2024年9月17日 星期二

2024 May AP Exam: Preparation process + prep book review

Last time I talked about the preparation process for my TOEFL iBT test, and this time I will be introducing all my study processes before the actual AP exam days. For 2024, I took 6 APs in total, including AP Calculus AB, AP Physics 1, AP Physics 2, AP Biology, AP World History, and AP English Language and Composition.

AP Calculus AB

For this test, I used the Princeton Review prep book alongside the courses on Khan Academy, to help me gain knowledge of the subjects being tested. Most of my studies go like that, and it applies to almost every subject I took.

I only practiced on the mock exams provided and didn't really have time or the need to go through every single chapter inside. I found it very helpful to learn through the mistakes in a mock test, and I finished all 5 practice tests included in the book.

AP Physics 1

I also used the Princeton Review prep book and Khan Academy for the subject. However, I didn't really manage my time well during preparation causing me to only cram on practice exams last minute. I took my very first practice test only 2 weeks before my actual test. It was a terrible idea since I found out that I barely understood anything near the last minute, and it made me very nervous about testing.

For this specific subject, I would say that studying merely at Khan Academy is not enough, which is what I've realized after doing so. If I could restart the whole preparation process, I would definitely start doing practice tests sooner.

As a result, I only did about 2 practice exams out of the 5 provided in the prep book, which was a big mistake for me. Additionally, I didn't even read a single page of the topic provided. I hope that I will never make the same mistakes again.

AP Physics 2

Same as AP Physics 1, the resources I used for this subject are the same. A little difference is that the course at Khan Academy regarding this subject has no practice questions for each topic. I didn't really think it would matter that much and stuck to learning on the platform, but I soon realized that I knew nothing about how to connect each equation together to solve a problem. This is also a major mistake I've made.

I didn't actually understand the equations and the reasons behind their creation, and my first attempt on the practice exam ended up with a terrible result. From what I've remembered, I only got a two on the practice test. Overall, I did finish two practice tests and that was all it provided. Still, I would hope that I could have invested more time in finding online practice questions or doing the unit tests included in the prep book just to get more familiar with the questions.

This exam is one of the lowest scores I got for this year, not because I don't know but rather because I did not put enough effort and time into preparing. I was focusing on my robotics competition during preparation.

AP Biology

For this exam, I have also utilized the same two resources. Different from the physics courses, Khan Academy does have practice questions for each section and unit in the AP Biology course. I was more familiar with the concepts before test day because I did 4 practice exams in total and reviewed a lot beforehand.

During test day, I was actually super nervous because this exam was one of the two exams I had the chance to actually get a five. However, when I was taking the test, multiple choice was fine at first, but the free-response section really scared me as the format and question difficulty were completely out of my expectations.

Not only did I leave 4 questions on the free-response question blank, but I also answered the graphing question wrong, which was my most confident section in the test. I didn't feel sad but actually scared, because it seemed like I had lost the chance of getting two 5s on this year's test.

Thankfully, maybe because my multiple choice question saved me, I managed to get a five on the exam. I was really relieved and couldn't be more surprised, I guess hard work really pays off sometimes.

AP World History

Similar to AP Physics 2, the Khan Academy course didn't contain practice questions for this subject, but I still stuck with the video lessons provided. The same mistake was made again, I focused too much on completing all the lessons at Khan Academy but didn't do actual questions and tests to check my knowledge. As a consequence, I forgot almost everything when doing the first practice test, my knowledge level was as I have never learned through Khan Academy before.

Moreover, this test contains a section where essays are required. There are short answer questions alongside long essay responses and a document-based essay. I only found out that it wasn't a normal free-response section 1 month before test day, and it really made me panic. The worst thing was that I am famous(? with bad essay writing skills, I don't even know how I was supposed to structure my response to contain points from the documents provided.

