2018年2月21日 星期三

The first day

Today is the first day that I go to school after winter camp, yesterday I am very scary and afraid if I didn't take anything to school.

Yesterday night, when I go to bed and ready to sleep, I am afraid of tomorrow, because it is the first day, so I am very afraid.

When mom turns off the lights, I thought that I want to go to the bathroom, but last time when I go to bathroom, when I sit on the toilet, there is nothing happened, so I think I am too afraid of tomorrow.

Then I sit up and open my room door, I went to the dining room, and told mom and dad that I am afraid and it is a little bit hot.

After that, dad told me to read a book, then I will calm down, so I took one book and open it, I am reading, and I am happy.

When I read the book about half, mom told me to go on the bed and try if you can sleep, mom sit beside my bed, because I am still afraid.

When I am sleeping, I cannot even sleep at all, then mom told me that I could go to her bedroom and sleep, then I will not be afraid. When I go on her bed, after 10 minutes, I am sleepy and fell asleep.

I think yesterday is a little bit creepy, because I cannot sleep and I am afraid of the first day that I go to school after winter camp.