2019年9月1日 星期日

The EV3 Bottle Opener

Today I want to tell everyone that I made a bottle opener and this bottle opener is very good because it knew if there is a bottle or not, and it can open a bottle very fast.

There is a problem with this bottle opener, it can't open a very tight bottle, so I will try to make it better.

I wish the bottle opener can open a very tight bottle, so I don't need to always make the bottle easier to open.

The robot I am going to do in the future isn't a bottle opener, it's a thing carrier, so I can control it to anywhere I want and take the things I want back.

I wish I can make a drone, then I don't need to buy a drone, but I don't have a fan to make the robot fly, and using fans to carry those robotic things is a hard thing.

I think making a robot is cool, and I like to make helpful robots, like carrying things robot, and also a drone.