I had a very hard time reading other's sample essays to find a structure that also suited my writing style. In the end, I did manage to understand the Document Based Essays, because it only required us to analyze the documents and utilize them to support our claim. However, the long essay really troubled me because it required actual history knowledge on the specific topics provided in the question. It kind of depends on luck whether or not I get the topic I am more familiar with, but I barely know historical events in detail. All I can do is to come up with a thesis and get at least one point, which was what I aimed for.

I completed only 2 mock exams out of all 5 provided, and I really did not have any bit of confidence during the test, but I still tried my best to guess and at least finish the essays.

AP English Language and Composition

Lastly, this subject was also the one that took the lowest score. I didn't have time to read strategies of answering questions nor did I have the time to actually build my essay skills and reading skills before the test. All I did was finish 3 practice tests and correct them, and I soon realized that I was really bad at English, since I didn't understand most paragraphs and barely knew the answers to the question.

The worst part is that the free-response question required us to write 3 long essays continuously within 2 hours and 15 minutes, and sometimes I use up half the time trying to read the documents and articles provided in the question. The essay required an even higher level of writing skills compared to the ones in AP World History.

I wish I had put more time into developing my own pace for reading the passages in the multiple choice question because I really rushed during my actual test and wasted a lot of time. Or maybe I just have to admit that my reading speed is low and that I am just not good at English.

Lessons I have learned

During this year's preparation process, I have regretted a lot of things and made a lot of mistakes. I would like to talk about them so you may have the chance to avoid them.

1. Not doing practice questions (only passive learning)

The first and most important lesson is to not rely on passive learning, which means solely relying on taking notes from online videos or in class. Since listening to teachers talking and writing down notes are super simple I usually get the wrong idea of me actually making a lot of progress in understanding a new knowledge.

However, this is exactly why passive learning is so addictive that I wouldn't try to do questions or even review because I am afraid of failing or getting a question wrong. It was only when I actually did a full test that I realized I had done the wrong thing for the whole preparation, I figured that I barely remembered anything as if I had never learned.

I think I should keep in mind that without practicing and reviewing over and over again, no knowledge will be actually stored in my memory. Moreover, I wanted to tell my past self to not be afraid of failing because it is a necessary process toward further success.

2. Pouring too much time into extracurriculars

Another mistake I made was spending too much time in my robotics competition preparation, and spending only a little time on test preparation because I think I can do well. I guess this is an overconfidence that I built after getting good scores on my easier AP exams last year, and I am really disappointed with my own behavior after looking back now.

Another reason leading to this was because my mind was all about robotics even in the morning when I was supposed to study. I think I am easily attracted to things that are more relaxed and can easily forget about the subjects that are actually important to me.

If I could go back in time, I would really want to tell my past self that spending my time studying can produce better outcomes for myself. Even if I had to drag myself away from the robotics lab, or if I had to slap myself awake, I would be willing to do so.

3. Not finding my pace for AP English Language and Composition

Another point I would like to fix is to find my own pace in reading the articles and answering the questions. What I experienced during the test was a complete mess because I messed up my reading pace and was worried about not having enough time to answer the questions. I wish I had developed a pace for me to follow and not be lost when anxious about the time limit.

I believe if I had slowed down to understand the words written in the article, I could've answered a lot more questions confidently and maybe increased my score.

2024年8月29日 星期四

2024 TOEFL: 106/120, test preparation + thoughts

In this article, I will share tips on TOEFL test preparation and thoughts about the test overall. I took TOEFL in mid-August, scoring a total of 106 points out of 120, with a section score of 27/28/27/24, corresponding to reading, listening, speaking, and writing.


In my case, I spent 3 months preparing for the test and I think it was just right, not too much and not too less. However, this may be different in everyone's case since this was my first time taking the test and it may take a shorter time for someone who had testing experiences.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (10/5)

TOEFL Test Ready is the official test preparation website for the TOEFL iBT test, it contains an every day free practice question and one free sample full-length test with scoring and feedback. Furthermore, the tests can all be taken over and over again, which you can try until you get a satisfactory score.

