2018年2月28日 星期三

Pearl milk tea

Today afternoon, my friends and I are five people, and we have a health contest, if you know the answer, you need to push the bell and say the answer.

The first place, the second place and the third place will have a pearl milk tea, and the fourth place and fifth place got black tea.

We have 16 chapters, and today we are testing 1 to 8 chapters, I didn't read all of them, I just read a little bit, but I know something, so I am the second place.

Today when I am testing, I answered a lot of questions, but I guessed some of it, and almost every question that I guess is wrong.

The first place is my friend, and she is good at health, and almost all the question that she guess is right so her point is 8, and my point is 3. The fifth place is a boy, and he is naughty, he get 2 points, but he answered wrong in two questions, too, so he got 0 point.

When I am walking into the room that I test, I am very afraid, because I don't want to lose, and I want to go to the race.

I think today is very happy, because I got a cup of pearl milk tea, and it is good to drink, so I am glad that I am the second place.