2019年11月2日 星期六

The Mobile Legends Brawl

Today I want to tell everyone that I played Mobile Legends these weeks, and I think it is very fun, so I recorded it for everyone to watch.

I used Bane in this play, because using Bane for brawl mode is a very good option, his ultimate is to deal damage with a very long line.

I am not really good at using Bane, but using it for brawling is not a really big problem, so brawling, using Bane is the best choice.

Also using Gord or some long range heroes are good, too, for example Layla, I really like to play brawl, because you can use some heroes you might don't often use.

I think playing Mobile Legends is a good choice, because you can train for using a hero, and know how to play mobile games.