2019年1月4日 星期五

Minecraft / Red-stone Land Hotel

Today I want to tell everyone about I made a hotel in my Red-stone Land, and I am very happy, because I think it is very good.

This building is inspired from a Tainan's monument called Zeelandia, I think the building I built is very similar to Zeelandia.

Inside my building, there is some weapons, and when someone is here, they can pick up some weapons to fight.

There are some chests, too, inside the chest there are some special things, and outside of the chest has a sign, so you can know what things are inside.

There are about 16 beds, because there are 16 different colors of beds, so you can choose whatever bed you wanted to sleep on.

There are a lot of drawings and pictures, too, because I don't know what can I put on the wall, so I put pictures.

You can also learn how to hunt, because some boxes have bows inside, and you can go to any place to hunt animals.

On the roof, there is one little room, people can stay, too, but it is a room pretending you are in the jail, but there is food.

I think the building that I made is very good, because there are a lot of things that is very useful, so you can come and live in the hotel.