2018年2月1日 星期四

Jigglypuff is cute

Today I want to tell everyone about Jigglypuff this Pokémon, and I like it very much because it is round and it is pink, when you squeeze it, it will be very very very cute .

First time, I bought Jigglypuff in Taiwan, but the first Jigglypuff I bought is very hard. When I saw another Jigglypuff in Japan, and I buy it, this Jigglypuff is very soft, and I like to squeeze it, because it is fun, sometimes it can be a potato.

Is Jigglypuff a dog? Is Jigglypuff a pig? We always say Jigglypuff is a pig, because if you turn Jigglypuff upside down, it seems like Jigglypuff is a pig.

Jigglypuff is the one that is on my banner, but my dad said the one that is on my banner is very flat, but I don't think so, because flat Jigglypuff is cute.

I think Jigglypuff is cute, even Jigglypuff is flat, it is still very cute, and I love to squeeze Jigglypuff into a potato.