This is definitely the BEST resource I would recommend to all test takers, not only is it free for use, it also encourages you to practice every day. I can even say that this is the resource that helped me the most. Moreover, there will also be academic discussion writing questions for you to try, so you can get familiar with the newer testing question types before the exam.


Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)

The first one is the Official TOEFL iBT test booklet, it contains four full-length practice tests online and is perfect for simulating the actual testing environment. I think this book is a must for everyone, even though I didn't actually use the physical book but rather just took the online tests haha.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)

The next few books were bought in a series, where there are three books in total. The series includes reading and listening, Speaking, and Writing. I also practiced a lot of questions using these while learning testing techniques and sample templates for answering questions.

I would recommend purchasing this one alongside the official test. This way you would be able to improve through practicing questions in sections while also having the opportunity to try completing one full test in just one sitting.

Just a little flaw about this series of books, this series was published in 2014 which is quite a long time ago, but I personally think that it is still high at worth even now. Just be aware of the newest update on TOEFL testing question types and skip the older parts. For example, I still did the listening and reading section normally, but I didn't practice for the independent writing section since it has now changed to academic discussion. Additionally, I also chose only the four question types tested now out of all six provided in the speaking booklet to practice.

The Princeton Review Toefl iBT prep book 2022
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)

I also practiced questions using the prep book published by The Princeton Review. However, that was a book that I got in 2022 so it's actually a bit outdated. I think that it works well for me as it also has a lot of practice questions. I haven't tried the newest version, but I believe that I will also benefit your preparation journey.

Comparing the difficulty of the questions, the series above definitely has a higher difficulty, while The Princeton Review prep book is easier for me. Even though you might feel defeated when doing practice questions in the series book, just like me, it certainly matches the difficulty of the actual test better.

Other than the above recommendations, there were also other prep books that I bought but just never got the chance to use, so I wouldn't be listing them here since there would be no customer review to write about.


Next, I will be introducing how I studied and planned for the test. Basically, I try to maintain a habit of practicing TOEFL for at least 1 hour a day or doing at least one part of a section every day. Just by improving my English every day, there will already be a lot of improvement.

I remember when I first did a mock exam, I only got a 92. By continuously practicing and improving, I improved my score by a lot, I even got a 109 on a mock exam once!! Just before the exam, I completed all the full-length practice tests online and finished around 90% of the questions in the series prep book.


There are several tips I would like to talk about for studying and testing, mostly what I figured out during test preparation and some things that I wish I had known sooner.

TIP 1: Come up with your own template

The first tip is to come up with your own template in the speaking and writing sections. It is important that you think of yourself and not copy others, this is because you need to reflect on your own English speaking or writing style and the template also needs to suit your skills. Directly using other templates that use difficult wordings might result in insufficient time for answering and it would only do worse.

For example, when I was preparing for the first question in the speaking section, I saw a lot of templates using two examples and reasonings in their response. However, when I really tried that, I figured out that I was not able to speak fast enough to fit both examples and it would be hard for me to always come up with two reasonings. That is why the template I created myself contains only one main reason and example, while I explain in detail about that one experience.

TIP 2: Think and speak in English

The next tip would be to practice thinking and speaking in English every day. However, I don't mean speaking English with your friends and family when they might only understand your mother tongue, what I mean is when you speak to yourselves. For instance, when thinking about what to eat for dinner, try talking to yourself in English, "Should I get noodles or tacos for tonight" or "I think that's a better option" would all be good practices.

TIP 3: Create your own speaking questions to practice

This tip might only be suitable for the first question in the speaking section, about whether you prefer or agree with one or another. For instance, when you are taking a shower, you may think of a situation that often has a controversial opinion, and then create a question with it. This can include questions like "Many people prefer taking a shower while others prefer taking a bath, which do you prefer?". Continuing to create and answer questions of your own can help you practice a variety of topics and be familiar with the process of coming up with a response.

