2019年5月17日 星期五

POKEMON Detective Pikachu

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to the movie theater and we watched a movie called POKEMON Detective Pikachu, and want to share with everyone.

First, there are a lot of people working in a room, and they are using a Pokemon called Mew's fossil to make a Pokemon called Mewtwo.

Suddenly, Mewtwo broke out from the room, and it hit a car, and the car was the main character, Tim's Dad, Harry's car.

Everyone thought that Harry is dead, but when Tim met Harry's partner, Pikachu, they both thought that Harry is still alive.

They found out that there is a kind of medicine called R, and this kind of medicine will make the Pokemon crazy.

There is a company that wanted to make Pokemon befriend with human, and there came the bad guy, the boss of the company.

The boss wanted to find Mewtwo, and he wanted to put himself in Mewtwo's body, so he can be the strongest in the Pokemon's world.

When the boss is in Mewtwo's body, he made the R spray in the air, and he tried to let every Pokemon breathe the air, so he can mix human in Pokemon. Pikachu wanted to stop Mewtwo, so they fought for a long time.

The boss wore a machine to make him to mind control Mewtwo, because Mewtwo was fighting with Pikachu, Tim broke the machine.

At last, we finally knew that Mewtwo didn't make the car crashed, a Greninja did, and Mewtwo tried to save them.

I think this movie is good, but I wish there are more interesting movies to watch, and it needs to be good enough for letting me go to the theater.