2020年3月3日 星期二

English practice 3

1. (adj.) trivial: Trivial questions are easy to solve.
2. (n.) vaccine: I wish there will be a vaccine for the COVID-19 soon.
3. (v.) reproduce: Humans and plants will reproduce.
4. (n.) mortality: COVID-19's mortality in China is high.
5. (n.) taste buds: We need taste buds to taste.
6. (n.) incubation period: It is hard to know if you are in an incubation period or not.
7. (adj.) contagious: Viruses are contagious.
8. (n.) bucket list: I don't have a bucket list.
9. (v.) mutate: RNA viruses can mutate really fast.
10. (n.) pneumonia: COVID-19 can cause pneumonia.