TIP 4: Practice doing tests in a noisy environment

The test day might be full of noise when everyone was doing their speaking section, but I only realized that about 4 days before the exam. I would recommend you practice doing your listening, speaking, and writing sections while playing human-speaking voices in the background as there will definitely be someone going onto the speaking section before and after you.

This is very important as when I first tried constructing my speaking response with noise in the background, I found it super disturbing and couldn't even focus properly. I am glad that I wasn't affected by other's responses that much during the test and I still managed to finish my response with only minor hesitations.

TIP5: Know your weaknesses

It is especially helpful to know which section and question types you have the most trouble with, it can help you locate where you need most practice. For example, I am especially weak in the vocabulary and the "choose three main ideas" question types in the reading section, so I focused a lot on memorizing the vocabulary that I had gotten wrong from previous tests, and I also spent more time understanding the full passage.

Another example is that I know I struggle the most with the speaking and writing section while preparing, so I spent most time grinding on those two and spent less time on practicing the listening subject which I know I wouldn't have much trouble on.


This is the last and the most vital tip!!! Practicing every day is super important. You don't have to do a full test every day, but just completing one question would be enough. Personally, I usually pick two sections to do some part of each, for example, a reading passage and a full speaking test. Even though you might feel stressed about doing bad in the practices at first, which I experienced a lot of self-doubt in my speaking section, continuously practicing can really help improve your confidence and skill.

That is all I can recommend for you! I hope these tips can really help you prepare for the TOEFL test.

2024年6月30日 星期日




餐點:番茄燉牛肉飯套餐 + 紅燒牛肉麵套餐
套餐內容物:燙高麗菜 + 蔬菜湯 + 芒果果凍


餐點:鹹酥雞餐 + 奶油洋蔥烏龍麵套餐
鹹酥雞餐內容物:鹹酥雞 + 四季豆 + 玉米筍 + 地瓜薯條 + 蘿蔔糕
烏龍麵套餐內容物:烏龍麵本體 + 蘋果汁 + 杏仁堅果


Aeon Mall Okayama 百貨商店內美食:
這一家是位於 4 樓美食街的賣章魚燒的店面,我們購買的是最一般的原味章魚燒,我認為他的麵糊軟硬度適中,搭配剛出爐的熱氣,讓整體吃章魚燒的體驗特別深刻,尤其是口味真的很讓人驚豔。從這家店的人潮來看,和其他店家比起來就可以看出來真的很好吃。

這一家店是位於 4 樓美食街的賣炸牛排定食,有許多不同種類的搭配方式,像是咖哩飯和普通的定食。我們嘗試的是最一般的炸牛排定食,也就是炸牛排搭配生菜絲以及白飯,另外還有附上一碗味噌湯。整體來說,我認為口味比較一般,不像章魚燒那麼驚豔,但還是足以讓我快速吃完的好吃程度。

デザートパーラー ピノキオ:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(5/5)

這一家店是位於 7 樓的甜點店,裡面有賣聖代、鬆餅、法式吐司、飲料等等品項,非常豐富也很適合在飯後來這裡享用甜點。我這次點的是香蕉巧克力法式吐司,我覺得他們這裡的氛圍和食物都非常令人享受,完全就是拿到餐點後就馬上吃掉的類型,到現在我還是念念不忘。


Lawson 早餐:


鳥取空港 Sunaba 咖啡館:⭐⭐⭐(5/5)







焼肉ホルモンすだく 鳥取駅前店:⭐⭐⭐(3/5)



松江站內部拉麵店(らあ麺ダイニング 為セバ成ル。KAKERU):⭐⭐(2/5)

這家店是在松江站內部的一間拉麵店,人潮算是蠻多的,但是餐點的部分真的有點讓我震驚。我點的是蛤蜊拉麵,湯底是鹹味的,菜單上寫的是松江特別口味拉麵。個人認為湯頭太鹹,而且加上海鮮味之後吃到最後會很膩,麵和湯也有點不配合的感覺,但我最後還是把拉麵吃完了。另外還有吃到 0.5 辛的味噌拉麵,不過那個吃起來像是 100 辛,真的超過我的承受度了。



