Today I want to tell everyone about that I made a TNT exploding machine, and in a area, there is the place that the TNT will fall on.
When you press the button on the machine, the machine will tell the dispenser to dispense a TNT out, and slime block will push the TNT out, so it will land on the ground and explode.
When you press the button, the redstone on the machine will go to the sticky piston, and the piston will push the slime block, but the slime block will still come back.
The redstone is simple, you just need a redstone repeater, a dispenser, some obsidian, a sticky piston, a slime block, some redstones, you can make the machine.
I think this is a very cool machine, but the TNT explode place makes me not able to put a redstone machine there, it is a lot of space.