2020年3月14日 星期六

I had a dental surgery yesterday

Today I want to tell everyone that I had a dental surgery yesterday because I had a salivary gland cyst (mucocele), so I had to get it off before it grows big again.

I went to a dentist yesterday, and I went to a room with sedation machines and needed objects, I was nervous, but I believe getting it cut off would be better, so I tried to relax and go with the surgery.

I had to put a soft straw (intravenous catheter) inside my body, so they can deliver the medicine into my body to let me sleep, I was afraid to see, so I closed my eyes, then when I woke up, the surgery was finished.

I was surprised that I just slept for an hour, and I didn't even feel how did I fell asleep, this is a good experience because now I know what does it feel like having sedation.

After the surgery and the sedation, I wasn't so wide awake, so I slept on the surgery chair for a while, then I tried to walk outside, and I sat on the chair.

I asked someone to take me to the toilet because I really wanted to urinate after an hour when I was still in surgery, they also deliver water with salt and sugar into my body, so my body wouldn't be too dry.

Then we left the dentist and me and my dad went to an ice cream shop to buy some ice cream because I can only eat soft food or drink liquid things.

I only drank milk, or brown rice milk, or water for 3 meals, so I keep drinking beverages, so I usually want to urinate.

I think doing this surgery is a good experience, so I will try to be healthy while only drinking beverages.