ガスト 松江南店:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(5/5)



餐點:冷蕎麥麵 + 黑糖黃豆粉團子 + 抹茶




7-11 以及 Lawson 的晚餐:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(5/5)
由於當時我們從松江要回岡山的火車要開 2 小時 30 分鐘,而且剛好卡到晚餐時間,我們就在車站裡面的 7-11 買了一些餐點在車上食用,回到岡山時又去 Lawson 買了一些點心。

7-11 涼拌小黃瓜:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(5/5)
7-11 純蛋沙拉潛艇堡:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(5/5)
7-11 醬油蛋黃飯糰:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(5/5)
7-11 炸雞、炸薯條、炸薯餅:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(5/5)
Lawson 焦糖烤布雷冰淇淋:⭐⭐⭐⭐(5/5)
Lawson 水果奶油塔:⭐⭐⭐⭐(4/5)


餐點:烤豬肉定食(雙倍豬肉 / 大碗飯)

松屋和吉野家和 sukiya 都是有名的牛井店,不過松屋是在台灣及其稀有的店面,所以我們去日本都一定會去松屋朝聖一下。這次我點的是烤豬肉,我想嘗試的都是台灣吃不到的餐點們,而他完全符合我的期待,烤豬肉的香氣超級適合配飯,真的是一瞬間就被我清空。



Aeon Mall Okayama 美食街義大利麵:⭐⭐⭐(3/5)

我們又再次回到岡山的 Aeon Mall 美食街,這次吸引我們目光的是一家義大利麵店。我們點的是奶油蛋黃培根麵,然而他的醬是較稀的類型,加上麵也比較普通,表現在我們期望之下,也解釋了為什麼沒什麼排隊人潮。



餐點:鹹酥雞餐 + 焗烤鮮蔬貝殼麵



2024年5月22日 星期三

2024-2025 個人創作展:作品介紹






這張是 2019-2020 年在嘗試油畫美彩的時候畫的其中一幅畫,當時主要是練習油畫的漸層,從白色漸層到有顏色的部分,做出花瓣的感覺。

這幅畫的標題是給未來的自己,當時剛從學習日文轉變到漸漸開始學習新的東西,在這張作品當中表現的是從日文轉變為 AP 人文地理的時期。可以看到整張畫由地上的道路連接而成,從石頭道路轉變到沙漠的道路,背景而是從代表日本的神社建築轉變到清真寺以及蒙古包等等,象徵當時新學習的知識。



當時在構想這幅作品時,剛好在玩 Pokemon Sleep,就是一款遊戲能夠用手機在晚上記錄你的睡眠狀態,並在早上的時候給你抓一隻寶可夢。由於當時都只能看到早上醒著的神奇寶貝們,並沒有成群睡覺的姿態,於是我就決定用自己的想像力把他們在睡覺的樣子記錄下來。











以上就是我所展出的所有作品,關於畫展本身的設計流程或主旨,可以在我另外一篇部落格當中了解,【2024-2025 個人創作展:畫展介紹】。這次畫展的邀請卡是使用【街道風情】這部作品當作背景製作的,上面的就是我的邀請卡。

2024年5月5日 星期日

VEX V5 2023-2024 Over Under 世界賽:所見所聞、比賽心得

經過一整個賽季,九個多月的努力,終於來到最後一場比賽,並且也是規模最大,容納 800 多支隊伍的世界級比賽。這篇文章當中,主要會圍繞在介紹整趟旅程中的經歷與體會,以及和之前所參與過的世界賽有什麼不同的感受。

V5 世界賽(4/25-4/27)

在經歷過這次的 V5 世界賽之後,我體驗到很多和之前不一樣的事物,不管是在比賽當下時間上的分配有所不同,還是整體比賽的忙碌程度,完全和出發之前對於世界賽的想像截然不同。


