這次要和大家分享的是 Meet Up Formosa 舉辦的青年外交官導覽營隊,這是我第二次參加青年外交官導覽營,不過上次是
新竹最早在原住民族的語言當中稱作 Tiksam,而在荷蘭語當中稱作 Texam,這時的名稱仍和新竹沒有太大的關聯。接著當閩南人來台灣後將這片土地稱作 Tik-tsham。當時有一位金門人,王世傑,因為在鄭克塽時期的明帝國殖民台灣時立下大功,便得到以跑馬定界的方式獲得一塊土地,將其稱作竹塹,也就是現今的新竹縣。
日後王世傑不斷往返金門招募人力幫忙開墾竹塹城,並在 1733 年建成,也同時成為當時淡水廳的政治中心,開始築起圍牆並分成北門、東門、西門和南門。因為當時清政府怕民眾造反便禁止使用石磚建築,所以當時的竹塹城是用竹子建成的。
然而在 1786 年,林爽文在南投開始了民變,接著很簡單的拿下用竹子建成的竹塹,這也讓清政府允許民眾用石頭建築,建成的「新竹」塹城,就是新竹名字的由來。
現今唯一留存的竹塹城門就是東門,那其他門都跑到哪裡去了呢?在 1901 年,北門在一場大火中被燒毀,而西門和南門皆在隔年 1902 年,因為日本的都市翻新計畫被廢除。而東門被日本人留下來有兩個原因,第一個是因為日本人是從東門進入新竹的,第二個是因為東門又稱作「迎曦門」,和日本國旗的意義相符合。
東門廣場在 1999 年,新竹政府實施美化工程案,將這裡打造成一般年輕人來休息或練舞的地方,所以可以很常看到國高中生在廣場中的鏡子前練習舞蹈或滑板。
新竹火車站和紐約的中央車站都是在 1913 年建造,而且兩者建築風格極為相似,所以稱為姊妹車站,在 100 周年的 2013 年時還有特別慶祝。新竹火車站的屋頂上有鐘塔設計,有四面鐘讓大家從四面八方都能夠看到現在時間,中央車站則是在車站內部設計鐘塔。
新竹美術館最初在 1920-1925 年間建造,當初的用途是新竹廳廳舍。日後由於新竹人口不斷增加,在 1930 年新竹升格成為新竹州轄市,將新竹廳廳舍改建為新竹市役所。1946 年,中華民國政府接管台灣將此建築設為中國國民黨新竹縣黨部。1991 年,政府將其改為戶政事務所,最後在 2016 年才被列為新竹美術館。
在中央路附近有東門市場,最初建造是在 1900 年,當時日本人認為台灣傳統市場不衛生,於是用木頭搭建東門市場。當時這是第一個公共市場,同時也是在日治時期中全台最大的市場,可見日本政府相當的重視,總預算甚至是新竹火車站的兩倍之多。
東門市場是第一個裝有手扶梯的市場,因為翻修不少次,在 1911 年第二次翻修,之後再二戰期間又遭受炸彈攻擊,日本政府在東門市場所花的錢是新竹火車站的兩倍之多。
新竹都城隍廟是新竹的宗教中心,比竹塹城還要早建成,在 1924-1926 時進行翻修,而且新竹這裡的城隍爺是全台灣中地位最高的。
營隊當中有需多活動讓我們複習講稿內容,最令我印象深刻的是一個隊伍之間的競賽,我們總共有四小隊,我所在的是第二小隊。競賽內容是由一隊選出一個新竹景點,接著每一隊猜拳輪流派一位代表上台介紹關於此景點的事實,不得重複,每個人只有 30 秒的時間。
這個活動類似即興演說,最難的部分是要如何有效運用 30 秒的時間,有些人因為覺得時間過很快而說話速度直線飆升,也有些人剩下一些時間卻不知道可以說什麼而卡關。而我因為充分了解可以介紹的素材也將時間掌握得很好,在這 30 秒當中有適當的停頓,資訊也有全數傳達清楚,介紹完剛好剩下一秒鐘,最後成功打敗其他三隊獲得勝利。回想起來我還是覺得我很厲害。
Hello everyone, my name is Jin. I will be your tour guide for the next 10 minutes. I am from Taichung, is anyone here also from Taichung? Nice to meet you! Welcome to my tour! Today I will take you on a journey about Old town Hsin-Chu and the only remaining gate, the East Gate.

