2018年2月26日 星期一


Today I played Mobile Legends and I am practicing my new hero Helcurt, because I used it one time for custom mode and I think it's very good.

This hero has three skills, and it is not distant-attack type, but it is good at his skill, and it is like a dog, it will climb on the ground.

The first skill, he can let himself to sprint to you, and when you use this skill, the enemy cannot attack you.

The second skill, he can use air magic to attack you, and there are 4 marks under his HP, it represents how many air magic can attack you.

The third skill, he can use that skill to increase his speed, and he can rescue one lane to another lane.

Today I use this hero and I think he is good, because his cool down time is not very long, so you can attack the enemy for a lot of times.

When the enemy's HP is not very long, you can use the first skill to be toward the enemy, and you can use the second skill to defeat it.

I think today when I am using this hero, and attacking the computer, I think I am really good at using this hero, but I don't know if I am also good when I am playing with real people.