第一個最令我震撼的點,就是在賽是當中時間的分配。從自己相簿照片的數量比較就可以發現,這次去參加 V5 的世界賽,相較於之前 FLL 和 VEX IQ,少了幾乎三分之二的照片,尤其這次和其他攤位拍的照片只有個位數。

最大的差異就在於零碎時間少了許多,在場次與場次之間必須進行機器和程式的調整。由於唯一能夠測試機器的地方,是在世界賽的公用練習場,而這個練習場距離我們的攤位大概要步行 7 分鐘才能抵達。在比賽密集的後兩天當中,基本上沒有時間能夠去參觀其他人的攤位,全部的行程都是在拖著機器前往不同的地點。只有在第一天早上的行程當中,因為只有練習和驗機,有些時間去和其他隊伍交流,並參觀大家的攤位。





令我最印象深刻的是 4/24 晚上的面試練習,那時候我們隊伍(66994W)和另外一支教室的隊伍(66994P)在用英文訓練,結果八個人當中有大約六個人都是已經睡著的狀態,並以半夢半醒的狀態在回答。我們有一位隊友 Alex 說自己是副遙控手,P 隊的 Albert 第一次公開了他的英文名字,甚至還說自己是 11 years old,雖然原本應該是想要說 11th grade(高中二年級)。

我的習慣是在所有事情都結束之後,一次關機,所以我只要還有重要的事情要做,就會努力撐下去。最好的例子就是雖然想睡覺,但是肚子餓,所以會堅持到把泡麵吃完才會睡覺!我們隊上的 Frank 就是把泡麵泡下去結果睡著,最後是在泡麵泡了 30 分鐘之後才醒來開始吃。


在比賽的這幾天,除了第一天機場的飯店有提供早餐,後面住的 Omni Dallas 飯店的早餐都是要自己處理。我們在第二天要從休士頓前往達拉斯的路上有停一家超市,購買後面幾天要吃的食物。由於美國的食物都是主打量多,麥片只有看到家庭號的,不過對我們三個人住五天來說應該是差不多剛好。比較可惜的就是每天就只能吃一樣的,沒辦法換一些花樣,就算是這樣,麥片加牛奶真的是不敗的組合,到最後一天都還是很好吃。

這幾天的中餐和晚餐都是由旅行社處裡,其中有幾餐是真的很好吃,像是達美樂的奶油筆管麵、In & Out 的漢堡、麥當勞的漢堡、會場的 Pizza 和叉燒炒飯加上芝麻球等等。其實要在美國吃到符合自己胃口的食物不簡單,畢竟整個煮飯的文化和烹調的技巧都有所不同,但懂得體驗不同的文化和其與自己國家的文化融合的方式也是不錯的學習。

比賽的競爭強度 / 難易度

相較於 VEX IQ,V5 的競賽真的多了一層的強度,每一分每一秒都至關重要。有時候只是一時的策略判斷錯誤,少放了兩顆球,可能就錯失了很大的得分機會,導致比分拉大;有時候只是稍微慢對方一點點,兩顆球可能就被搶走,真的是每個時刻都在和時間賽跑。

整體來說不管是比賽場次的強度,還是整整三天的強度都非常高。加上這次因為來不及準備技能挑戰賽,總共只有去跑三次,如果這次的比賽還要包括 skills 的測試和實際去跑所花的走路時間,真的是無法想像的忙碌。


這次我們很用心的布置了攤位,可以說整排攤位看過去,最會讓人想要停下來看的一定!一定!是我們 66994W 的。最大的亮點就在於我們幾乎沒有留任何原本攤位的黑色布,背後的黑色布幕我們用一張隊員介紹的海報蓋住,桌子上則是舖上我們粉紅色的隊旗,在攤位旁邊還擺著一張 88x212cm 的易拉展,內容是關於機器結構的介紹和程式策略和感應器的選擇。每一個來我們攤位參觀的都非常喜歡易拉展,是吸引別人目光的第一名。










