2019年3月31日 星期日

Journal Writing / Dinosaur in the Backyard

Today I saw a dinosaur in the backyard, and it is very strange, the dinosaur looks like my doll Jigglypuff, I wanted to be friend with it, and I think it agreed, so that is why it came to my home.

I have a blanket in my house, so I let the dinosaur play with it, and I call the dinosaur Jigglypuff, I let Jigglypuff sleep with me, and I let Jigglypuff play with me, I really like the dinosaur.

I knew that Jigglypuff will be old soon, so I need to protect it, I wish she can be with me until I am in university.

I will wash Jigglypuff, because I want it to be clean, but I realized that it cannot always be clean, because the washing machine can't wash it very clean, I wish Jigglypuff can be with me all the time.

Of course there are sometimes that Jigglypuff can't be with me, like when I am taking a shower, or going to the swimming pool, because if she touches water, she cannot be dry again so fast, so I am protecting Jigglypuff from water.

There is another things that I don't often let Jigglypuff do is I won't often take Jigglypuff when we are traveling, because I am afraid that Jigglypuff will be lost, so I often keep it at home.

There is another thing that I won't let Jigglypuff do, the thing is to take it to my school, I am not shy to take it to school, the reason is I don't want it to be dirty, because our school's floor has a lot of dirt.

Another reason I don't take Jigglypuff to school, is when I bring my doll to school, my classmates will throw my doll, so I am afraid that Jigglypuff will be thrown at the floor.

I think Jigglypuff is an important dinosaur, because I think it changed my life, I wish I can have Jigglypuff all the time.