2017年11月1日 星期三


Today I want to tell everyone about Jony, it is a Pokémon that is called squirtle, because squirtle always said 'johnny' so we called it Jony.

(今天我要跟大家介紹 JONY,這是一隻寶可夢叫做傑尼龜,因為傑尼龜常常說傑尼傑尼,所以我們就幫他取名 JONY。)

Jony's head is very big, its head is even bigger than its body! Because its head is bigger than its body, so we called it Jony baby, too!

( JONY 的頭非常大,甚至頭還比身體還要大呢!因為他的頭比身體還要大,所以我們也會叫他寶寶。)

I think Jony is cute, too, but our old squirtle is cuter than Jony.

(我覺得 JONY 很可愛,但是舊的傑尼龜還是比較可愛一點。)