2019年5月25日 星期六

Going to my grandparent's house

Today I want to tell everyone about that I went to my grandparent's house today, and I played with my brother and my cousin.

First, we played an attack and defense war, my brother and my cousin were a team, and I was by myself, we played for a long time, but there was no really a won and a lost, so we just started to play a board game.

The board game is a pirate and treasure game, the game is a little bit confused, first we have our own boat, and there are four treasures, but there is only one is true, and the first person gets it wins.

There are some moving cards and some magic cards, you need to pick 6 moving cards and 4 magic cards at first.

Moving cards are like go forward, go back, go right, go left, get on the island, and some turn direction cards, if there is an island in front of you, you need to use two 'get on the island' cards so you can pass the island.

Magic cards are like loop, you can repeat some moving cards, and there are building swirls or an island cards, there are also Mazu and Poseiden, they can get rid of a little swirl, putting them together can get rid of a big swirl, and there is a card can allow you to look at a treasure.

There are four kinds of treasure, the first one is the real treasure, and the second one is a bomb treasure, the bomb treasure can stop the person that gets it for a round, the third one is a poo treasure, it won't do anything, the last one is a cannon treasure, if you get it, you need to play paper, scissor, stone......boys, girls, PONG!! If you lose, you need to stop for a round, if you win, your enemy needs to stop for a round.

We played with three people at first, but my cousin won, because he got some experiments before.

The second time I played with my brother, because my cousin didn't want to play anymore, and he said he won, so me and my brother needed to fight to know who is stronger.

When I was playing with my brother, he just kept stopping me, and build some island and swirls in front of me, so I can't go anywhere, of course, I lost, and I never won before, so I am a little bit sad.

We went to a restaurant for dinner, and we ate some fried rice, and the fried rice tastes good, there was a vegetable, and this was the first time I ever tasted a delicious vegetable, at last, we can't finish the fried rice, so I took it home.

After eating, we left our grandparent's house, and we went shopping, to buy Mom's Happy Mr. Smile Face sticker, and I bought a notebook for drawing.

I think today is a really great day, because we played the board game, and we ate some delicious fried rice.