在整個賽季當中,教會我最多東西的肯定是第一名教師 LULU 老師!謝謝老師耐心地教導,從賽季初那個什麼都不會,連 c channel 應該要怎麼連接都不曉得,連底盤、投手、Intake 和飛輪都不知道怎麼做的我開始教,到現在只要提到某種結構就能稍微有個畫面在腦中,真的成長蠻多的。從 VEX IQ 學上來,真的會需要經過一個斷層,尤其很多結構的做法都不一樣。我還記得自己賽季初最大的不解是在於「為什麼橫桿變成一個 C?這樣要怎麼接?」,因為 IQ 都是用插銷連接,很難聯想到螺絲配墊片的做法,一開始真的一竅不通。

再次感謝 LULU 老師整個賽季的指導,我想如果不是 LULU 老師用心的指導,要從 IQ 跳上來 V5 真的會成為很大的障礙。不管是程式的陀螺儀 function 還是結構如何做得堅固,都是整個賽季的教導堆疊起來並融會貫通而成的。我覺得能夠有這種學習的機會非常難得,從賽季初對一切都超級迷茫的我,能夠成長到有一定實力的選手,真的很幸運能夠有這樣的機會。


我也想要謝謝我的隊友們,願意陪我奮鬥一整個賽季。從一開始大家都還不熟,彼此沒有什麼聊天和交集,隨著每次練習一起去吃飯,在組機器時一起聊天打屁,錄一些迷因影片,慢慢地也是混熟了XD。身為 66994W 的一員,我很珍惜每一次比賽的過程和練習時的討論,這些經歷都會成為很好的回憶。

謝謝我的結構和投球好夥伴們 Frank 和彤彤,很多時候都是你們陪我練到很晚,不管是在做機器或是練習 matchload 上都是。還記得有一次我連續三天練遙控練到 1:30,就是 Frank 在陪我放球,謝謝你承受我這麼高強度的練習。也謝謝你經常待在教室過夜,就為了把機器的一個部分修好,每次早上去看,都可以看到你徹夜未眠修機器的成果,辛苦你了!

謝謝彤彤平日有空的時候會來陪我做機器和聊天,也會提供很多影片企劃,讓我們大家一起發瘋。不得不說,謝謝你把隊伍的帳號管理的那麼好,真的是 Social Media 第一名,最喜歡的肯定就是 reels 的跳舞影片們XD。


也要謝謝所有在這個賽季當中幫助過我和我們團隊的人類們。不管是在賽事準備過程當中,和我們一起比模擬賽的隊伍們,或一起打 1 對 1 的教室隊伍和選手們,或是在我努力摸索結構的路上給予幫助的選手們,都很謝謝你們的幫忙。



我認為在整個比賽過程中,最有趣的就是看到每個隊伍和裁判都熱情的歡迎每一個人,尤其這次我三天都戴著粉紅色捲捲假髮和一些奇怪的配飾,卻意外地吸引了超多人的喜愛。光是我們隊伍上去比第二場比賽,有一位裁判就直接說「這是我最喜歡的隊伍!有粉紅色頭髮的!」。也是我們才第二次去 skills 場地排隊,就有志工和裁判說「我知道你們來過!」「剛好我也帶粉紅色帽子,要不要跟我拍張照!」,粉紅色頭髮戴上去就成為超明顯的指標了。



▲總決賽 dome 現場

這次在 dome 看最終的決賽時,也有特別的感受。這是第一次體會到自己的實力和站在舞台正中央的隊伍的差異,遙控的順暢程度真的是非常絲滑,彷彿不用瞄準,就像是完全預判球的行徑一樣,到哪裡都可以吸到球。希望未來自己也有一天能夠達到那樣的境界。

這個賽季已經告一個段落,也比了不少比賽,在台灣的各場比賽以第一年的隊伍來說,已經比我一開始的預期好非常多,也很意外第一年比賽就能夠順利晉級世界賽,是一個很難忘的經驗。明年的規劃目前還在考慮當中,但不管最終的選擇是什麼,我一定會照樣付出 100% 的努力,不讓自己留任何遺憾,我們明年見!