that I am not sure.

I don't really know what is an adverb, and I just pick a word to circle, but when I give up, my classmate said I am wrong.

I am confused because I just know some adverbs have to plus "ly", but I don't know other words.

I know adverbs are used to describe verb and other adjective, but I circle the word before the verb, and I am wrong.

When I go home, I asked my Dad 'is "to" an adverb?', my Dad said 'to' is not an adverb, then I am sad, because I am wrong.

There is another part that I am not sure, you need to write the right word on it, and it will give a base word, you need to change it.

When I saw the question, I don't really know all of them, because I am confused if I can change the base word or not?

When I finished this exam, I felt happy, because I just have 4 exams left, tomorrow's test I need to do it very good!

I think today is very happy, because I finished one more exam, but tomorrow's second exam is very important.

When it is the time, my teacher will take me and my friend to a museum, and we will have an oral test.