First of all, does anyone know what this is? This stream of water is actually not a river, it is a moat! A moat is a water used to protect usually a castle to prevent intruders from entering the castle easily. However, in this case, this moat wasn't for a castle, it was for Old town Hsin-Chu. What is Old town Hsin-Chu you may ask? Literally, it means the old version of Hsin-Chu, and that is exactly right! Old Town Hsin-Chu was built in 1933 during the Qing dynasty's colonial period and represents the political center in Northern Taiwan called 淡水廳. At first, the town was built with bamboo. Can anyone guess why people built the town with bamboo rather than stronger materials like rock? It was because the in government did not allow strong materials like rocks to be used due to fear of rebellion from villagers. However, in the year of 1986, a person called 林爽文 started a rebellion in Nantou, Taiwan, and later took down old town Hsin-Chu easily because bamboos weren't strong enough to defend. Due to this incident, the government permitted rock as a building material and constructed the new Hsin-Chu called this is where the name Hsin-Chu came from.
We will be heading to the East Gate square, but instead of crossing the road, we will be going through an underground passage Let's square go! On your left-hand side, you can see the mirror design, so you are able to see yourself! Say Hi~! We will enter the square through this arch, make sure you bow while walking through, or else you might hump into the hard stone. Now we are inside East Gate Square, before we continue, some of you might be wondering what is the arch we just passed through. Does anyone have a guess? ( I will give out a hint: This is related to the moat. )

These foundations and arches you can see here are all bridge piers, so the moat the Hsin-Chu actually flows through here in the past days. In 1999, the government published a Beautification Project for East Gate Square, and it is now currently a place for teenagers to practice dancing and skateboarding. Now I would like you to look over there, that is the East Gate. You might be wondering where are the other "North" "South" and "West" gates. Actually, there were all of them! However, in the year of 1901, the North Gate is completely destroyed by fire. In the next year 1902, the Japanese government published urban renewal and demolished the South and West Gate. There are two reasons why the Japanese kept the East Gate. First, the Japanese army entered Hsin - Chy from the East Gate by climbing over it. Second, the name of the Fast Gate is 迎曦門 in Chinese, which means " welcoming the sunrise and this has the same meaning as the Japanese flag.
As you can see, the two-word 迎曦 is carved onto the stone above the gate. What do you think about the height of the gate? It is actually a lot higher in the past days. Due to the accumulation of dirt the floor is now higher, but how did we know? First, we know that this was a gate for entering, so you can see 2 rocks here, these are for fixing the gate However, we cannot find the bottom ones, which means the dirt covered them. Another piece of evidence is the gate latch over here. Latches are usually in the middle of the gate, so you can see this gate was about 2 times higher than the current height. I would like everyone to touch the wall beside you, does anyone know where the stone was from? For example, is it from Taiwan? The stone is actually from China, when Chinese people were crossing the black ditch, which is the straight between Taiwan and China, these stones are used to stabilize the ship and they are called ballast. After they crossed the black ditch, they just built this gate with ballasts.

As you can see, this is a stone tablet in front of the East Gate. It is about the construction process and the problem faced during construction. Maybe you have noticed, that there are also words on the back of the stone tablet, but what are the words behind them? Let's take a look, follow me! Yes, it is for the Hain-Chu zoo! It is not even related to the East Gate! That is why we hide the zoo part behind.
Today I talked about the history of old town Hsin-Chu, the moat, and the East Gate. In conclusion, the sites I introduced are all related to Old Town Hsin-Chu, and by paying attention to small details, we can find the history behind the sites. Thank you for listening. Do you have any questions for me? If not, I will pass my microphone to our next tour guide.